A.D. Enemy Enjoying the shopping, the merchandise, the endless exchange of cash and the rampant exhaustive over-commercialization… but try not to forget the sugar plums. — A.D. EnemyQuote of the Day“If you can't stand the heat, turn down the goddamned heater.”-Cheri S. Truman Fortune 500 CookieYou will find great happiness in wok. Be on the lookout for signs, they may guide you to riches or prevent you from driving on the railroad tracks. A large dog will determine your fate. Remember: Just a dab heals dry skin, but larger quantities can lube an entire baby. Lucky numbers: 0, 0, 0, 6.Try again later. 5 Worst Katrina-Related Headlines
Sympathy for Devils With the bombing of the British embassy in Turkey, terrorists are now striking targets in neighboring Islamic countries. What better way to win over your most potentially sympathetic audience than set off bombs next door! — Professor Jeremy... (11/24/03) Oil to Iraq The Army recently announced it was renegotiating Iraq contracts after Democrats raised questions about Halliburton bilking the government out of millions to import oil into Iraq. But of course, the Army says there's no truth to the rumors of... (11/10/03) |