KFC to Activists: Mmm... Fried Chicken! November 10, 2003 |
Louisville, KY Junior Bacon PETA activist Charlene Dunlop answers questions about the KFC boycott, backed by her daughter’s highly-disturbing refrigerator drawing fter coming under increased scrutiny in recent months for the inhumane treatment of the 736 million chickens they cannonball into American gullets every year, the fast food chain KFC made a sweeping public statement this week to address the concerns of consumers, animal rights activists, and the chickens themselves:
“Mmm… fried chicken!”
The statement, made in a low baritone and accompanied by a belly-rubbing gesture, has incensed PETA activists who have spent years working to change the chain’s practices. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals representatives have accused KFC of buying from suppliers who practice inhumane methods of raising and slaughtering chickens, including using drugs to breed chickens to grotesque proportions which cripple the b...
fter coming under increased scrutiny in recent months for the inhumane treatment of the 736 million chickens they cannonball into American gullets every year, the fast food chain KFC made a sweeping public statement this week to address the concerns of consumers, animal rights activists, and the chickens themselves: “Mmm… fried chicken!” The statement, made in a low baritone and accompanied by a belly-rubbing gesture, has incensed PETA activists who have spent years working to change the chain’s practices. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals representatives have accused KFC of buying from suppliers who practice inhumane methods of raising and slaughtering chickens, including using drugs to breed chickens to grotesque proportions which cripple the bird, housing chickens in cages too small for the birds to stand up, resulting in the chickens actually growing around the cage wire, and combating the resulting panicked violent chicken behavior by cutting off the birds’ beaks. PETA also contends that these suppliers finish the screwjob by scalding the birds to death in feather removal tanks, just in case they didn’t get the message that life is a brutal and heartless experience. Still, this latest statement represents a landmark for KFC, whose previous responses to activists had been even more insulting. “KFC uses only the highest quality ingredients,” answered KFC’s US spokeswoman Bonnie Warschauer in 1996, rubbing her tummy when asked if it might not be unreasonable for KFC to raise the prices of its meals by a penny to pay for humane improvements, which might keep the general public from having to hear really gross chicken stories from liberal arts majors all the time. In recent months, all-white-meat actress Pamela Anderson and noted extra-tasty-crispy comedian Russell Simmons have joined PETA in speaking out against the fast-food chain, a move that the group’s officials bemoan but have been powerless to block. “If people knew how KFC treats chickens, they’d never eat another drumstick,” stated Anderson, no stranger to questionable breast-meat. Drumstick-eaters interviewed the street disagreed with Anderson, arguing that they were pretty sure KFC kills the shit out of their chickens before frying their corpses is scalding oil, but still wanted to know if she was hot in person. KFC has also come under fire in recent weeks from health groups, who have taken offense at the chain’s commercials promoting KFC as a healthier alternative to other fast foods. The ads in question feature the animated “Colonel” character announcing, “Burgers give you ass cancer!” then rubbing his tummy and intoning sensually “Mmm… fried chicken!” KFC, a unit of Louisville-based Yum Brands Inc., has been struggling with slumping sales in recent years, and has sought to address both its fiscal and public relations woes with the introduction of the new “extra-tasty-crazy” fried chicken variety, based on the popular assumption that chickens driven mad by slaughterhouse conditions might likely have an especially zesty flavor. The fast food chain was previously known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, but changed its name in 1991 to distance its products from the negative connotations of fried foods, chickens, and the state of Kentucky. This latest obscene hand-gesture directed at animal rights groups by KFC is likely bad news for consumers, as PETA activists are already discussing the possibility of handing out buckets of mutilated chickens in front of KFC restaurants, unless they can think of something more disgustingly gut-wrenching on the way to the protest. the commune news didn’t see what all the animal-rights fuss was about until our dog Zipper was made into an order of “Collie-Poppers” during a family vacation to the Orient in 1982. Ramon Nootles is the commune’s least-sensitive reporter and won this assignment after being caught eating a piece of ham that had fallen behind the breakroom refrigerator on an undetermined date.
 |  Profanity penalty fund comes to the rescue of U.S. October 27, 2003 |
A rare photograph of the swear jar overspill, which should also be allocated toward the rebuilding of Iraq's infrastructure. Or, perhaps, just a pile of coins our lazy photographer staged. fforts to rebuild Iraq achieved a success Friday when U.N. officials, voiced by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, pledged funding for the reconstruction from the official United Nations "swear jar."
The swear jar, instituted in the 1960s during initial squabbles between Israel and surrounding Islamic nations, became a staple of public negotiations at the U.N. building in New York. Familiar statements such as, "Please, ambassador—there are ladies present," or, "Does the Prime Minister kiss his mother with that mouth?" became outlets for relief of tension with the high-strung representatives of many nations.
The legacy of the swear jar since its inception has spawned many rumors with U.N. fans, or "Unies," as they are called behind their backs. In 1967 the popular s...
fforts to rebuild Iraq achieved a success Friday when U.N. officials, voiced by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, pledged funding for the reconstruction from the official United Nations "swear jar."
The swear jar, instituted in the 1960s during initial squabbles between Israel and surrounding Islamic nations, became a staple of public negotiations at the U.N. building in New York. Familiar statements such as, "Please, ambassador—there are ladies present," or, "Does the Prime Minister kiss his mother with that mouth?" became outlets for relief of tension with the high-strung representatives of many nations.
The legacy of the swear jar since its inception has spawned many rumors with U.N. fans, or "Unies," as they are called behind their backs. In 1967 the popular story was the swear jar had accumulated $432,000, all of which would be used for a hootenanny-slash-barbecue that summer, until Cold War relations worsened and the jar was put aside for possible war reparations to the eventual winning side. In 1978, after years of U.N. members dipping in for candy bars and vending machine sodas, the swear jar funds were down to $1.3 million, despite accruing an estimated $3.9 million in the time since public discussion of its allocation, and popular sentiment at that time was to use the bounty to build a new recreation room with new pool tables, a 27-inch TV, and a sofa with its upholstry intact. In 1990, during the first Gulf War crisis, the U.N. elected to move the swear jar money to a ceramic Mickey Mouse bank so everyone would be less likely to replenish other funds from swear-earned income.
At Friday's donor dinner, which is fun to say, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell addressed attendees from the United Nations and requested approximately $35.8 billion through 2007 or "best offer" for the rebuilding of war torn Iraq, in which we did most of the tearing.
Angry nations and their angrier representatives expressed disinterest in springing for rebuilding out of their own pockets after explicitly making their aversion to the war public. Miniature squabbles resulted in the aftermath, adding an estimated $43 to the swear jar before lunchtime, but U.N. executives managed to chill out the crowd with a copy of Bob Marley's Legend album.
With the uproar squashed, Secretary General Kofi Annan sparked a quiet hush in the room when he turned to Treasury Secretary Candy and asked, "How much is in the swear jar?" After conferring privately with the secretary, Annan nodded and turned back toward the microphone, pronouncing, "I think we can swing it."
Most countries found the pledge agreeable, but the allocation of the swear jar funding did have its opponents. French ambassador HenrĂ Bois-Bois was quick to voice his dissent.
"If the U.S. expects the rest of the Western world to step in and pay to make its repairs when it gives us no voice in preventing a war, we are setting a dangerous precedent by agreeing to do so," stated the dignitary. "Also, there are many of us who had not given up hope on getting jackets with our names on the back done up. Those are not going to pay for themselves. Does the U.S. propose to pay for those in exchange? This is so unfair."
The swear jar allocation, if it happens, could be the largest expenditure of U.N. community bank since financing a pizza party to settle the Falkland Islands dispute with money found in the rec room couch cushions. the commune news originally kept its own swear jars, but when you make bupkiss in revenue and swear like we do, let's just say it's not a wise investment. Ramon Nootles is keeping a sex jar, if anyone is interested in contributing—he hasn't said exactly what it's for, but swears it's a good cause.
 | Mark Buckles Some Sort of Cockwad Everyone kind of a little relieved Bob Hope finally dead Yale bombed, Harvard too drunk to walk home Study finds low I.Q. causes lead paint eating, not other way around |
 November 10, 2003 First ServedGreetings, future faithful readers. Let's not waste time on lengthy introductions and sappy sob stories. I say we jump right in to what's bothering me.
I say it's high time someone regulated network TV. You can no longer tell if shows are supposed to be funny or serious. Let's do something about that.
Don Knotts is dead. Just accept it, people.
Does the president even know the meaning of the word "kinetic"? I'm not so sure he does, and I'm not the first person to say so.
What do they call people born in Lima? You're either a Liman or a Limese, there's no two ways around it. It's about time someone clarified this. I will not refer to them as people of the country of Lima.
I'm still waiting for my first love to die. Not in the ...
º Last Column: º more columns
Greetings, future faithful readers. Let's not waste time on lengthy introductions and sappy sob stories. I say we jump right in to what's bothering me.
I say it's high time someone regulated network TV. You can no longer tell if shows are supposed to be funny or serious. Let's do something about that.
Don Knotts is dead. Just accept it, people.
Does the president even know the meaning of the word "kinetic"? I'm not so sure he does, and I'm not the first person to say so.
What do they call people born in Lima? You're either a Liman or a Limese, there's no two ways around it. It's about time someone clarified this. I will not refer to them as people of the country of Lima.
I'm still waiting for my first love to die. Not in the metaphorical sense. I long for the day she no longer walks the earth. Sad, but true.
I'm all for cutting the military budget if it leads to reduced surplus sales of atomic weapons and other goodies.
No one, in any country, should be forced to pay $10 for a hamburger. It's just cruel.
Say what you will, I'm still holding out for the return of the cassette tape. People once said Cher's time was long over, too. You know how that turned out.
If you were in India, circa 1948, what would you do?
The hardest thing for a man to admit is he is always flaccid. I'm not yet there.
People are still running with scissors. Did we learn nothing from Afterschool specials?
Some people out there will say and do anything just to make someone else feel bad. This makes all of us better Americans in the long run, I'm convinced.
It's a tragedy there is no national holiday for Amerigo Vespucci. No sane man can argue otherwise.
Few comedians out there currently are taking full advantage of drug humor. It's just plain funny.
I have never, in my life, seen anyone finish a full bag of microwave popcorn. You can tell me otherwise, but I think you're full of hot air.
Have you ever read The Bible? God, is that thing preachy. I get it already, just get to the story.
A few years ago, every channel was showing Third Rock From the Sun. Now, not so much. What does that say about our country?
If you belch, you say, "Excuse me." If you fart, you say, "Look out!" It's just good manners.
I'm starting to think this whole "clipping your fingernails" thing is just a way to line some fat cat's pockets.
No one ever asks, "Where were you when that old Flying Walenda died?" But I remember. Boy, do I ever.
Under this tough exterior is a scared and small little man, who brays and rants so loudly to cover up for the fact he feels lost in the crowd. But you'll never find me admitting to it.
Nachos… with cheese. God bless whoever made these things.
If a hat with two cans of beer on the sides is good, a hat with two tall cans of beer must be better. It's simple mathematics, people.
Okay, you've had your fill. Meet me here later and we'll do this again. º Last Column: º more columns | 

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Quote of the Day“You can't tell me what to do. Unless I was already just about to do the thing you said. Then I'll do what you say, but not because you said to do it. Hold on; let me draw up a flow chart.”
-Pistain JohnsonFortune 500 CookieIn retrospect, it was a mistake to name your jewelry store "Who Faahted?" Try learning a new song this week: Everybody's sick of the theme from Ice Pirates. You'll get lucky in the market this week: all your stocks will plummet, but you're going to get laid by a butcher. This week's lucky terms of endearment: Ninjatits, Daddy's Little Freebaser, Grape Ape, President Precious, Monsieur Brabuster.
Try again later.Most Troublesome Phrases for Adults Learning English1. | Fuck, your mother! | 2. | I love hauling oats/I love Hall 'n Oates | 3. | I have subpoenas for your wife/I have some penis for your wife | 4. | The day goes by/The dagos buy | 5. | Each hit, they caught Zucker/Eat shit, gay cocksucker | |
|   Wal-Mart Justifies Illegal Alien Labor: 'It's Much Cheaper' BY chase spergen 11/10/2003 Chase the WeaselAll around the Crunchberry bowl
the monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey thought it was
fuckin' funny
until "POP!" goes the weasel!
The fucking weasel exploded,
I'm not kidding.
It was fuckin' raunchy.
Up and down the hallway stairs
the monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey liked to give 'im a scare
then "POP!" went the weasel.
Goddammit monkey!
Quit chasing those weasels!
There's no way we're getting the security deposit back now.
Christ on a bike!
Back and forth in front of the T.V.
the monkey chased the weasel.
And just before the start of the O.C.
"POP!" goes the weasel!
It's like Vietnam i...
All around the Crunchberry bowl
the monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey thought it was
fuckin' funny
until "POP!" goes the weasel!
The fucking weasel exploded,
I'm not kidding.
It was fuckin' raunchy.
Up and down the hallway stairs
the monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey liked to give 'im a scare
then "POP!" went the weasel.
Goddammit monkey!
Quit chasing those weasels!
There's no way we're getting the security deposit back now.
Christ on a bike!
Back and forth in front of the T.V.
the monkey chased the weasel.
And just before the start of the O.C.
"POP!" goes the weasel!
It's like Vietnam in here!
You think I'm going to be able to convince girls
that "Weasel Gore" was a wallpapering option?
You're on thin, thin fucking ice, monkey.
Through the day and all through the night
the monkey chased the weasel.
The weasel he did put up a good fight
but still, "POP!" went the weasel.
All around the goddamned house
Chase, he chased the monkey.
He'd teach that ape to mess up his pad…
then "POP!" goes the weasel!
That's it, I give up! Do what you want monkey.
Hey, don't give me that sad face.
Okay, okay, you're still my buddy.
Come to think of it, we do seem to have
a pretty bad weasel infestation in this place.
Probably a good thing I've got a monkey, actually.   |