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The truth - we're full of it

by Orson Welch
November 15, 2004
Good evening, movie-going masses. I really enjoy CGI-animated movies. Maybe that's not true, but I really enjoy I don't actually have to see Ben Affleck's face, I'm only forced to hear his grating voice. Still, I must ask, so I do not feel alone on this… is this charming, holiday cheer-filled family film The Polar Express actually populated by the robot people from the old Duracell commercials? I am no longer giving They Live a negative review. I am living it.

In Theaters

It used to be you could see Will Ferrell act like an enormous jackass for free every Saturday night, on television. Now you have to pay up to $9 for it. You have to give marketing people their respect. James Caan also starred in this movie, but even before I saw him I wanted a gang of mobsters to come out and riddle someone with machine guns—not Caan, though. He was harmless.

The Chronicles of Riddick
A slab of meat with sunglasses (Vin Diesel) runs, jumps, and grunts his way through a world of pricey set pieces, while uttering atrocious dialogue in a voice, fortunately, no one can understand. The special effects are… not worth my time reviewing, really. Shall we say inoffensive? Sure. I had to work very hard just keep up my hate for this film, so cookie-cutter was this scarcely-mentionable sci-fi screen-filler. Someone who cares might like to hear it is a prequel to the somewhat-successful movie Pitch Black. Prequel or sequel, I can't remember. Let's settle on crapquel.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
A fantasy epic based on a very successful book. But then, Mein Kampf was a successful book, so that's hardly anything worth bragging about. Harry Potter, possibly played by himself, finds out an escaped prisoner who aided in killing his parents has escaped prison. A movie ensues. Some marginally interesting ideas mix with movie clichés until nobody is satisfied. The part between the beginning and ending I quickly forgot, and I'm not really sure about the beginning and ending either. Even being a fan of the fantasy genre didn't make this a palatable bit of fluff.

And in parting, I might remind you, if you go see the Duracell movies, you're opening up the floodgates to five or six future movies starring the plasteel frightening people. Not to mention all the possible knock-offs with other washed-out battery salesmen. Jacko may already be touted as the perfect title character for a remake of Hamlet.

Quote of the Day
“I never met a man I didn't like, want to kill.”

-Dill "California Angst" Wongers
Fortune 500 Cookie
You will fall in love with a new douche this week, a fact that unfortunately has nothing at all to do with feminine hygiene. Try to pay more attention to your figure: word on the street is you're upgrading from "pear-shaped" to "sack of shit-y." You will finally come to understand the phrase "fifteen men on a dead man's chest" this week, thanks to an unfortunate dogpile mishap. Your lucky perfumes: Colonic for Men, Goat's Dong, Eau Du Crapper.

Try again later.
Top Freak Dancing Steps
1.The Funky Jock
2.Running Teenage Father
3.Shotgun Wedding
4.The Discarded Fetus
5.The Shut Up This Is Just How I Dance
November 1, 2004
Yoho, America. It hasn't exactly been a pirate's life for Roland McS lately, though I did get seasick the other day after taking a nap on a friend's waterbed. Okay, you caught me in a lie there; I didn't actually know the guy. But this isn't a... (11/1/04)

October 18, 2004
Good morrow, gentlefolk. I have just returned from my bi-monthly excursion to the Clatterton, New Jersey Renaissance Festival and I mourn the loss of medieval times. Even more so, I curse the inventions of televisions and motion pictures. What... (10/18/04)

October 4, 2004
Buenos Nachos, Americanos, it's time for another weekly injection of the Entertainment Police serum. Hope you've all been good boys and girls out there in boy and girl-land, I don't really have the technology to follow up on that in order to deny... (10/4/04)
