Bush Plans to Send Troops to Moon by 2018American forces needed to secure future of democracy December 8, 2003 |
Washington, D.C. Ansel Evans Conspiracy theorists allege if you study the picture close enough you can see the ghost of the moon screaming in terror at the impending arrival of U.S. troops. hild, space enthusiasts and sci-fi nerds everywhere cheered the president on when White House officials announced this week the president was "seriously considering" a space war. Defense contractors reportedly wet themselves as well.
The buff and sexy White House brain trust released information this week that, among other considerations for the president's closing year of his first, and likely only, term were staging the most expensive and colorful war yet, with the space people. Or, the president's representatives allowed, other countries seeking to colonize the moon.
That's right: The moon. Nick-named in the documents accompanying the press release, "The 51st state," which is rumored to have pissed Puerto Rico off, but come on, you know they were just stringi...
hild, space enthusiasts and sci-fi nerds everywhere cheered the president on when White House officials announced this week the president was "seriously considering" a space war. Defense contractors reportedly wet themselves as well.
The buff and sexy White House brain trust released information this week that, among other considerations for the president's closing year of his first, and likely only, term were staging the most expensive and colorful war yet, with the space people. Or, the president's representatives allowed, other countries seeking to colonize the moon.
That's right: The moon. Nick-named in the documents accompanying the press release, "The 51st state," which is rumored to have pissed Puerto Rico off, but come on, you know they were just stringing you guys along—you all may dress to the nines, but the your GNP is lower than Utah's.
The policy, which is being "sincerely given a look," comes in response to a combination of presidential inspirations, including fear of China's recent feat of sending a Chinese guy into space, and another marathon of Starship Trooper DVD viewings by the commander-in-chief.
"The president," said an anonymous White House official who prefers French-cut underwear, "has always wanted to be a bold leader, and to strike preemptively against off-worlders looking to take advantage of our limited intergalactic colonization program. That's a failing of the Democratic administration that preceded us. But Mr. Bush says by the end of his term we'll have regular flights to the moon. And by the end of his clone's term in 2018, we will have established an impressive military force on the moon. With lasers."
Señor Bush is also not ruling out the idea of low-income housing on the moon, to help deal with the projected astronomical damage to the middle class expected to be caused by another term of his presidency.
"I've got plans for the homeless," Bush said in response to a question during a press conference last week, rubbing his hands together and laughing maniacally. Most reporters attributed the enigmatic statement to a possible new "eat the homeless" program or turning them into low-cost diesel fuel somehow, but it does seem to jibe with rumors of a homeless colony on the dark side of the moon, dubbed in White House documents "the Pink Floyd Province."
"The homeless are people," said the same unnamed White House source, while working on his glutes. "They are people just like us, and they want to work. And when we have established a moon rock mine, we'll definitely need all the slave labor we can get. Did I say 'slave'? I meant inexpensive labor. I mean minimum wage. Labor."
If the moon space fort idea pans out, the prez will likely begin making requests to Congress for allocation of outer space funding, including up to $15 billion for advanced space program designs. An additional $2 billion of that may be requested for construction of a one-man presidential shuttle, with more than half of that going to design a rugged-looking flight suit. the commune news has no interest to go into space when there's still so many people down here who want to go to war with us. Stigmata Spent is more than a little interested in flights to the moon, and the chance to be a founder of the Ten-Thousand Mile High Club.
| NRA Wages Court Battle Against RealityMythical transformation to boost "silly" influence to "berserk" December 8, 2003 |
Washington, D.C. Sloe Lorenzo NRA mouthpiece Wayne LaPierre shares his hilarious impression of a deer caught in an NRA member's sights pparently feeling that the current national climate is as ripe a time as any for a complete break from any recognizable form of reality, the National Rifle Association is attempting to buy a television or radio station this week, in hopes of declaring itself a news organization exempt from spending restrictions in the campaign finance law.
"We're looking at bringing a court case that we're as legitimate a media outlet as Disney or Viacom or Time-Warner or any of those places," explained Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's own version of commune whale tampon Raoul Dunkin. An uncomfortable silence followed after this reporter stopped laughing.
According to LaPierre, the NRA is one of the biggest magazine publishers in the United States, with an impressive stable of nearly a...
pparently feeling that the current national climate is as ripe a time as any for a complete break from any recognizable form of reality, the National Rifle Association is attempting to buy a television or radio station this week, in hopes of declaring itself a news organization exempt from spending restrictions in the campaign finance law.
"We're looking at bringing a court case that we're as legitimate a media outlet as Disney or Viacom or Time-Warner or any of those places," explained Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's own version of commune whale tampon Raoul Dunkin. An uncomfortable silence followed after this reporter stopped laughing.
According to LaPierre, the NRA is one of the biggest magazine publishers in the United States, with an impressive stable of nearly a dozen publications, including "American Rifleman," "Patriotic American Hunter," "Gun Nut," and "Buck-Naked Beer-Swilling Bitches."
Since the NRA has such extensive experience bringing news to the mullet-wearing portion of America's magazine-buying public, LaPierre argues that the NRA should enjoy the same political benefits enjoyed by organizations with less-embarrassing member ranks.
"I defy you to convince me that the NRA is any different from those organizations, just because they actually have news departments and wear pants around the office," said LaPierre, himself clad in pajama bottoms adorned with a machine-gun pattern. "We're just as legitimate a news source as any of them are, even more so when you consider the way they ignore the obvious gun angle in everyday stories." LaPierre further argued that paranoid gun freaks have as much a right as anyone to be represented in the media, but this reporter can't be sure of the exact quote as my notes just contain a doodle of a cow shitting on a scale for this part of the story.
The NRA's latest moves can be seen as a sign of the times, as there have been few periods in history when a lobbying group would so boldly admit to circumventing campaign reform legislation in hopes of buying influence in next year's elections.
Historically one of Washington's most powerful and twitchy lobbies, the 4 million-member NRA has spent millions over the years supporting pro-gun candidates. Since the organization is financed with corporate money, under the campaign finance law of 2002 it is currently banned from running ads mentioning candidates by name during the two months preceding a general election. News organizations are exempt from such restrictions, allowing them to cover the news and follow elections without being accused of shilling for political candidates.
Convinced that the NRA is capable of such impartial and unbiased political coverage, LaPierre promises that the NRA and its lawyers will continue to fight this attack on their "First Amendment rights," possibly even going so far as to broadcast pro-gun ads from ships anchored in international waters at election time. Another uncomfortable silence followed after this reporter stopped laughing. the commune news has also brought several of its own lawsuits in an effort to be considered a media organization, but thus far the orderly connotations of the term "organization" have been a difficult sticking point. Ivana Folger-Balzac isn't a card-carrying member of the NRA, but as a gun-carrying card she is often mistaken for the same.
| Mark Buckles Some Sort of Cockwad Everyone kind of a little relieved Bob Hope finally dead Yale bombed, Harvard too drunk to walk home Study finds low I.Q. causes lead paint eating, not other way around |
December 8, 2003 The Third commune Enthusiasts Club MeetingThis has been a wild year for the commune Enthusiasts club and myself personally, President and Founder Emil Zender. Not only did we start the club, we met some great new members and lost even more. None died, which is always good, but some have disappeared and won't respond to my calls, while others have said they regret not being able to come to any more meetings and wish I would stop trying to get in touch with them. Some, admittedly, were asked to leave. Nothing personal, but it's hard to focus on club business when some unnamed individuals in the back just want to have a laugh, often at your expense.
My one regret for the year was not getting back to you, the loyal voyeurs, more often. But I made a pledge short into our tenure I would only write about meetings when someon...
º Last Column: The Second commune Enthusiasts Club Meeting º more columns
This has been a wild year for the commune Enthusiasts club and myself personally, President and Founder Emil Zender. Not only did we start the club, we met some great new members and lost even more. None died, which is always good, but some have disappeared and won't respond to my calls, while others have said they regret not being able to come to any more meetings and wish I would stop trying to get in touch with them. Some, admittedly, were asked to leave. Nothing personal, but it's hard to focus on club business when some unnamed individuals in the back just want to have a laugh, often at your expense.
My one regret for the year was not getting back to you, the loyal voyeurs, more often. But I made a pledge short into our tenure I would only write about meetings when someone besides myself showed up. So you can believe I was happy to see Sandy and some of our other club members come to another meeting before the end of the year.
I'm also happy to say our membership has expanded since last briefing. We're officially at 623 members right now, and 14 of those members have written back to confirm their membership in the club. Stag and Christopher made good on their promise to return to the club, and even started making plans for a club field trip to protest a WTO conference this Spring. We're still talking about that one. Besides the troublemakers I previously mentioned, we've also got some quiet remembers who aren't quite ready to tell us their names yet. There's that hungry lady who partook heavily of the free food table we set up. She was dressed a little down, and I'm not judging when I say that. Lord knows the homeless aren't considered any less important as members of the group. If she is homeless, which is not a bad thing, though I would be presumptuous to say she is based only on a fairly casual outfit and a smell we couldn't quite locate.
The club is also expecting a boost in dues when Sandy fills her spare change jar, having previously pledged to pay her long coming dues at that time. We'll put that money to good use, like catering for future meetings or events. I won't even take any of that money for myself, even though to date I have spent nearly two-thousand dollars out of my own pocket to provide the free food and renting concert halls.
Not that I'm complaining. I certainly don't agree with my father's assessment the commune Enthusiasts Club is an unrelenting drain on a life once filled with promise. I set out to change the world, as the commune does, with my Club, and even though I have no idea how to do that or if it's even possible, I like to think in some small way I have. But not alone—with the help of all our members. Admittedly, most of it was me. If it's only me showing up to the monthly meetings, I mean, I'm not blowing my horn or claiming it's all me. Mostly. Like 60-40. Only much more on one side and much less. I'm not exaggerating, I think. If anyone else had shown up to the meetings more frequently, I believe they would back me up on this.
However, if you thought this was a big year, wait until next year. And please show up. Yes, I'm talking to you. I know not everybody is in the area of Shanesly, Vermont during the appropriate time of the month, but if you're within a close distance, make the trip. Drive, or fly, if you can afford it. If you're a fan of the commune, it's worth it. Actually, if you're not a fan of the commune, but have read it before and would like to debate any points, go ahead and come on out. I would even say if you haven't heard of the commune, but would like more information, come and join me. Us. Join us and we'll discuss the salient points of commune fandom, and all the free food you can eat. Well, it's not free, it costs me quite a bit. But free for you. That's the c.E.C. promise. º Last Column: The Second commune Enthusiasts Club Meetingº more columns |
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Milestones1965: commune columnist Rok Finger coins the slang term "Dingleberry" at a father-son picnic attended solely by his numerous illegitimate offspring.Now HiringDoormat. Co-dependant with poor sense of boundaries needed to do the work of three men and two women, allowing the commune to do our part in this jobless recovery. Cot in back available for qualified applicant.Top Reasons for Honking1. | Air-horn busted | 2. | Thought I saw nipples | 3. | Rat-in-road! Rat-in-road! | 4. | Song needed a horn part | 5. | Lonely | 6. | That bumper sticker is right! | 7. | Fluent in Morse code and proud of it | 8. | Needed to clear path on sidewalk | 9. | I know that guy! | 10. | Because I can | |
| Ohio Freeway Shootings Normal, Say LocalsBY lemon chester 12/8/2003 The King of the Road (Part 3)Author's note: In previous chapters, King Luthor of Kuntnose, having lost his kingdom to dark enemy Rupert, forged an army and/or social club consisting of Bainbridge, the conformist knight; Linux, the dark leprechaun; Feedle, the husky dwarf; the dog Farts; and Munchen, he of the creatures who laugh at jokes they do not get. Tragedy struck when the eldest member of the group and Vegas longshot to make it in one piece, GiGijerod, whilst battling the ancient fire demon, fell into a gopher hole and disappeared forever. Luthor and his posse valiantly found a detour around Volcano Mountain and annexed an unused part of the dark forest for a short-cut to the castle Oogh, where they hope to capture the almighty Cockring of Power to aid them against Rupert.
"Oh, woe is us," la...
Author's note: In previous chapters, King Luthor of Kuntnose, having lost his kingdom to dark enemy Rupert, forged an army and/or social club consisting of Bainbridge, the conformist knight; Linux, the dark leprechaun; Feedle, the husky dwarf; the dog Farts; and Munchen, he of the creatures who laugh at jokes they do not get. Tragedy struck when the eldest member of the group and Vegas longshot to make it in one piece, GiGijerod, whilst battling the ancient fire demon, fell into a gopher hole and disappeared forever. Luthor and his posse valiantly found a detour around Volcano Mountain and annexed an unused part of the dark forest for a short-cut to the castle Oogh, where they hope to capture the almighty Cockring of Power to aid them against Rupert.
"Oh, woe is us," lamented Feedle, swinging his ax carelessly to chop down foliage ahead of them, mostly just for fun. "And pity be on poor GiGijerod, who so valiantly gave his life in our quest!"
"Well, I wouldn't go that far," said Bainbridge, rather quietly.
Feedle, possessing a complex about his height that made him put on a tough façade, jumped at Bainbridge and held him fast. "How dare you! You would mock the name of our fallen comrade!"
"Not his name. His actions were rather questionable," said Bainbridge with fear. "Not that I belittle GiGijerod. When he was sober, he was quite the kind heart and powerful staff. But let's face it, he started that whole thing with the fire demon."
"Coward!" yelled Feedle, swinging his ax dangerously close to Bainbridge's metal head. "I suppose you would sit in fear while the fire demon complained loudly of your choice of jukebox music?"
"I honestly do not believe it would be as big a deal to me, and the scuffle in the inn with the fire demon seemed all too avoidable, from where I sat."Luthor, having had enough, stepped between the two of them. His mighty hands separated the dwarf and drinking buddy.
"Ladies, please! We are on a mission of greater import than squabbles over Patsy Cline music." He silently prayed for his lost comrade. "GiGijerod sacrificed himself, though his sacrifice was possibly avoidable and unnecessary—but it is not for us to argue. We must carry on. We cannot look to the past, for we will walk directly into the tree of the future if we should."
Munchen laughed inappropriately.
"Quiet!" shrieked Linux, spinning around with his throwing stars drawn. He always said the same thing whenever Munchen laughed, but this time it was for a different reason. He could hear the sound of stalking. The stalking of them. He threw his stars haphazardly, and pinned a diminutive, shriveled creature to the tree by his excess flab.
It was a hideous, shrunken little thing that might have once been a man. But not anymore, oh, lordy, no. Now it was raspy, cringing, unphotogenic. It referred to itself as Scrottum, and it, too, sought the Cockring of Power.
"Pleasssee, massssterssss! Do not hurt Scrottum! Scrottum is friend! Scrottum can help you! Scrottum is a friend to your cause! Scrottum is kind of friend to return car with full tank of gas if Scrottum were to borrow! Scrottum good reference for job application, only need to ask! Scrottum get your back in a fight, Scrottum not just talking out Scrottum's ass!"
"What's your name?" asked Luthor hesitantly.
"Scrottum, dumbass!" the thing shrieked, then shrunk back in fear. "Forgivesss Scrottum, massstersss. Scrottum sometimes get snappy due to overwhelming darkness vying for control inside."
They were not sure they could trust this thing, this Scrottum—but if they were going further, into the darkest reaches of the Road ahead, they would soon learn Scrottum was their only chance.
For more of this great story, buy Lemon Chester's novel The King of the Road |