May 23, 2005 |
Washington, D.C. Whit Pistol A classic filibuster on the Senate floor, though judging by the awkward stance, a drinking contest also took place the night before. ith the specter of the president's extreme right-wing judge appointments approaching, congressional Republicans, led by Bill "Not First" Frist, are seeking to eliminate the long-standing tradition of the filibuster. However, Senate Democrats are reluctant to give up their one means of making the president deal with their side, so Republicans are offering a juicier prize—exchanging the filibuster for a "last man standing" drinking contest.
The filibuster, sometimes described as a congressional loophole, has long been used as a negotiation tactic by the minority party in the Senate to stall controversial votes and force compromises to the table. The drinking contest, a long-time college and unemployment staple, has traditionally been used to test the mettle of men and women a...
ith the specter of the president's extreme right-wing judge appointments approaching, congressional Republicans, led by Bill "Not First" Frist, are seeking to eliminate the long-standing tradition of the filibuster. However, Senate Democrats are reluctant to give up their one means of making the president deal with their side, so Republicans are offering a juicier prize—exchanging the filibuster for a "last man standing" drinking contest.
The filibuster, sometimes described as a congressional loophole, has long been used as a negotiation tactic by the minority party in the Senate to stall controversial votes and force compromises to the table. The drinking contest, a long-time college and unemployment staple, has traditionally been used to test the mettle of men and women and their bladder, pitting the will of the individual, minority or majority, against an opponent and several shots of potent liquor.
"The filibuster is unfair to the majority in the Senate and the American people," said Frist, smirking just a little as he made the comment. "The Republican majority has played the system like a filthy piano to get into prominent positions, to hold majority in all the prominent positions, and it's totally unfair this danged silly filibuster now stands in the way of us guiding the country the way the American people want it. And to those who say the fundamentalist extreme Christian right are the ones guiding us—what, you're saying they aren't people?"
The filibuster is a ploy in which a member of the Senate stalls a congressional vote through technical procedure, refusing to yield the floor until opponents pledge to amend bills that reach the Senate floor or, in the case of judicial nominees, bargain on the terms of nominees or forcing the majority party to nominate more moderate judges. For more information on filibusters, visit your local library, where you can rent Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and fast-forward to the final scene.
Frist claims a drinking contest is a better way to solve congressional disagreements—representatives of both parties, the best drinkers chosen from among a fine stock of drinking men, can tequila-shot their way to a decision both sides will adhere to, in a much shorter period of time than the usual filibuster, which can take many hours, and in rare turns, even days.
"Standing around all night, talking? Reading from law books, the Constitution, or even Where the Wild Things Grow?" At this Frist shook a finger and sighed. "That's hardly a competition of wills for real men. When I really want to show who's more resolved and dedicated to his beliefs, I like to down several shots of Southern Comfort and wobble around the Senate floor. I guarantee I can hold my own against any Democrat in congress right now. The Democrats are going to have to elect Nick Nolte or Robert Downey Jr. to give me a serious run for my money."
While Nolte and Downey refused to comment on their futures in politics, the Senate minority leaders were more vocal.
"It is simply ridiculous, not to mention irresponsible, to legitimize drinking as a way to solve decisions," said Sen. Edward Kennedy (D., Massachussetts). "And if Frist really thinks he can outdrink me, he knows where my office is. I'll give him a five-shot headstart. Bring it on, lightweight." the commune news would trade just about anything to get rid of our office filibuster, by which we mean Elmore Sacks wandering around talking loudly about the weird smell in our office. Washington correspondent Lil Duncan is our own little "fill-'er-buster," no matter how she begs us to stop talking about her sex life.
| May 23, 2005 |
New York City Courtesy Calvin Klein The offending ad, which thus far has offended the religious, atheists, the undecided, and fans of boxers everywhere mbarrassed fashion mogul Calvin Klein denied any knowledge of his company's controversial "Saddam's Undies" ad campaign this week, a sweeping series of magazine and billboard ads featuring the deposed Iraqi dictator in his underwear, which Klein claims must have been a hoax masterminded by one of his competitors.
"Calvin Klein is the epitome of cool worldwide," explained the blushing New Yorker. "What has Saddam Hussein got to do with that? Nothing. Don't answer, I will tell you it's nothing. So why would we use him as the centerpiece for our new ad campaign? We wouldn't, don't ask me stupid questions. Goodbye."
Industry observers, however, claim that the new ads prove Klein badly miscalculated in his constant striving to find hot new looks.
"Who's to...
mbarrassed fashion mogul Calvin Klein denied any knowledge of his company's controversial "Saddam's Undies" ad campaign this week, a sweeping series of magazine and billboard ads featuring the deposed Iraqi dictator in his underwear, which Klein claims must have been a hoax masterminded by one of his competitors.
"Calvin Klein is the epitome of cool worldwide," explained the blushing New Yorker. "What has Saddam Hussein got to do with that? Nothing. Don't answer, I will tell you it's nothing. So why would we use him as the centerpiece for our new ad campaign? We wouldn't, don't ask me stupid questions. Goodbye."
Industry observers, however, claim that the new ads prove Klein badly miscalculated in his constant striving to find hot new looks.
"Who's to say what is hot?" queried fashion writer Agnes Blout. "Fashion thrives on the offbeat, the strikingly incongruous. Whether that's toned rednecks in their tidy whities or some underfed starvation model with no tits, cool is often what you make of it. Unless it's a deposed Iraqi dictator making like Mister Rogers after a hard day doing whatever the hell it is Mister Rogers does at work. That's taking fashion relativism a bit far."
Some consider Klein's reaction to be understandable, since the ads have been an unmitigated disaster for the fashion mogul's company. Sales of white underwear plummeted within minutes of the ads hitting the street, and last week a church in South Carolina organized a burning of magazines containing the offensive ads. The magazine-burning turned tragic, however, when fumes given off by all the free perfume samples in the magazines formed a toxic cloud that ate the paint off the church and made several cows very queasy.
No one has gone on record to say how much Hussein was paid for the use of his likeness, though the answer is likely in the millions. Either that or a juicy ham sandwich delivered to his prison cell, it's not like Hussein is at the height of his bargaining power at the moment.
"We felt like this was a fresh new direction for Saddam to go in," explained Hussein's publicist, Liz Turnbow. "No more of this 'dirty old man pulled from a hole in the ground' thing, that was so last year. It's a whole new era for disgraced former dictators and Saddam Hussein is leading the way, with considerable style I must say."
Industry observers are already ranking the Hussein ad campaign with the great fashion miscalculations of all time, like hula-hoop underwear and the infamous salmon necktie of the mid-80's. Others point to the original cast-iron underwear of the early 1700's, which failed due to poor marketing. Klein has missed the mark more than a few times himself, including a career-jeopardizing ad campaign featuring Marlon Brando in his underwear in 1979 and the truly-regrettable "California Raisins in their underwear" campaign of 1987. the commune news refuses to be photographed in our, or anyone else's, underwear, for the simple reason that we fear being used for the "before" photo in a bogus weight loss or Soloflex ad. Ivana Folger-Balzac's reporting was unusually sedate and kind this week, reportedly as a result of the bull tranquilizer she was shot with Tuesday during her weekly tranquilizer-gun fight with commune knob Ramrod Hurley.
| Student who wed Letourneau finally receives passing grade Dumb Star Wars fan still waiting for tickets in post office line Wal-Mart, NetFlix join forces to wipe out small mail-order businesses Device measures TV watching, insults choice of viewing |
May 23, 2005 Net PiratesLike many of you, I was quite thrilled to see the final installment in the Star Wars prequelogy, a word I have just now made up. Not only because I'm the world's biggest Star Wars fan, a fact which I have long concealed so as to be spared from the Star Wars jibes of my enemies, but also because I anxiously await to see all the chronology errors Lucas creates with his prequel changes. But this you may already know.
I waited in a long, long line with my midnight-showing ticket, carrying my own homemade lightsaber (actually works) and dressed as Obi-Wan Kenobi (young version, of course); I was not dressed, as the two pricks in line behind me joked, as "the galaxy's fattest Jedi." But regardless of the opinions of two pricks, I had quite a nice time, really e...
º Last Column: Science Deified º more columns
Like many of you, I was quite thrilled to see the final installment in the Star Wars prequelogy, a word I have just now made up. Not only because I'm the world's biggest Star Wars fan, a fact which I have long concealed so as to be spared from the Star Wars jibes of my enemies, but also because I anxiously await to see all the chronology errors Lucas creates with his prequel changes. But this you may already know.
I waited in a long, long line with my midnight-showing ticket, carrying my own homemade lightsaber (actually works) and dressed as Obi-Wan Kenobi (young version, of course); I was not dressed, as the two pricks in line behind me joked, as "the galaxy's fattest Jedi." But regardless of the opinions of two pricks, I had quite a nice time, really enjoyed the movie, and was happy to see it made so much money over the weekend. Can you imagine what it would have made if Internet Pirates hadn't cut into the proceeds by releasing an illegal copy?
As someone who hates to pay for things, I have always advocated the free trade of music and other materials. But I draw the line at Star Wars movies before they have even left the box office—even finished their opening night take. I have it on good authority from some guy whose name I didn't catch that George Lucas has lost his ass on all the Star Wars movies, trading off what could have been a fortune for useless "merchandizing rights." Tsk-tsk. Worse than that even, the studio paid him all the gross in Republic credits, which were, of course, about as useful as confederate money after the Empire took over. A damn shame.
The plot grows even more insidious. Up to two weeks before the movie even came out, I found a version of it available for download—you heard me right. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith was on the Net two weeks before it premiered in theaters. The version I found starred all Lego people, and ended with a gratuitous homosexual love scene between Anakin and Chewbacca. You can imagine I, as a Star Wars purist, was quite outraged, sir, which prompted me to call Skywalker Ranch and get it verified this was not the authorized print. My faith was renewed, even if Lucas just rushed out a different cut with the homosexual love scene removed, and starring flesh-and-blood people. But to be scooped in such a fashion must have been very frustrating for Mr. Lucas.
Perhaps the industry has a point about the dangers of Internet Pirates. I remember all the problems we at the commune had with Internet Pirates years back, when we were launching our first commune site. A filthy swab by the name of Nanobeard came in and stole all our swag before we had a chance to even publish. Two years worth of my columns were plundered, and brutally gutted for verbs right before my eyes. I sat back with our tech programmer Cubby and watched the brutality as they tore holes through our firewalls and made short work of our defenses. If you ask me, Mazie the Chicken's Fortune 500 Cookies made a lot more sense before those pirates scared the bejesus out of her.
Still, I can't bemoan the past. A later addition to our tech team, Glynis Pogue, is quite the Internet Pirate hunter, and usually it turns out up to 75% of them were former Net boyfriends of hers. We're pirate safe—at last. It doesn't mean Hollywood is yet pirate-proof against the likes of Nanobeard and his ilk.
So please, don't watch your movies on the Internet—you could be taking the gruel right out of some millionaire Hollywood producer's mouth without even knowing it. And word to the wise: the homosexual love scenes are often removed when they go to the theaters. º Last Column: Science Deifiedº more columns |
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Quote of the Day“Yawn and the world yawns with you. Fart and you fart alone.”
-Dr. FilbertFortune 500 CookieStop taking it so personally when everyone tells you how ugly you are. At least you're getting noticed. That breakfast cereal you made out of Tic Tacs sure has helped your breath, but next week our crystal ball shows a diagnosis for cancer of the everything. They say dogs are a good judge of character, and even dogs don't like your screenplay. This week's lucky Tims: Tiny Tim, Spazzy Tim, Him Tim, Tim and Tim Again, Phantom Tim, Tim Saved in a Bottle.
Try again later.Most Misunderstood Nirvana Songs1. | Smells Like Clean Spearmint | 2. | Race Me | 3. | Come as You Barf | 4. | Small Pathologies | 5. | Harp-Shaped Fox | |
| Muslim Clerics Threaten to Become Angry With AmericaBY orson welch 5/23/2005 I have tried to tune out the entertainment "news," such as it is, this week. I may have gotten my wires crossed on this one, but is it true some theaters in Kentucky are boycotting films because of Darth Vader's involvement in the Vietnam War? That's a shame. If these prequels have shown us anything, it's that he deserves a break. How would you like to have been Hayden Christensen in your early life? Heartbreaking. But enough of the news and pathos, I move on to the DVD reviews.
Now on DVD:
Kinsey I missed this once last week. Perhaps I mistook it for a Star Wars prequel prequel—Qui-Gon tinkers around with the homosexual side of the force. In all seriousness, there's nothing terribly wrong with this movie; nothing terribly notable about it eit...
I have tried to tune out the entertainment "news," such as it is, this week. I may have gotten my wires crossed on this one, but is it true some theaters in Kentucky are boycotting films because of Darth Vader's involvement in the Vietnam War? That's a shame. If these prequels have shown us anything, it's that he deserves a break. How would you like to have been Hayden Christensen in your early life? Heartbreaking. But enough of the news and pathos, I move on to the DVD reviews. Now on DVD:KinseyI missed this once last week. Perhaps I mistook it for a Star Wars prequel prequel—Qui-Gon tinkers around with the homosexual side of the force. In all seriousness, there's nothing terribly wrong with this movie; nothing terribly notable about it either. Your standard brilliant mind/tortured soul run through the theater. I think we're more in need of a movie studying our current hobbled sexuality, which explodes in the most bizarre ways—"all-Playmate Fear Factor," anyone? But if I were going to remake every film I wanted to have been different, I would probably make them all non-existent. Leaving myself out of a job. So let's move on. The AviatorA long-awaited Oscar contender finally comes to DVD, where everyone can finally realize the hype wasn't worth it. Not Star Wars-quality over-hype, but not worth the adulation. Not quite the "brilliant mind/tortured soul" formula, more like "half-insane/tortured soul." The Academy really loved this mash letter to old Hollywood, but then, last year everyone was Hobbitt-crazy. Hollywood prefers its characters far more fictional. Watch for Cate Blanchett in a strangely shake-free impression of Katherine Hepburn. Pooh's Heffalump MovieWinnie the Pooh was neutered, bland entertainment back when kids were used to seeing people get murdered and beaten to death in their cartoons. Yet somehow, even in this day and age, when all children's entertainment is castrated, Pooh remains duller than ever. The audiences at a showing of Pooh's Heffalump Movie were in a catatonic state children haven't been seen in since TeleTubbies left the air. I myself was nearly lost forever to this film's coma-inducing power, but the cleaning lady happened to pull the plug while vacuuming, freeing me from its spell. I warn you all not to rent it, and whatever you do, do not mix it with alcohol or medication. The BoogeymanSpeaking of dullness. Like you all, when I was younger, my parents told me horrifying tales about a movie this awful being under my bed. A horror movie so atrocious it couldn't even make an old man with loose bladder syndrome wet himself. I can think of no excusable reason to see this movie. If you take a date to it, he or she will think you are afraid of real horror movies, and couldn't get a ticket to Heffalump. If you are caught vandalizing mailboxes and assigned to six months in jail or seeing this movie, I can guarantee you the jail time will pass faster. You are also likely to find more feminine creatures in the joint than Lucy Lawless. That's all for this week. And please, Southern theater owners, forgive Darth Vader already. For all his questionable behavior in the 1960s, at least his films contain almost epileptic action sequences that keep you from drifting away into limbo. If you can't do a good movie, at least make a kinetic one. |