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Like a friend you don't deserve

RC Dice

June 23, 2003
"Nothin' says lovin' like brand-name goods. And nothin' pretends to say lovin' like cheap imitations of brand-name goods."

Remember when they made Capri Sun? I loved Capri Sun. I would pop the straw in and drink it right to the bottom, real fast. That way the guy could yell and scream and punch me, but he couldn't get his Capri Sun back. You'd think after the first time he would guard his lunch better.

It makes you wonder why they stop making great products. There was this cereal they used to make, it was like Cap'n Crunch but all peanut butter pebbles, and a stick of chocolate was right in the middle of it. It was called Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch and you had to buy a chocolate bar and stick it in the middle. "You got peanut butter in my chocolate!" I would yell at the cereal. Then I wasn't allowed to eat at the neighbors' house anymore.

Every time I start to really like a product they take it off the market. Just because… okay, I don't know why. It probably has to do with money and business things. There were some corn chips once called Doritos, they were really good. They had a cheese powder that would coat your hands and you could leave a cheese handprint on your shirt and it looked like you just got done fighting someone with cheese hands. Or maybe a whole cheese person, but that opens up some doors I don't want to open. Why did they stop making Doritos?

Or this one drink, it was sure as shit good. That's how they advertised it—"Sure as shit good!" But the TV wouldn't let them say "shit," so they bleeped it out, but everybody knew it was supposed to be shit because you could make out the "sh" at the beginning and the "t" sound at the end. It was called RC cola.

I'm not much on brand names, most of the time. My shoes aren't a famous brand at all, unless flip-flops are an actual brand. In that case I should spell them Flip-Flops. Anything that's a brand name is capitalized, and anything that's capitalized is a brand name. Which is why I capitalize "the Hopeless Loser." It will one day be a line of successful bodyglove suits.

But I do love brand name food items. It's a shame they quit making everything I like. Or they want a lot of money for them, either one, same side of the same coin. Or different side of the same coin.

Here's a moral question: If you don't go to the store and buy any food, since you don't want to spend the money, can you live very long? Probably not, if my cousin Jimmy "Gandhi" Cruise is any indication. So the moral of the story: Don't blow all your money shooting dice on Monday, since you might be hungry on Friday. I know it would be a better parable if I had characters like a chicken and a goat in it saying all that stuff. But all those talking animals would make me even hungrier.

Anyway, it's Friday and I'm hungry enough to eat a goat.

Quote of the Day
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, even more shame on you! Big fooler. Fool me three times… man, that brings back memories. Reminds me of when you made me drink that urine one time.”

-Vick-O Martini
Fortune 500 Cookie
That heart attack medicine may be making your penis smaller, so just for safety's sake, stop taking it altogether. Learn to play the guitar this week; it's just another good reason to carry out that plan to kidnap Dweezil Zappa. Remember, passing gas in an elevator is not only rude, it also slows down your arrival time by up to 2 seconds.

Try again later.
Worst Arguments Used Against Right-to-Die Advocates
1.Can't learn to play fiddle when you're dead
2.My personal religion goes against it, ergo, you should do what I say
3.Star Wars III looks like it's going to redeem the series
4.Probably no afterlife, just a harrowing void of darkness and stillness for eternity
5.Got a really good feeling things are gonna turn around for you, man
Ape Skills
"It takes a nation of millions just to keep a shitty sitcom on the air." My dad once told me, "Boy, it takes a smart man to get a job these days. But it takes a good man to…" At that point the dog had gotten firm hold of his throat and I... (6/9/03)

Genuine Draft
"I swear, it's just like Herpies Law. Anything can go wrong, you get herpies. Story of my life." The big problem with going to war is it's all fun until they tell you to go. Kicking ass is easy when you're watching on TV, give me a remote... (5/26/03)

Grade-B SARS
"Feed a cold, starve a fever—that also applies, respectively, to Gandhi and Orson Welles." I feel like an asshole because I think I got that SARS stuff that's going around. Only nobody else I know has it. It's possible it's not the SARS stuff,... (5/12/03)
