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Beautiful Tuba

March 31, 2003
Well commune family, Boris is saddest to say Secret Valentine is not popping up like popping tarts. Louis tell Boris that Valentine is kidnapped and far away, sad story. Is figures for Boris, story of forbidden love is Boris life. Like time Boris is in love with persons in naked movie, but them is forbidden from to answer Boris telegram. Is story like in sad book.

But Boris find other solution! Boris play music of love on beautiful tuba.

Boris buys tuba at store for supporting Salavating Army. Going in to find next book of mysteries, latest adventures of Hardy Boys. Is fun. And holy look at this! Is huge gold thing which Boris does not know. Boris ask man what for, is for peeing? No, says man. Is for tubaing. Oh, says Boris. No shits? But what is this tubaing?

That is when man picks up tuba and makes beautiful sounds with mouth and tuba. Boris knows right then he must have such things.

And then thing happens! Kids is stealing giant pair of jeans from store. Jeans so big for persons of amazing size, is funny. Kids is laughing and running out of store with jeans, so man chases them like "I will marry your mothers and have sexes with them, small bastards!"

This is when Boris is alone in store. Hooray for Boris! Today tuba is free!

Boris walk home while making beautiful sounds on street, and people look at Boris like wondering how persons make such sounds so nice.

Boris coming home and play beautiful music of love for to cheer up Louis. Louis not like beautiful music of love, him say sounds like beautiful buffalo is dying.

But other persons is larger fans of music than Louis. Persons on bus are loud with appreciation. Also, neighbors cheer for Boris and show love of music with banging on walls.

One day Louis say for Boris to take tubaing lesson, to play song instead of "Honk-honk-honk" all times. Boris try to explain, is honking song written by Boris, but like said, Louis is not in love with musics.

Things go good for week, with much happiness in air. Is beautiful time of music like in movie with Mozard. Boris hears birds chirping and honks with them beautiful song, but birds are afraid of big bird that is Boris and leave. Is funny.

One morning Boris go to play "Good Morning!" song on tuba, but when blow there is no music. Only is sound like fat persons is whispering for more foods. Boris try hitting to fix tuba, but is not good. Finally Boris look inside big tuba hole, and there is tail in tuba! Thinking hardly, Boris cannot remember that there is tail in tuba before then. Don't not think so. Looking closer, Boris sees the bad news. There is dead opossum in tuba! Oh no for Boris and tuba!

How such things does happen? Impossible to know. Louis think opossum must love Boris musics so much he try to climb in and eat some. Then he is stuck and dead. So sad for opposum. And is for tuba! Since Louis say opposum germ will make Boris sick in the ass, it is goodbye to tuba. Boris love musics yes, but Boris love not being dead the most.

Is sad morning, but life does not stop. More happy day is coming, for Boris is looking for to buy kazoo! See, beautiful instrument is too small for animals to fit inside to die. Yay for music!

2004: President Bush, in a farewell address to the nation, apologizes for corruption in his administration and senseless slaughter of American lives, as well as the mangling of the language (courtesy of Future Bob).
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