Your Ass is Grass and I'm the Lawnmowerby Cassandra Steiger September 5, 2005 Your ass is grassand I'm the lawnmower You're slower than Noah with his Ark overflowin' And I'm fast like the gas you passed when you harassed my nose last. You've got mast ass you butt pirate I know you desire it so don't pretend you're not fruity like pebbles, you beauty It's my duty to inform you I'm about to transform you into a pile of pain as you choke on the main vein Do I need to explain? I'm back, you fat bitch I'm here to Lilo your Stitch I'm your wicked witch I'm on you like jock itch You gonna have to change schools if you wanna keep those jewels fool I'm cruel like Raoul and I'll make you my coke mule You don't remember December? When I waxed your ass last? Billy Olsen, you daft You stupid That's the only thing more powerful than the ugly you bring I'm Cassandra, your nightmare your pied piper ass-wiper Riper than a diaper in the Texas sun, punk I'd grab you by the junk and make you French-kiss a skunk if I didn't like skunks so much. You messed with the wrong girl back when you took my lunch money I didn't find that too funny 'til I made your nose runny I'm the one, son that gave you diarrhea so bad when I took back what was mine back went I went all Columbine That's what I think of you you belong in a zoo living off the scraps that I threw So happy birthday to you you look like a monkey and you smell like one too You're a punk and a fag and I was born on the rag So give it up, princess I want your lunch money and I want it before recess Son, this ain't funny I'll snap you to pieces So fork over that dollar fork over your change Don't make me do nasty-ass damage to your brain I want it now and I want it quickly you're sickly and I know the spot where you're tickly so don't mess around I ain't no clown. I… I… I want some Cheetos, a'ight? Quote of the Day“I'd like to give the world a Coke, but they'd have to share it. Actually, all anyone can do is smell it, since most of the Coke will likely have evaporated by the time it gets all the way around the world. So here you go, world: Smell my Coke.”-Dennis Freebasen Fortune 500 CookieYou're a real asshole when you're tired. Or rested. This is the week you're finally going to get pantsed for your sins. Try brushing your teeth with the other end of the brush this week: that fuzzy part's not the handle. This week's lucky things the dog wouldn't even eat: your hat on a bet, Tofutti Cuties, dog barf, Sam's Club Brand Dog Food, your homemade rhubarb pie.Try again later. Top Samuel Berger Excuses for Hiding Documents in Pants
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