Boris Does Love This 24 ShowNovember 10, 2003 When watching TVs is good idea to have shows to like, for to know when to turn on TV thing. Because if Boris does turn TV on at wrong time, there goes whole day watching to see who wins Fortunate Wheel or see what News person does find out about today.
This is why Boris does love this 24 show. Is thing with easy name for remember and easy hero named Jake. Show is also easy to like because all good persons is blonde and all bad persons have dark hairs. So smart for TV to help Boris with these Notes of Cliff to explain show. Is not like other mean show that tell joke which is not for Boris, and Louis have to explain and get all piss mad. Louis hate to explain on Friends why persons is friends, Louis say is because show not called Enemies. Boris think show should be called Skinny because there is no big-bottom people on show. And then there could be funny enemies and not wreck name of show, as long as persons are skinny enemies. But 24 is not like this, is show with no hard jokes or rules about name of show. Is just lots of fun yelling and shooting gun, and clocks, all things Boris does like. 24 show is about Jake person who has yelling problem and is always late all times, him does run arounds to yell "There is no time, stupid!" when everything happen. Jake also has daughter who is slow person like Rain Mans, so funny. Her is always lost in city and does wander away while Jake does look for her every time. He does yell "Come back stupid daughter! There is not enough time!" but she cannot hear because she has slow Rain Mans brain. Boris love this part. One time Boris does know slow person who did ate bar of soap, true story. In show Jake must save world from all bad spy persons who wants to kill everything. So many of these persons, is like big club of jerks. Jake must pretend to be member of jerk club to get inside and cowboy-kick all bad persons into giving up evil ways. This is best part. Boris did this thing one time but club was chess club and evil person was cheating to bring shaker of salt into game as extra piece. Boris and Jake both does love to say thing like "Not so fast!" and turn table over in exciting way. Difference is Jake has gun and Boris only has finger for pointing. And Boris is not on TVs, unless Boris life is secret reality show. Sometimes Boris does think this, that there is cameras in cereal box and socks drawer watching Boris to make good show of life. Louis doesn't not think so, but is maybe because him is actor who make lot of money to pretend he is Louis. This is sneaky thing. Boris think this may be truth, because Louis does get so mad when Boris takes apart stereo to find little cameras. Probably the secret way is for Louis to be full of secret robot cameras, this is good idea. Robots always has extra space for extra things and sandwiches, plenty of room for cameras to watch Boris. Boris does try to peek inside Louis mouth while him is sleeping one times, but Louis think flashlight is car headlight from dream and does scream and pee, so not such good idea. And Boris is grounded from watching 24 for week, so is maybe better to let show go on where persons is watching show of Boris watching 24 show. Boris is only sad not to get this fun channel, is probably on cable. Would be nice if Boris gets cable and TiVo for Christmas, to tape Boris show when not at home. So, if Santa is watching Boris show, this is things to get for Boris Christmas. Quote of the Day“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that's completely impossible by the laws of physics and laughable to every sane person.”-Mark Twaint Fortune 500 CookieThis is the week you finally snap. All those years spent strengthening your middle finger and thumb are really going to pay off big-time, playa. Try keeping your dehydrated mashed potato flakes and your dandruff collection in different-colored boxes this week, just in case that last date ever comes back. Oh, that autobiography you wrote in l33t? Yeah dude, nobody can read that shit. This week's lucky porn cameos: Jenna Jameson in the pilot of that awesome new Hoarders spin-off, Whoreders, Big Bird in Larry Bird: Big Bird, The Ghost of John Holmes in everything else you watch because you burnt that shit into your plasma, dumbass, and …wait, Ron Jeremy in your wedding video? WTF?Try again later. Last 5 Places Saddam Hussein Was Hiding
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