This is a collection of my favorites fromwhich is the Sci Fi Channel's online community of Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans. The way this works is simple. A constant feed of screen grabs (you know, still pictures) of whatever is on the Sci Fi Channel at that moment is sent to a sort of chat room where members make jokes about whatever is onscreen. It has bred a huge community that frequently exchanges e-mails, meets in personable small groups across the country, has hundreds of devoted websites and so much more.
My collection of captions started, by my own estimation, around 1995. You frequently see my own captions in there more than anyone else for the simple fact that people come and go in there as they wish, but I am always with me (GOD does that sound like some sort of deep philisophical statement!). What I mean is that, since I collect my own captions as well as the captions of others but those other people are not with me every time I am in there, odds are I will get more of my own than any others. If you look at other caption galleries out there, you will notice this tends to be the case.
Some common questions include: "How do I submit captions to you?" Sorry... you don't. I gather captions straight from the gallery and I'm not in there all that much any more so updates will be rare. If you join, I end up seeing you in there, and I like your jokes, I'll use your caption. It's nothing personal. You'll see a lot of the same names over and over because I just happen to think the people responsible for these jokes are pretty funny and I like their brand of humor.
If you don't get the joke, sometimes I've included a helpful link under it that reads I DON'T GET IT!. Bear in mind that this requires java so if you have that disabled, it won't work.
Many of the captions include obscure references to obscure films and some also include threads, which are running jokes. Once again, I've provided links to help explain some of these. If there's more than one of this joke in a row, I'll just put one link at the place of the first joke so if you're confused, look around for another caption similar to the one you don't get and there will probably be a link explaining the thread.
You'll often hear some lingo tossed around. "Cappers" or "Captioneers" are the people responsible for the captions to the images. The "Gallery" is a reference to the main page where all of the most recent captions are stored. "Caps" are captions. The "Screengrabber" is the program that takes snapshots of the programming and places it on the website for us to make fun of.