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Makes its own gravy

Volume 4

October 1, 2001
Dear commune:

Damn. Damn, damn, damn. I just learned the word damn.

If there's one thing I hate, commune, it's being limited to hating just one thing. There are so many ugly things out there to hate. Why did it take me so long to learn the word "damn," you ask? Well, don't ask.

Sometimes when I hear the state of politics, I think it's Washington. Then I forgot there's another Washington on the west coast. And then the other Washington, the one I was thinking of, it's not even a state. What's with that? How come so many states steal each other's names? West Virginia? East Virginia? North Carolina, South Carolina? Two Dakotas? That's a dumb name. I knew a girl named Dakota, or it was a TV show or something. But why even one? There's so many great names out there to use. Why Dakota at all? Like Andy. "Hi, I'm from the great state of Andy," you could say. Now there's a state name.

Once again, I have digressed. I will change my pants and wash thoroughly and write to you again.

Freedy Amos
So Cal

Dear commune:

What is with all the gay jokes? I swear sometimes me and my dicksucking friends think you're homophobic or something.

Is it insecurity? Perhaps you're not sure enough of your own masculinity to respect other human beings. Does it make you feel big in front of your friends? I assure you when I'm squeezing my erection into another man's anal cavity we're not making fun of you heterosexuals, like, "Oh, how straight they are! Yeah, they love to make love to women. That's smart." Say that last part in a sarcastic voice to hear it the way I meant it.

There's nothing wrong with being homosexual. Maybe if you'd try it you'd like it yourself. But I'm not offering or anything. Don't show up on my doorstep at 3 a.m. wanting a little crash course in homosexuality. That's not what I'm saying at all. I think you totally misread the signals. Jesus, don't tell my friends, okay? Something like that could get me in a lot of trouble.

Greg Dandy
New York City, NY


Whoa, I think you totally mis-read us, Greg. Obviously the commune respects everyone in the world and their lifestyle choices, especially homosexuals. Our reader statistics estimate over 90% of our readership is made up of homosexuals. As much as 99%, maybe, we don't even know. And according to our own columnist Omar Bricks, everyone in our main office is queer.

Even those of our staff and contributors who are not homosexual like a little on the side every now and then. There is even a tape of our own Lil Duncan engaging in a little hot action with a stockroom girl going around the office. If you would like a copy, just send $19.95 to our letters address with "Lesbo Tape" marked clearly on the envelope.

the commune

Dear commune:

The freedom to bear arms is a sacred right in America. How can left-wing freaks want to take that away from us?

I've worked construction for ten years now. Sure, I've gotten sunburned before, I admit there's a danger. But sometimes it's just too hot to where a long-sleeve shirt or something like that. And chicks love it when you where shirts without sleeves at all so they can see all the tattoos. Some guys, like Danny K., he don't even wear a shirt in most of the summer. It ain't my cup of tea, but it's a free country. Or is it? Huh? You tell me.

If I can't work outside or inside with bear arms, this certainly isn't the land of the free like I thought it was supposed to be.

Merle Jackson
Elbow, MO


We're glad you could express your opinion to us. In fact, after considering your letter, we're glad you can read the commune at all, or are gainfully employed. Most of all we're glad you're there and we're here.

the commune

Editor's Note: the commune is not responsible for the content or context of any of it's reader letters. Secondly, the commune IS NOT hosting a contest for a free low-flow toilet that involves sending in letters about why you need a new toilet the most. Those letters should be directed to Our staff thanks you profusely.

Quote of the Day
“We didn't land on Plymouth Rock… we landed just beside it, and then the damn thing rolled onto us. Needless to say, we didn't step in bird shit either. Just standing in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

-Professor Milton X
Fortune 500 Cookie
It's official: You've made the Ambassador's shit list. It's funny you can never find a gun when you really need one. Try thinking outside the box this week… in fact, general consensus is you shouldn't be wearing a box everywhere in the first place. Suck a lemon; make lemonade.

Try again later.
Top 5 Issues for Next Supreme Court
1.Official legal definition of "fucked up"
2.Arrange long-awaited challenge of man versus beast
3.Discount a minimum of ten urban legends
4.Settle this Lindsey Lohan-Hilary Duff feud once and for all
5.Reverse hundreds of years of progress
Volume 3
Dear commune: I feel you've gone too far to the extreme once again. "Gun Control" is just another liberal name for over-regulation. Every American is shocked and stunned by the outbreak of violence in the workplace and our schools. Yet I... (9/1/01)

Volume 2
Dear commune: You boys is ate up. I read your shit all the time 'cause I know it's know or be knowed in this universe. You know? My favorite parts is the music reviews where you tell it like it is. Whitney Houston ain't released a good album... (8/1/01)

Volume 1
Dear commune: Ed Phillips here again. Just had to let you know you guys were on the right track again with that teenage pregnancy issue. It's an unbelievable epidemic. I've gotten four teenage girls pregnant in the last six months. The problem is... (7/1/01)
