Fuckoff Reporter Leaves commune in LurchRaoul Dunkin total cockwad August 30, 2001 |
Greenwich Village, NY Busty Thomas Raoul Dunkin, probable male prostitute ongtime commune political correspondent Raoul Dunkin has unexpectedly left his post at the commune in favor of hosting MTV's South Beach Jigglefest this spring break in Southern Florida. Confidential sources have it that MTV is just jerking Dunkin's chain, and that he's an asshole for believing them. Only time will tell, but once Dunkin is a washed-up Miami hobo begging for mustard packets on the streets, the commune will be there to cover this important news story. In order to fulfill Dunkin's contractual obligations and ruin his credibility as a reporter in his absence, in the coming weeks the commune will be publishing the fragments of news stories and personal items that we found in his desk. We feel that this is in the best public and journalistic interest....
ongtime commune political correspondent Raoul Dunkin has unexpectedly left his post at the commune in favor of hosting MTV's South Beach Jigglefest this spring break in Southern Florida. Confidential sources have it that MTV is just jerking Dunkin's chain, and that he's an asshole for believing them. Only time will tell, but once Dunkin is a washed-up Miami hobo begging for mustard packets on the streets, the commune will be there to cover this important news story. In order to fulfill Dunkin's contractual obligations and ruin his credibility as a reporter in his absence, in the coming weeks the commune will be publishing the fragments of news stories and personal items that we found in his desk. We feel that this is in the best public and journalistic interest. Red Bagel is the commune's fearless editor and a respected bookie for local dog-track betting.
 | Curse of DiCaprio Spreads Through HollywoodYoung actresses at risk July 16, 2001 |
Hollywood, CA Pam Stelite/AP Leonardo DiCaprio may be exuding ith the Tuesday release of actress Claire Danes' book, My So-Called Sex Life a new wave of attention has been focused on the damage young actor and possible space creature Leonardo DiCaprio is doing to the lives of Hollywood's young actresses. When this reporter spoke recently with Danes, she was in a near-catatonic state. Â "I just want everybody to know that Leo and I didn't DO anything on the set of Romeo and Juliet. We were just in the same movie together. Hell, most of our scenes were filmed separately, it was all camera tricks that made it seem like we were in bed together, I swear! Somebody, please sleep with me!" said Danes, bursting into tears. This pitiful scene is being repeated all across Tinseltown as young actresses who've shared the sc...
ith the Tuesday release of actress Claire Danes' book, My So-Called Sex Life a new wave of attention has been focused on the damage young actor and possible space creature Leonardo DiCaprio is doing to the lives of Hollywood's young actresses. When this reporter spoke recently with Danes, she was in a near-catatonic state. Â "I just want everybody to know that Leo and I didn't DO anything on the set of Romeo and Juliet. We were just in the same movie together. Hell, most of our scenes were filmed separately, it was all camera tricks that made it seem like we were in bed together, I swear! Somebody, please sleep with me!" said Danes, bursting into tears. This pitiful scene is being repeated all across Tinseltown as young actresses who've shared the screen with DiCaprio find that men now fear to touch them. Some even cross the street to avoid them, sometimes against swift traffic. This reaction seems to be genetically ingrained in the male sex, an unspoken knowledge that something is not quite right with the young actor, and that even the slightest contact with him leaves a woman strictly undateable. This Curse has extended even to girls who sat in the same classroom with DiCaprio in grade school and singer Alanis Morissette, who once stated in an interview that her astrological sign was Leo. Most women seem to be strangely immune to DiCaprio's nauseating effects. Some even claim to find him attractive, a tendency that baffles psychologists and medical doctors alike. "It is my professional opinion that DiCaprio exudes toxic pheromones from tiny ducts behind his ears," noted neurologist P. William Clydesdale commented on the phenomenon. "These pheromones act to confuse the female's neurological systems, resulting in a dizzy sense of confusion and impaired reasoning. As to why these pheromones do not effect the males of the species, my educated guess is that the average male's desire to pop DiCaprio's head like a blister results in increased levels of endorphins in the blood stream, which counteracts the pheromones." An accurate assessment of how many young careers have been ruined by the Curse of DiCaprio cannot be made, since County health officials have been unable to find any male subjects who can name any films other than Titanic in which DiCaprio has appeared. DiCaprio's co-star in Titanic, actress Kate Winslet, was very direct when asked how the Curse has effected her career: "No talk. Eat now." There is a bright hope on the horizon, however. Recent reports have indicated that actress Chloe Svengali is the first documented female to be immune to DiCaprio's insidious pheromones. She has vowed publicly to track down all actresses in upcoming DiCaprio projects, in an effort to warn them before they make any terrible mistakes. the commune news would like to thank Henry Ford for setting the global-warming ball in motion, members of the commune Winter Volleyball League send their regards. Ivan Nakutchacokov was recently hired away from The Apathetic Gazette, and doesn't look the least bit Russian to any of us.
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 September 1, 2001 Noal, Choker of MeatOnce upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess named Esmerelda and she lived in a beautiful castle high above the kingdom, Buhtkrack, where her father was a sovereign and noble man. How she longed to be married to the stable boy, Noal, for he was a handsome young man, despite his occasional habit of blowing his nose on the heads of old ladies. But her father would not think of his daughter marrying someone so common. She was to be married to the son of King Goanadd, a harsh man who was known about the countryside for beating his horse for no good reason and leaving the seat up, and never, ever, ever, ever washing his own clothes but instead piling them on the floor in apparent hopes they would be miraculously zapped clean by the laundry fairy, and forcing total strangers to for some re...
º Last Column: Peter and the Wagon º more columns
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess named Esmerelda and she lived in a beautiful castle high above the kingdom, Buhtkrack, where her father was a sovereign and noble man. How she longed to be married to the stable boy, Noal, for he was a handsome young man, despite his occasional habit of blowing his nose on the heads of old ladies. But her father would not think of his daughter marrying someone so common. She was to be married to the son of King Goanadd, a harsh man who was known about the countryside for beating his horse for no good reason and leaving the seat up, and never, ever, ever, ever washing his own clothes but instead piling them on the floor in apparent hopes they would be miraculously zapped clean by the laundry fairy, and forcing total strangers to for some reason call him "Earl, Conqueror of the Fish." Esmerelda desired Noal more than anyone else in the world, and King Buhtkrack knew of her love for this man, so, despite his gracious nature, he sent for the boy.
"I have a grave and perilous task for you," the king told him. "In the far reaches of the kingdom, there lives a dragon that has slain a great many of our sheep, stolen many of our most beautiful women, and run up Visa card charges in my name. You can choose to go and slay this dragon, bestowing upon you the gratitude of many gorgeous and attractive single women and bringing nobility to your family name and honor to you and your blood line. Or you can instead clean the disease-ridden, filth-encrusted mortar of the royal bathrooms. I leave you with these choices."
A week later, Noal returned to the king and said, "I have cleaned the bathrooms as you requested my Lord. Now how may I be of service to you?"
So King Buhtkrack once again offered for him to rid the land of the dragon adding that since the last time, the dragon had been making long-distance calls when the rates are really bad and talking for hours and the royal phone service may get cut off. He then offered Noal the options of slaying the dragon or cleaning the stables of every last speck of dung using only his own toothbrush.
A week later, Noal returned yet again, saying to the king, "Pardon my breath, your highness, but I have cleaned the stables using only my toothbrush. Now how may I be of service to you?"
The king became furious and said, "Just go slay the freaking dragon and get the heck out of my life you worthless coward!"
So Noal went forth, and traveled through the dark night on his noble steed, riding fast into the forest in which lived the dragon. He passed through a tiny village mere miles from the dragon's lair when he met a great carriage pulled by magnificent horses. It stopped for him and out stepped Prince Goanadd.
"Hail Prince Goanadd!" Noal said as he fell to his knees in reverence.
"You shall call me, Earl, Conqueror of Fish!" snapped the Prince, as was his way.
"Hail Earl, Conqueror of Fish!" Noal said, still on his knees.
"You have come to slay the dragon, have you not?" the Pri- er, I mean, Earl said.
"Yes, your majesty."
"Know that you will be devoured by its mighty jaws unless you plunge your sword deep into the soft flesh of its belly and kill its evil heart."
"That is disgusting,your Highness!"
"I have told you to call me Earl, Conqueror of the Fish! How hard is it to remember that?! Sheesh! You common people suck!"
"Forgive me Earl," Noal said.
And so Earl rode away and Noal continued his quest. He rode through the night, stopping only once at South of the Border for some playing cards with nude women on them and a picture of himself riding a giant cactus. At long last, he found the opening of the dragon's lair. It was a dark cave, littered with bones of many a maiden.
Fear began to fill Noal, for he knew if the dragon could easily kill an unarmed maiden who had never fought a day in her life and was dainty and petite to a fault, it surely could kill a strong and limber man armed with a large sword and several years of training in hand-to-hand combat. He slowly crept down the dark passage and into the main cavern, where the beast's enormous girth filled the room. It lay, sleeping, its heavy breath shaking the ground. First, Noal went to the maidens, and freed each of them from the heavy ropes the dragon had somehow tied them up with which Noal thought was considerably strange considering this dragon had no real hands or fingers.
"Perhaps he has a maid who ties maidens up for him. I imagine she gets good money for doing that sort of thing. Probably a nice package with EOE certified training and a dental plan and decent bonuses and a 401k. Heck, I might even get into the maiden tying business if the money's right," he said to no one in particular. No one, that is, except the sleeping dragon who awoke to hear some strange man muttering about job benefits.
The dragon reared back its ugly head, and spat fire at Noal who leaped to the safety of a nearby cave that happened to be lined in asbestos. Then, the dragon stood on its hind legs, outstretched its impressive wings, and bellowed forth a frightening shriek unlike anything Noal had ever heard, give for the time he went backstage and heard Black Sabbath tuning their guitars. But then, Noal spied the soft part of the dragon's belly, and quickly he ran forward and jabbed his sword into it.
The dragon said, "Ouch!" and fell over dead.
Noal returned to the kingdom, triumphant and happy that he had finally brought pride to his family name, and a great many beautiful maidens desired to have carnal relations with him. But he choked to death on a poorly chewed piece of meat at the great banquet and the Princess married Prince Goanadd anyway and he turned out to be an all right guy so everyone lived happily ever after. º Last Column: Peter and the Wagonº more columns | 

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Quote of the Day“'Tis a far, far better thing I do today than I have ever done… in fact, where I'm from, I'm kind of known as an asshole.”
-Cute Little DickensFortune 500 CookieRemember to clean your ears—a friend of ours died from not doing that, no shit. What time is it? Half-past beer-thirty. Always never forget to quit being scared to not ask questions.
Try again later.Top Samuel Berger Excuses for Hiding Documents in Pants1. | Was hoping only hot babes had clearance to read pages. | 2. | In early stages of making a nest for baby starlings. | 3. | Not everybody can afford a snazzy briefcase, Rockefeller. | 4. | Trying to conceive children; needed to keep the boys warm. | 5. | Classify this, motherfucker. | |
|   80's Revival Threatens Future of Civilization BY e.l. pout 7/16/2001 Hairy WalnutsI fed my cat some hairy walnuts
My poor kitty doesn't like hairy walnuts
I forced the cat to eat those nuts
and then I watched him puke them up
He ran away when he was done
and hasn't come back yet
I don't think he ever will
that stupid cat
I never liked him anyway
He made me sneeze and he made my eyes itch
I used to buy the most expensive food
By the time he left I was down to buying hairy walnuts
This was back when hairy walnuts were common in every store
After a while I starting having a hard time finding them
I had to drive to the other side of town to get them
just so I could feed my cat hairy walnuts
Which the cat hated, of course
I don't know where I got the idea to feed the cat hai...
I fed my cat some hairy walnuts
My poor kitty doesn't like hairy walnuts
I forced the cat to eat those nuts
and then I watched him puke them up
He ran away when he was done
and hasn't come back yet
I don't think he ever will
that stupid cat
I never liked him anyway
He made me sneeze and he made my eyes itch
I used to buy the most expensive food
By the time he left I was down to buying hairy walnuts
This was back when hairy walnuts were common in every store
After a while I starting having a hard time finding them
I had to drive to the other side of town to get them
just so I could feed my cat hairy walnuts
Which the cat hated, of course
I don't know where I got the idea to feed the cat hairy walnuts
I never tried them myself
The cat, of course, hated hairy walnuts
I wouldn't shell them
I wouldn't even crack them a little
The cat had to pry them open himself to get at the nut
And the nut itself tastes shitty, so I hear
The cat must have had low self esteem
I can't imagine why he stuck around
all the time I was forcing him to eat hairy walnuts
He could have run away at any time
He had a little kitty door
but every night, there he was
waiting for me to feed him,
and getting more hairy walnuts
Those walnuts sure were hairy
I remember trying to shave one once
just to see what it would look like
It looked like a naked walnut, if you can picture that
It didn't look like anything I had ever seen before
Unshaven, the hairy walnut looks like a cat's hairball
Maybe that's why the cat didn't like eating hairy walnuts
Maybe they weren't really hairy walnuts at all
Maybe I was just feeding the cat his own hairballs
over and over again, every night
But how was I buying big bags of my own cat's hairballs
in supermarkets all across town?
It doesn't make sense
unless the cat secretly loved eating his own hairballs so much
he worked out a deal with the supermarkets
coughing up hairballs for them to bag and shelve
just for me to come along and buy
so I could feed them to my cat as hairy walnuts
What the fuck was that cat thinking?
If he liked hairy walnuts so much, why did he run away?
I can't make sense of cat thoughts
He must have liked eating hairy walnuts
or he wouldn't have done all that work to make sure he got them
every night, without fail
hairy walnuts in his bowl.   |