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Rotten fruit of the gods

I Am the Girl From Nantucket

by Chandra Hiccough
June 28, 2004
Since I believe my good name and hometown have been slandered long enough, I've endeavored to best (and hopefully replace) the famous ribald limerick that has dogged my earthly days.

Stand back and smell the magic:

There once was a girl from Nantucket,
Her anatomy oft compared to a bucket;
Unfair was the claim
Made against this fair dame,
Did I mention her name was...
ah, fuck it.

Let's try this again.

There once was a MAN from Nantucket,
Who would eat up clam then upchuck it;
So disgusting his trick
As to make a girl sick,
I wish I'd had the reflexes to duck it.

No, no, no. Why do I always end up writing about dad?

There once was a man from Toledo,
Who could not control his libido;
He liked little girls
All dressed up in curls,
And he watched as he ate his burrito.

Damn, grandpa. This is harder than it looks. Sorry everyone.

There once was a dog from Ann Arbor,
Who loved to swim laps in the harbor;
Not even his shrink
Could get him to think,
There was no harbor in Ann Arbor.

Okay, that was just strange. At least I got back to the city name at the end, though. Again.

There once was a man from Chicago,
Who slurred and drove an old Monte Carlo;
He cursed his shit car
As it rolled away from the bar,
"Hey everybody, look at that Chi-ca-go!"


There once was a girl from El Paso,
who caught riding bulls with a lasso;
But Elle held deep inside
Thoughts of suicide,
And when hung from the lasso, El Paso.

Oh my God. This is getting depressing.

There once was a girl from Detroit
Who was curious about Being John Voight;
Dee pondered the portal
And her doubts proved her mortal,
But when the time came to try it, Detroit.

Hey, not bad, almost there. Ah, who am I kidding?

There once was a girl from Miami,
whose awful limericks made her friends' palms go clammy;
But rather than admit her defeat
She conceived this poetic deceit,
So sorry for the whammy, Miami.

Quote of the Day
“What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is. Jesus, I'm wasted.”

-Dan Quayle
Fortune 500 Cookie
Don't stop thinking about tomorrow—we hear if you're late to your own castration they charge double. Anyone can be a hero to a small child, just buy a monster truck and never take your sunglasses off. Try eating more greens: we find it hilarious and it pisses off those asshole golfers. This week's lucky medical procedures not covered by Medicaid: assectomy, therapeutic genital massage, gene therapy for "itchy taint," installation of a second "failsafe" spare heart—baboon or otherwise, and goat removal.

Try again later.
Least Heard Mobster Euphemisms for Murder
1.Treat this guy to a steel sundae
2.Make his shoes a lot heavier, more sinkable
3.Invalidate his parking
4.Go apeshit on this fuck
5.Fill him full of holes like a Dade County ballot (2000 only)
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Dick Food
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Hungry Like a Wolf
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