May 7, 2007 |
ORANGEBURG, SC JUNIOR BACON Clinton thrills Southern audiences with her Yosemite Sam impression acing charges of pandering to Southerners by affecting a fake drawl when speaking to audiences in the South, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton responded to reporters this week with an angry retort of "Shoo, I ayne got no suuthurn assent, y'all" before spitting on the floor and leaving the room. This latest incident follows a strong trend for Clinton over the last few weeks, leading pundits to suggest she's attempting to poach votes from Democratic challenger and authentic southerner John Edwards, knowing full well that a Democrat who can't carry the South has as much of a chance at the presidency as a black man from… oh. Nevermind. Adding fuel to the fiery allegations, Clinton appeared at a rally in Raleigh last week wearing a NASCAR hat, and proceeded to...
acing charges of pandering to Southerners by affecting a fake drawl when speaking to audiences in the South, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton responded to reporters this week with an angry retort of "Shoo, I ayne got no suuthurn assent, y'all" before spitting on the floor and leaving the room. This latest incident follows a strong trend for Clinton over the last few weeks, leading pundits to suggest she's attempting to poach votes from Democratic challenger and authentic southerner John Edwards, knowing full well that a Democrat who can't carry the South has as much of a chance at the presidency as a black man from… oh. Nevermind. Adding fuel to the fiery allegations, Clinton appeared at a rally in Raleigh last week wearing a NASCAR hat, and proceeded to pepper her speech with references to country music songs by Clint Black and Toby Keith. Even more strikingly, Clinton spoke to a group of campaign donors in Charleston a few days later, smoking a pipe and ordering around several people of color dressed as servants onstage. "I don't know where she gets her ideas," questioned Tim Linenbrook, Professor of Cultural Studies at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. "No one in recorded history, Southern or otherwise, has ever acted like Hillary apparently thinks we Southerners act. In spite of having lived in Arkansas for years, she seems to have formed her impression of the South from a mix of Deliverance and The Dukes of Hazzard." Clinton's detractors insist this is not a new behavior for the senator from New York, citing numerous incidents in which the former first lady appeared to pander to African-American audiences by incorporating clichéd and very incorrect forms of Ebonics into her speech and adopting very broadly stereotypical behaviors. The most notorious example of which may have been an appearance in Chicago in March, when Clinton ended her speech by shouting "Fuck tha police!" and tossing buckets of KFC into the crowd. Leaders from the Latino community in Los Angeles also took issue with Clinton's decision to issue her entire speech at that campaign stop in the form of graffiti spray-painted onto road signs above the 405 freeway. Valley girl advocates (yes, they exist, and we found them) also charge that Clinton pulled the same trick when speaking at a fundraiser in Orange County three weeks ago, popping her gum loudly while speaking about Medicare and using the word "like" seventy-eight times over the course of four minutes. "What-EVER," Clinton responded when questioned about her dubious Southern California speech patterns. Political pundits across the spectrum, however, admit that they're on the edge of their seats in anticipation of Clinton's upcoming speaking engagement in Whippany, New Jersey, a town noted for its unusually high concentration of Kazak immigrants, since Clinton is rumored to do an absolutely killer Borat impression. the commune news has often been accused of typing with a Southern accent to appeal to our readers in the South, but this impression is usually caused by undiscerning readers stumbling across our special commune for kids editions, in which we dumb everything down to sub-retard levels to boost our readership in daycare centers and Oklahoma. Lil Duncan is the commune's Washington correspondent, and screamed "OH GOD YES!" is three different accents while on location reporting this story.
 | Former CIA Director Doesn’t Know SportsApril 30, 2007 |
Washington, D.C. Snapper McGee Former CIA Director George Tenet admits he doesn’t know dick about sports in his new book. In an old White House photo, Tenet tries to bluff his way through a description of a "goal and two assists" he saw in a televised game of checkers.   h, baby, there’s being a girl and then there’s being a girl—know what I’m saying? Take as an example former CIA Director George Tenet, the man who complains in his new book At the Center of the Storm that he became a poster boy for the fuck-up in Iraq and that his comment "It’s a Slam Dunk, Mr. President," was used as grounds for the Iraqi invasion and taken out of context. Now it turns out that, according to Tenet’s new book, the problem is trying to use sports terminology in the workplace without knowing shit about sports.
Like a lot of women out there, this reporter only watches sports for the unspoken erotic tension between the players and the frequent male touching. But honey, at least I watch. Which leaves straight boys like George Tenet...
h, baby, there’s being a girl and then there’s being a girl—know what I’m saying? Take as an example former CIA Director George Tenet, the man who complains in his new book At the Center of the Storm that he became a poster boy for the fuck-up in Iraq and that his comment "It’s a Slam Dunk, Mr. President," was used as grounds for the Iraqi invasion and taken out of context. Now it turns out that, according to Tenet’s new book, the problem is trying to use sports terminology in the workplace without knowing shit about sports.
Like a lot of women out there, this reporter only watches sports for the unspoken erotic tension between the players and the frequent male touching. But honey, at least I watch. Which leaves straight boys like George Tenet trying to fumble (another sports term) around the office to describe international situations in a language the president can understand. If he don’t know sports and the president don’t know international politics, they might as well be speaking Swahili and German to each other, sweetie.
In Tenet’s new book, the freshest alibi that testifies he’s someone else who didn’t do shit to cause the unpopular war in Iraq, the former CIA Director tells how he responded to the president’s question about the intelligence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD is so 2003 now), to which Tenet replied with the damned expression "Slam Dunk." But Tenet says the case against him is not so clear.
"The president likes to receive all of his briefings in language that the public can understand," Tenet wrote of his former boss and frequent sly critic. "This makes it easier for the razor-sharp mind of President Bush to prepare information for his press conferences—with so many things on his plate like writing a balanced budget, researching the privatization of health care, and his late-night situation meetings, sports terminology can get the point home to the American people without the president complicating the matter with the convoluted jargon familiar to President Bush, but strange to our ears.
"In this matter, I incorrectly clarified the intelligence case for Iraq’s possession of weapons of mass destruction as a ’Slam Dunk.’ I have very rarely ever seen a football game, so using this terminology was my mistake. I should have gone with ’home run,’ which is at least familiar to me because of dating slang. I did not mean that the ball was knocked out of the park. I meant that that thing happens where—what’s the term for when a player pretends to throw the ball, but you’re not sure he did, and any player could have or not have the ball? A ’clusterfuck,’ maybe? Whatever that thing is, that’s what I meant to say. Boy, I must have really messed up my sports lingo, though."
Tenet’s book further criticizes politicians out there, including the White House, for making him the scapegoat for the war because of the "Slam Dunk" comment. When the intelligence for Iraq was revealed as faulty, detractors pointed to Tenet as the face for the flawed intelligence system and put the burden on him and his people for a war that many accusers say was initiated only by the president’s interests. Tenet goes on to describe the process as "just plain mean."
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was uncharacteristically frank in her response to Tenet’s charges in her response with Wolf Blitzer on CNN Sunday.
"George screwed the pooch and he knows it," said Rice. "That’s not a sports term, so maybe I won’t have to translate it for him. We should send him to the penalty box for his knocking us over it all, but he wouldn’t know where the fuck it is anyway." the commune news is way familiar with sports terminology, and frequently likes to invent our own to liven things up. By the way, did you see the Cubs totally pontoon that short-sheet into the baker’s dozen last week? Total bullshit. Correspondent Stigmata Spent is also total bullshit, if you’re looking for a genuine lady to go out clubbing with, but she knows her football, and she’s more fun to talk to.
 |  Dow Reaches 13,000, Tao Reaches ∞ "Blond Highlights the Devil's Work," Says Iran, Straight Men  MySpace Premieres in Communist China as OurSpace  Pain in the Ass Hawking Demands Handicapped- Accessible Space Shuttle |
 April 30, 2007 Big Bee is DeadHello, communes. Boris is this. Coming on you with big news of year: Big bee is dead. Yes, is so!
Every person remember big bee, is bee thing from Boris child's hood what always give Boris time so hard. Whenever Boris is does go outsides to play with made-up friends, there is big bee waiting to chase Boris away, like Benny's Hill show except without music. Boris has to hum music for himself when does run away from big bee. Sometimes Boris does think maybe bee does hate this music and that why chase Boris, but probably bee is just asshole.
All through life big bee does follow Boris. At home, on way to school, even on inside of classroom where Boris does is in trouble for bringing pet bee to school. Boris is kick out of schools so many time because big bee will n...
º Last Column: Boris is Spider º more columns
Hello, communes. Boris is this. Coming on you with big news of year: Big bee is dead. Yes, is so! Every person remember big bee, is bee thing from Boris child's hood what always give Boris time so hard. Whenever Boris is does go outsides to play with made-up friends, there is big bee waiting to chase Boris away, like Benny's Hill show except without music. Boris has to hum music for himself when does run away from big bee. Sometimes Boris does think maybe bee does hate this music and that why chase Boris, but probably bee is just asshole. All through life big bee does follow Boris. At home, on way to school, even on inside of classroom where Boris does is in trouble for bringing pet bee to school. Boris is kick out of schools so many time because big bee will not leave alone. Teacher say is so because mother does to wash Boris hair with honey, but this teacher's excuse for all things, like why all neighbor's hood dogs does follow Boris to lick head, and why come all flies does stick to Boris in summer's time. Even when adult person, Boris can't not get job thing because no persons does want to hire Boris who is always running from bee and waving of arms. So, Boris does come to Americas. Does big bee follow? Yes. Stick with shit. Big bee does have hard time to keep up with Boris on roading adventure with Angels from Hell and big fast bust, but eventually does find Potato Boris even though is secret identity. Bee is not fooled. Big bee even does follow Boris to New Olean. Coming back home to Louis apartment, Boris is thinking big bee get lost or maybe decide on follow person who does smell more like honey than Boris. But other day come huge surprise for Boris who does believe this idea. Boris is sleeping sounds on Louis couch as outside is raining cats and water. Yes, yes, Boris is suppose to sleep in closet room, but after Louis is sleep, Boris does like to sneak out to couch so not to suffocate with sleeping Boris farts. And is all good and fun, but then Boris wake up to drip on head, like pee from God. Window is leak on Boris! Boris is mad, because before this Boris does like window. So, Boris have to pull out couch thing aways from window to sleep not in rain. This hard work, until Boris think to get off couch before moving. Then? Like lifting huge feather. No problemo, like say Louis friend speaking Spanishs. But when Boris pull out couch, what is underbeneath? You can't not know this, so Boris will tell: big bee! Yes! First Boris is very scare and does poop so hard, but then Boris see big bee is sleeping. Boris does get napking blanket for big bee, but when putting on, does see big bee very dusty like rust bunny under couch. "Holy Moley!" Boris does think in Spanishs. Big bee is dead! Is true, so dead like Jiminey Crickets. Boris does make special coffin thing from box for matches and sings special funeral song ("Fly Like Eagles into Furniture") before does flush bee down toilets to go to afterworld. And like that, Boris is free. Is lonely to be free. Boris hoping to find moth or ladybug wants to follow Boris at all times. Is so too much work to tie with strings. º Last Column: Boris is Spiderº more columns | 

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Quote of the Day“Seek not greatness, but seek truth and you will find both. If, however, you find a bag that looks like oregano, it's mine. I mean, if the cops ask you, it's not mine, but I am totally holding it for a friend of mine.”
-Ron HorsemannFortune 500 CookieAnother day, another dollar—you should really quit the migrant worker biz for a job where you can make more than a buck a day. Fans of sweaty three-ways with lesbians rejoice, they'll have your video in stock this Thursday. I've been smelling beans all day. That can't be just me. Lucky Lucianos will be Angelo, Salvatore, Emilio, and Gary.
Try again later.How Did Rat Poison Get in Food for Dogs & Cats?1. | Particularly sly British mouse known only as Nigel | 2. | Adult illiteracy: Secret shame of the pet food industry | 3. | Turned back for one minute; Islamic fundamentalists cats & dogs go shithouse on production line | 4. | Mislabeled bags were manufactured for special Ted Nugent brand of pet food | 5. | One man determined to get the fucking dog to play dead already | |
|   Virginia Tech Regrets "Baghdad for a Day" Exchange Program BY howie dudat 4/30/2007 Space Gods: The New Generation"Captain's blog, Stardate eleven point six point forty-three point twelve point three-thousand," the captain typed out loud for the benefit of anyone who might be listening. "We have drifted far off course due to our Conn, walking GoBot Mister Matrix, forgetting to turn on the autopilot when he got off shift last night, so excited was he to hit the ship's bar, The Watering Hall, before the end of Happy Hour. And so, we find ourselves deep in Romann space, desperate to find our way back to Planet Club territory without drawing the attention of our sworn enemies."
"Captain on the brink!" announced Mister Matrix, in that funny way he had, as the captain entered the bridge.
"At ease," the captain announced to everyone, all of whom were already taking it pretty easy...
"Captain's blog, Stardate eleven point six point forty-three point twelve point three-thousand," the captain typed out loud for the benefit of anyone who might be listening. "We have drifted far off course due to our Conn, walking GoBot Mister Matrix, forgetting to turn on the autopilot when he got off shift last night, so excited was he to hit the ship's bar, The Watering Hall, before the end of Happy Hour. And so, we find ourselves deep in Romann space, desperate to find our way back to Planet Club territory without drawing the attention of our sworn enemies." "Captain on the brink!" announced Mister Matrix, in that funny way he had, as the captain entered the bridge. "At ease," the captain announced to everyone, all of whom were already taking it pretty easy. "Mister Matrix, what is our current heading?" "We are headed toward the HEPA quadrant at a heading of 'Hauling Balls' sir, as per your orders," answered the well-hung android Mister Matrix, who looked exactly like a human except for his boxy metallic body and accordion-like arms. "Very well, Mister Matrix," the captain approved. "What is the status of the crew, Miss Mude?" "The crew is very irritable, captain," ship's counselor and purported empath Cherilynn Mude replied. "This is not a good time to bother the crew." "Are you sure it's not just the… crew's time of the month, counselor?" the captain inquired. "Don't start with that shit, sir," Mude ended the discussion. Suddenly, out of fucking nowhere, a Romann ship materialized on the viewscreen. It resembled a frigate from Earth's eighteenth century, only the sails were black for space camouflage. "E-zounds!" shouted the captain. "It's a…" the captain paused and waited patiently. "A Romann warship, captain," lietenant Dorn added, finally. "Exactly," confirmed the captain. "Open a shouting channel." "BOOP" said lieutenant Dorn, pressing a button. "Romann bird of prey, I am Captain Pepe LeBlanc," announced the captain. "Of the Planet Club's Elantra." As if in response, the Romanns fired their space catapult, peppering the Elantra with big-assed space rocks. "Damage report!" shouted the captain, seemingly to himself. "Casualties on decks nine and forty-seven," Security Chief Dorn answered. "And an ensign on deck eight has a snuggy." "A snuggy?" the captain queried. "Yes, sir. That's when the crack of one's ass is invaded by underwear." "Oooh!" cringed the captain. "I hate that! Dispatch an emergency medical team at once!" "Aye-aye, captain." Dorn answered. "And see the speech therapist on deck ninety-six about that stuttering problem, lieutenant," the captain finished. "…" Dorn replied. "All hands to battle stations! Ready the electric torpedoes, Mister Dorn. Lock onto the Romann warbird. Aaaand… Hold up! Gotta take a piss!" the captain announced, jogging off to a special room off the bridge where the crew's waste was transported out of their bodies and into Romann space. "Okay, back!" the captain returned. "Where were we? Oh, right. Fire at will!" At which point the Security Officer Dorn shot first mate Will Ferrill at point blank range with his phaser, cutting Ferrill in half. "Woah! Holy space-fuck!" shouted the captain. "The Romanns, Dorn, the Romanns! And somebody get a swifter in here to take care of number one. I'll be right back, I need to take care of number two," and the captain once again disappeared into the shit room.   |