"So we're all agreed then? Geography is a tool of the Devil."
"Golly gee whiz! I wish I didn't get herpes... maybe Pop was right about that Panamanian hooker with no teeth... golly..."
"When we start drilling, take down anything he says. Uh, but you can leave out the screams and stuff."
Agent_Moldy :
The other girls thought Ellie was odd for never having had her umbilical cord cut, but at least they were never without a jump rope at recess.
A still fell over the student counsel as Tommy's bookbag began to speak up against the new bookbag policies.
"So I see your qualifications include running Steve Buscimi through a wood chipper... good... good... how about references?" "Shut the fuck up." "Fine..."
Unlike the charming innocence of 'The Red Balloon', the sequel, 'The White Balloon', was full of menace and tragedy.
You'd think by the time the stumps had reached elbow length Bob would have stopped falling for the "Hey Bob! Someone left a $20 bill in the press!" but...
Best Boy...Shakira?! The Hell?!
Eddie, long since retired from his lucrative career as a model for Iron Maiden covers, finds solace in cooking for his family and friends.
The Pep Boys have just gotten weird since Tim BUrton started directing their comecials.
Of course you might be interested to know that a small clause in our insurance policies requires you to work the drive-thru at Hardees but...
Part of the Gevalia convention was that Germany could no longer produce weapons of mass decafination.
"Remember kids! Just because it's Junior League doesn't mean it is too early to start off your football career with rape charges or drug convictions!"
"Price check on 'AssWartsBeGone', I need a price check on 'ASSWARTSBEGONE'!"
With the Escobar Seal of Approval for nondescript package services.
"So No Smoking Plaque... where were YOU during the time of the murder? Well!? Not talking, aye?"
"But if the germs are so small, then why do they look so big inside the microscope." "Where did you get your degree in science, again?" "McDonalds." "Ah."
"One false move, and Joanie gets it!""Chachi!""Hey, babe, guess I don't love you anymore."
"But see... Miricle Clean won't JUST render your spouse or unwanted houseguest unconcious! It will also dissolve the body! Let's watch!"
"You fucked with the wrong eye care professional!"
Eddie, long since retired from his lucrative career as a model for Iron Maiden covers, finds solace in cooking for his family and friends.
"Put me down for three on the Bears to beat the spread. What? '976-Boys'?! Well, in that case, put me down, spread me and beat me like three bears."
"Let's toss these kittens in the dryer and find out!"
"Mister Uzi thinks otherwise!" "Uh, Mr. Charles, thats a revolver." "You get the point! Now, get me that mocca latte!" This is a bank." "Shit!"
"Hello, remember me? Hosted Who Wants to be A Millionare? Used to be a big hit? Well, let me introduce you to my new friend, Mr. Omnicron high power laser."