Assorted captions that really didn't fit any single category

If you need cheesy phone sex, Art's girls are but a few buttons away

Assorted captions that really didn't fit any single category

Commercials for movies, music and mayhem

Commercials for pills, drugs and lots of other things that get Robert Downey Jr. in trouble

From the horrific to the science fictional

Two of the seminal works of Science Fiction television (huh huh huh... seminal)

Assorted captions that really didn't fit any single category

Auto ads... big ride... feels smooth...

Commercials for deodorant, shampoo and toothpaste plus special guest appearances by a bunch of people who look better than any of us ever will

This gallery best viewed with proper ventilation

Advertisers galore. All crap 50% off.

These food commercials may make your mouth water. In an allergic, infected way.

From Don Lapre to Carlton Sheets, operators are waiting to help invest you in a future of failure

Ralphie's dad turns Private Dick. You'll shoot your eye out.

You can get that insurance policy you need if you just meet these simple guidelines. Call now!

Not cool stuff like Fist of the North Star but lame stuff like Pokemon

Usually Sci Fi is devoid of entertainment but now it's also devoid of color

Draw that stupid turtle and pirate

Assorted captions that really didn't fit any single category

Real large, I mean real live psychics!

One time offers to kick out the jams!

The best of the Sci Fi Channel! Or worst... I guess...

Sealab, Sightings, Farscape... you know, crap

Assorted captions that really didn't fit any single category

Assorted captions that really didn't fit any single category

Assorted captions that really didn't fit any single category

While assembling this collection, I had many screengrabs that lost their actual captions in the shuffle. Instead of waste those grabs, I put my own captions on them in this special gallery.