![]() Flies is Like Eagle in Future![]() ![]() January 26, 2004 Hello reading man, is Boris is here. So many thing to tell about Boris life, and so not much space on postcard. Read slow, and Boris will try to fit in many thing.
First funny thing that happens is about Boris friend of bird. One day, Boris is chopping up road on motorcycle thing when all suddenly there is knock-knock on helmet like hello is Boris home. Only is just one knock and so loud like get out of bed asswipe knock. Boris is looking around for knocker person who is not there, so strange. But then is time to look in lap and realize knock is from bird thing that flies into Boris helmet! Him is thinking this is sky space for bird flying. Nope, bird is wrong and dead. But at this time Boris does think bird is only resting from knock so loud, thing does make birds tired. So Boris is taking care of new sleeping bird friend, carrying on shoulder like decoration for pirate during day and putting in special bird sleeping bag at nighttimes. Is nice bag with picture of oranges. But oh no, after fun bird week Angels from Hell friends start to ask why Boris does smell like rotten dead ass and there is vote that bird is dead. So sad. Bird does go to goodbye in big metal dumpster coffin thing and Angel does fart like Taps song. Is like in movie when Old Yellow dog does die. What else is story to tell? Oh, there is thing! Boris does get hand stuck in vending machine at resting stop. And Angels from Hell wants to leave so them does has to drag machine thing behind chopping motorcycle until grabbing machine does fall aparts. So funny. Happy ending is that Boris holds onto Clark bar and does get chocolate reward for this vending adventure. Life on roads is good times, but Boris does miss Louis robot friend and Similar to Skippy dog. So sad to remember way Similar to Skippy dog does eat the fish out of garbage can all times, and does throws up because him is allergic to fishes. This is nice memory that is family. But new Angels from Hell family does has good memories also. Like friend Crammer, who falls asleep with hand in water all times and is always pissing pants while sleeping. So funny in morning time for persons not sleeping next to Crammer friend. Sometimes him does forget to do this thing so other Angels help by finding bowl of water for hand. Then there is time Crammer does fall asleep out of doors with hand in puddle, and in morning pants are so pissed to be frozen! Him walking like Frankensteins to try and catch other laughing Angels, so funny when pants are not bending. Mainly Boris does miss the TV. Road is like same show all times. Boris does get different glasses at gas station to make for different channels, good idea. There is red channel, green channel, yellow channel. Also blurry channel and very large channel but those shows so bad for eyes, cannot watch so long. Is fun thing but not so good as real TVs. Boris is wondering who is winning Fortunate Wheel or at That's Not the Price of This Thing! shows. Such facts not in newspaper! So sad. Boris is thinking to get small motorcycle TV, but so hard to find one does run on wind power or magics. Maybe is thing in Brookstone catalog but Boris can't not get such thing delivered to chopping motorcycle. Oh well. Boris will wait for new bird friend to come. Goodbye column. Quote of the Day“Give me liberty or give me something better, and kick it in the ass this time, I'm late already.”-Henry Patrick Wells Fortune 500 CookieYou will finally get that monkey off your back, but the tattoo removal fees will cripple your already weak home dog-waxing business. Try parting your hair on the left this week. Couldn't hurt. Look out for people dressed in blue. Nobody likes you.Try again later. Top 5 Bush Second-Term Pledges
![]() Hello from Road Hello, computer persons. Boris is here from road. Boris think life is big adventure thing with mystery chocolates, like Andy Gump person does says. So true like fortunate cookie. But Boris is allergic to chocolates, so Boris life is like big box of... (12/22/03) Boris is Tripping Hello hello, reading persons. Boris is here for column. So much to tell of story! Big news is Boris is Angel from Hell like in easy Wynona Ryder movie! Is true! So exciting. But Boris must tell how these things does happen. First of it all... (12/8/03) Boris is Too Old For This Shit Boris love in movie Lethal Weapons when cop persons is saying "I am too old for this shit!" when him is supposed to do dangerous thing. Chief says for Crocket and Tubbs to go on adventure to stop karate guys from making money, and thing will... (11/24/03) Boris Does Love This 24 Show When watching TVs is good idea to have shows to like, for to know when to turn on TV thing. Because if Boris does turn TV on at wrong time, there goes whole day watching to see who wins Fortunate Wheel or see what News person does find... (11/10/03) ![]() ![]() ![]() |