August 29, 2005 |
West Bank, Israel Whit Pistol An old-fashioned Palestinian weather vane points north, to what may now be Tehran West. sraeli Prime Minister Ariel "Olive Branch" Sharon announced last Wednesday that the disputed Gaza Strip had been returned to Muslims at long last, marking the end of a 38-year call by Middle Eastern countries that the Jewish nation leave the settlement to its Islamic inhabitants. However, Islamic critics complained the Gaza Strip had not actually been released by the occupying Israeli forces, but merely re-zoned so the Strip itself now lay within the Egyptian borders. Sharon balked at such claims, because balking is second-nature to him. "For years they demand Israel return their stupid little piece of land, well, it’s done," said Sharon, spitting to punctuate his point. "Israeli congress has re-zoned and now all of area is Israel. Why are so many Muslims occup...
sraeli Prime Minister Ariel "Olive Branch" Sharon announced last Wednesday that the disputed Gaza Strip had been returned to Muslims at long last, marking the end of a 38-year call by Middle Eastern countries that the Jewish nation leave the settlement to its Islamic inhabitants. However, Islamic critics complained the Gaza Strip had not actually been released by the occupying Israeli forces, but merely re-zoned so the Strip itself now lay within the Egyptian borders. Sharon balked at such claims, because balking is second-nature to him. "For years they demand Israel return their stupid little piece of land, well, it’s done," said Sharon, spitting to punctuate his point. "Israeli congress has re-zoned and now all of area is Israel. Why are so many Muslims occupying Israeli land? Have they not gotten the memo? But you won’t see us stoning them or setting off bombs in their cafés. Had they any cafés. We merely ask them to leave. Promptly. Within twenty-four hours, or face arrest and devastating loitering charges." Even standard Israel supporter the United States has had a little trouble digesting this latest crafty maneuvering from its World Council ally. U.S. officials have called for a more appropriate fulfillment of the pledge to leave the Gaza Strip, stating that while re-zoning is an effective way to keep minority votes under control in domestic situations, it is unacceptable for solving international land disputes. The re-zoning itself appears to be a response to earlier criticisms that the original disembarkation from the Gaza Strip failed to meet expectations from Israel’s promise, as the country annexed additional land for its own borders to build a demarcation wall around Maaleh Adumim, inside the West Bank, effectively stealing a portion of that area in the name of tightening security. Some of the few sane Middle East analysts left fear the drastic measure by Israel could inspire combative Arabic states to strike back with their own internal ordinances to diminish the effects of the Gaza re-zoning and Israel’s seizure of the West Bank. "Sharon may have opened the door to a new style of war between Israel and the Arabic states," said Professor Udi Al-Batang of Cairo University. "The bombings and military strikes may take a back seat to re-mapping and re-districting. Not that this won’t lead to bombings and military strikes of their own. But justifying what you’re doing with the internal laws of your own country cannot build a lasting peace. People outside your own borders will be outraged, and that outrage will inspire more violence. And I know what I’m talking about. I’m tempted to buy myself a machine gun because I went to bed in Cairo and woke up in the poverty-stricken Gaza Strip this morning. Thank you, Mr. Sharon." Many leaders in the Arabic communities warned Sharon he must comply with the years-old promise to end occupation of the real Gaza Strip. But most likely, Sharon didn’t understand because it was all in the Arabs’ own languages. "If Israel wants to build a 100-foot wall to defend ourselves, we certainly have that right," pledged Sharon. "If we want to control the borders of our country, for security’s sake, and move them wherever and whenever we feel like it, we certainly have that right. Clearly the best way to maintain piece in a region long torn by strife is to build more fences and take all the land we need. Finally… we are safe." Although this reporter rushed to get this story out sooner, its delivery was delayed along the way by the fact that after standing in the middle of Jerusalem one minute, he found himself a minute later standing in New Mesopotamia, by order of the Syrian Rezoning Congress. Whoopsy-doo. the commune news wouldn’t mind redistricting that sweet little area across the street—providing that’s a hot tub we’re seeing with our binoculars, and not actually the broken septic tank someone told us it was. Ivan Nacutchacokov has yet to make it back from New Baghdad or wherever the hell it was he ended up after all that instant traveling.
 | August 29, 2005 |
Virginia Beach, VA Junior Bacon Chávez: "What the fuck?" Robertson: "Yeeep." at Robertson, the American founder of the Christian Coalition who in the past has called for the bombing of the state department and the assassinations of Kim Jong Il and Saddam Hussein, announced this week that the democratically-elected president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, must be assassinated because of his potential to spread Marxism and Muslim extremism across South America.
"These violent religious fanatics cannot be tolerated," Robertson explained, ducking under a salvo of gunfire from supporters of this point of view. "And so God has told me he must be murdered."
"What the fuck?" responded Chávez, when reached in Cuba for his reaction.
In a later interview Chávez theorized that Robertson must be thinking of a different Hugo Chávez, since i...
at Robertson, the American founder of the Christian Coalition who in the past has called for the bombing of the state department and the assassinations of Kim Jong Il and Saddam Hussein, announced this week that the democratically-elected president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, must be assassinated because of his potential to spread Marxism and Muslim extremism across South America.
"These violent religious fanatics cannot be tolerated," Robertson explained, ducking under a salvo of gunfire from supporters of this point of view. "And so God has told me he must be murdered."
"What the fuck?" responded Chávez, when reached in Cuba for his reaction.
In a later interview Chávez theorized that Robertson must be thinking of a different Hugo Chávez, since it he and his entire country are either Roman Catholic or Protestant, and Chávez is a very common name.
"I know for a man like Robertson, the entire non-white world must be very confusing," offered Chávez charitably.
After a week of being shit on by the press, and nearly killed in daily assassination attempts, Robertson announced that the world must have misunderstood his comments, or taken them out of context or something.
"When I said 'the United States of America should assassinate Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez,' some people unfortunately misinterpreted this comment to mean I thought the man should be taken out by American covert-ops assassins or something crazy like that," Robertson explained. "This couldn't be further from the truth. Anyone who was really watching The 700 Club that day knows what I really meant: that Jesus loves everybody. End of story."
When confronted with video of the show, Robertson changed his tune, begrudgingly revealing that the episode in question was filmed on the The 700 Club's annual "opposite day."
"You got me! The cat's out of the bag," admitted Robertson. "We were going to have a big contest for viewers and award all kinds of great faith-based prizes for the viewer who could figure out which of our shows had been on opposite day, but not any more. You blew it! Good job, dingus!"
However, this was not the first time Robertson has denied his own remarks in the face of damning VHS evidence.
Last year Robertson claimed that President Bush told him before the invasion of Iraq that there would be no casualties, but that Jesus thought it was going to be messy. This came a few years after the reverend claimed that God allowed 9/11 to happen because the American government allowed abortion and pornography, and because people stopped buying Pat Boone records.
In 2003 came Robertson's infamous 21-day "prayer offensive," when Robertson took a break from being his normal offensive self to beg God to kill three members of the Supreme Court so they could be replaced with justices who would re-criminalize sodomy, thereby ending homosexuality forever.
At the age of five, Robertson organized a kitchen-table meeting to call for the head of his own mother, for the crime of naming him Marion Gordon Robertson, and thereby necessitating the use of a gender-neutral nickname like "Pat" so as to avoid being traded for cigarettes in elementary school. Robertson would later regret not taking on a more masculine fake name, like Bruce, Lance or Barry. the commune news has always wanted to take an anti-assassination stance, but we must admit that's so hard to spell we usually just vote to kill the fuckers. Ivana Folger-Balzac is always the first name we think of when we think "assassination," regardless of whether we're looking for a shooter or a victim.
 |  Polish Roof Falls in Following "Drinks Are on the House" Debacle  Nation's Three Remaining Liberals Turn to Humor to Survive  Popular TV Clown Robertson Delivers Weekly Outrageous Banter  Eminem, Ex-Wife Reunite to Work on New Material |
 November 28, 2005 New Olean is Made for BorisHello Boris, this is me.
How is commune persons? So fun? Good to be for you. Boris? Boris is bitching. Boris is living good lives on top of bust in dead car museum, such beautiful place where sun is does shine on metal everywheres like beautiful ocean of lights that does make Boris so blind. Such pretty place for Boris to lived.
Boris does lose counting of days how long Boris lives on top of bust. So long time, like years or fifteen years. Don't not know. Is like to live on dessert island where is no persons but Boris, but island is metal. Also, no cocoanut tree for Boris is to climb and sit in like elephants in adult book. Just Boris and metal island thing in ocean of paining lights. Also, is shit-crazy dog thing on ground, which is like shark in ocean to keep Boris ...
º Last Column: Louis Apartment or Bust º more columns
Hello Boris, this is me. How is commune persons? So fun? Good to be for you. Boris? Boris is bitching. Boris is living good lives on top of bust in dead car museum, such beautiful place where sun is does shine on metal everywheres like beautiful ocean of lights that does make Boris so blind. Such pretty place for Boris to lived. Boris does lose counting of days how long Boris lives on top of bust. So long time, like years or fifteen years. Don't not know. Is like to live on dessert island where is no persons but Boris, but island is metal. Also, no cocoanut tree for Boris is to climb and sit in like elephants in adult book. Just Boris and metal island thing in ocean of paining lights. Also, is shit-crazy dog thing on ground, which is like shark in ocean to keep Boris from swimming out of dead car museum. Dog is name Insane Harry. Don't not know real name, this is Boris name for dog. Dog does just say name is Barking Slobber. Harry is mean like piranha dog, always does want to eat Boris up like marshmallow. So, Boris can't not leave island except when Harry dog is sleeping, then Boris can sneak down for to pee and sneak dinner from venting machine. Then is time for fun screaming run back to bust top before Harry dog can bite Boris in ticklers. This life thing does go ons for long times routine, then one day surprise persons does come and take bust island away while Boris still living on tops. Then is fun ass-hauling island adventure to go to place call New Olean because bust persons want to helping swamp persons in Olean place. This is such fun trip because Boris does pop head in to talk to bust persons but them doesn't not believe Boris is real, thinking is like imagined Muppet or other drug thing on roof. Boris does like this new role in life. And Boris does like New Olean place. Is no ass-crazy dog things to eat Boris privates, so Boris can does get down off bust after does stop moving and persons go away for swamp help. Olean is crazy fun place where persons does buy stuffs from stores using chair money. Person does give chair money to store window, there is loud "Thank You" crash, and person does get stuffs for carrying away. So cool this money, more fun than green paper things Boris does always forget and use for blowing nose. So Boris does buying things this way to bring back to bust roof, journey for supply to return to island home. But, then uh-oh, because persons does buy all of bust insides with bat money and fire money and Boris must move for new place to live because bust does get so hot on bottom like hot dog cooker. So fun for Boris to wander in swamp city and take in sight. "Hello!" says Boris to friendly clubs of men with gun and things. "Hello!" says Boris to soldier persons who is here to look out for crocodile. "Hell-oh, shits!" says Boris to crocodile who does want Boris legs so badly. This is when Boris does have idea to find new home that is too tall for crocodile to visit when Boris does is sleeping. Of course Boris find perfect home that is convertible for sun to come in through ceiling, so nice this thing, not like dark Louis apartment that does keep out all sun and does have to make fake rain in bathroom. This Olean place have real rain for cleaning Boris and dirty furniture, and is all free for no monies. And sky ceiling is like TVs for free, with cloud show all times and helicopter show and connect-the-dot show at nightstime. So cool this swamp place, Boris could be live here forevers. Or at least until house does finish falling-down thing is doing. Then, Boris will finds new living place does not smell like poop sewer. Ok, goodbye to Boris! º Last Column: Louis Apartment or Bustº more columns | 

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Quote of the Day“Any man who serves as his own lawyer has a fool for a client. Because think about it, stupid, why you gonna pay some guy who didn't even go to law school? That's just dumb. And how do you pay yourself, anyway? Take your money out of one pocket and put it in the other? Silly. Or maybe you've got to hire a neutral third party to take the money and then hand it back to you, like a lawyer or somebody. Shit, this is gettin' expensive.”
-Dred Scott DrummondFortune 500 CookieYou're simply the best, and that depresses us all. The next time you're on trial for murder, don't forget to mention that a Klondike bar was involved. And if you must ask for a lawyer who can get you off, at least try not to do it with that smarmy leer in your eye. Try chewing your food an odd number of times this week, like 6,372. This week's lucky injuries: hangnail, hangankle, ruptured spleen, stabitosis.
Try again later.Top Upcoming Bourne Sequels1. | The Bourne Pregnancy | 2. | The Bourne Insolvency | 3. | The Bourne Cat Fancy | 4. | The Bourne Schenectady | 5. | The Bourne Macaroni and Cheez | |
|   Scientists Agree to Name New Planet "Tyler" BY orson welch 11/7/2005 Can’t talk. Too many movies. Choking on own bile. On to the reviews.
Now on DVD:
Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Here it is at last: The end of George Lucas’ career. The quote/unquote "final" installment in the Star Wars series, at least until ten years more of anonymity and misty-eyed recollections on the original trilogy bring Lucas to write three more, sandwiched somewhere between the first Star Wars and Lucas’ days as a geeky college student. I believe Lucas opted for the subtitle "Revenge of the Sith" because you couldn’t put "Shitloads of Lightsaber Fights" on the posters. Believe me, even the diehard fans will get sick of the constant onslaught of fights. How atrocious is the dialogue? Not as bad as the...
Can’t talk. Too many movies. Choking on own bile. On to the reviews.
Now on DVD:
Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Here it is at last: The end of George Lucas’ career. The quote/unquote "final" installment in the Star Wars series, at least until ten years more of anonymity and misty-eyed recollections on the original trilogy bring Lucas to write three more, sandwiched somewhere between the first Star Wars and Lucas’ days as a geeky college student. I believe Lucas opted for the subtitle "Revenge of the Sith" because you couldn’t put "Shitloads of Lightsaber Fights" on the posters. Believe me, even the diehard fans will get sick of the constant onslaught of fights. How atrocious is the dialogue? Not as bad as the last two, but you would think playwright Tom Stoppard could come up with something more clever than, "Nooooooooo!" when Vader realizes what he’s done to everyone he loves. Oh, well. At least I won’t be encountering any more Wookiiee costumes for a while when I go to the movies.
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory
Tim Burton, best know for his subtlety and reserve in telling a story, unleashes a big fat jawbreaker of a film on an audience who no longer care about a story, but just want to see goofy costumes and ludicrous props. Johnny Depp continues his neverending run of performing spectacles, which is at least enjoyable for itself, even if it has nothing to do with the story and doesn’t support the film. There are also tons of annoying kids we’re allowed to hate, and one that we’re supposed to like, but that doesn’t quite work out. It did send me back to the refreshment counter a few dozen times, so it’s a success by Hollywood standards. Mmm! Wonkalicious.
House of Wax
When your movie is written as a vehicle for Paris Hilton, you know you’re fucked. Pardon my Hollywood. I could go into the acting, the predictability of the plot, the complete lack of likeability and utter contemptibility of all the characters… but I won’t. Actually, I already did. Suffice to say there is not one positive thing in this film, outside of Paris Hilton getting killed, and even that’s fake so it’s a letdown. If you put a shining, rat-infested turd on the screen it would improve this film immensely. If the film had been made in Iran, the director would have had his hands cut off. I’m still considering going after him myself.
Yawn. Computer-generated animals with celebrity voices, blah blah blah. A bunch of animals run away from the zoo and learn to be friends and work together and some sort of crap. Still, for lost on a desert island movies, it was better than Lost, since it did eventually end. Otherwise unremarkable. In fact, I wish I hadn’t remarked on it. I could have spent a more productive few lines of column by describing the smell of my farts. Sort of a burnt orange, if I had to find a description. But let’s not waste any more time with this than the filmmakers did.
That’s all for now. Tune in next time and I’ll give you all the highlights of Spielberg’s new War of the Worlds. Here’s a preview:   |