Cyantologyby Ned Nedmiller, Miracle Baby August 18, 2003 Science has a whole mess of marvels packed in its little matchbox o' marvels, sure enough. One of them is 'lectricity. The other is aerobics. Okay, you caught Ned in a fib, there is more. Like cantaloupe and nuclear nachos. How they get that cheese so orange? Ned thinks science must melt down Nerf balls in them cheese factories, right as rain. Musta been some Nerfless childrens crying that night.But for certain the squirmiest of all marvels is them bugs. Bugs is a wide variety of critters who come from the bugle kingdom. Lots of 'em there are, twelve varieties. These is the flying bugs, the crawling bugs, the hopping bugs, them dancing bugs, and the other eight varieties that move in ways unnamed by science. Bugs has done some amazing things, like eat Hitler's mustache right off his face in the Bible. True story what was in them trailers for the Bible but got left out the book. Shame too, being Neddle's favorite part after the bit where Jesus turns on the fire hydrant for them kids to play in on that hot day. Nobody said that Jesus weren't a stand up guy. 'cepting maybe them Romans what gave him the axe and all. Pissed-off June bugs is the best untapped source of energy unknowns to man. Enough of them tied with strings could drag a train car from here to the bottom of the Potomac and back, no sweat. Because bugs don't sweat, it's not polite. And bugs is nothing if not polite, though they do turn a blind batch of eyes toward barfin up on food, Ned's noticed. Weevils wobble but they don't fall down. Strange but true. That is, unless you smash one with a phone book, and you count smearing on upholstery as "falling down." Then I suppose they do. Gnats never fall down, because they're just imaginary. Like little insane periods floatin' about. You can wave, but they ain't goin' nowheres. Stickin' around like the little beach midgets in your brain, just waitin' to pounce. Damnit gnats. Only thing a gnat is good for is collectin' a bunch in a jar and use it to make that Tang, which is imaginary beverage named for spelling "gnat" backwards. It's just a drink same as tap water, but you imagine it being all orange and sweet just the same. Them astronauts had to get good at drinkin' Tang before they was ready to go up in imaginary space and pretend to have adventures. But probably the most useful of all them twelve bugs is the fly, which is made into zippers for pants through a process called Martianization. Beats Ned how that all works, but thanks to Betsy there is somethin' other than scotch tape holding them pants up. Ned doesn't see that working for too long. Quote of the Day“Learning without thought is labor lost; except in public schools, where it keeps most teachers employed.”-Confused-ass Carmen Fortune 500 CookieYou'll have a brush with death this week, and that fucker has some of the yellowest teeth you've ever seen, so make sure you go first. This time the lyrics to the song you're pretending to know the words to actually are "Watermelon, Watermelon, Watermelon." You'll make the most expensive movie ever made in your kitchen this week, for ten dollars. Lucky strikes, camels, kools, and bel-airs.Try again later. Top Raoul Dunkin Nameplate Engravings
A Piper Bill for Quebec If there's one thing Ned hates, it's dribbling baby eyeballs. Seemingly everywhere: in Ned's taco, spreadable on toast, and in the wheel-well of his car even! Cereal boxes so jam-packed that there's not even room for the cereal itself. Drooping out... (2/4/02) Flush it Down, Charlie Brown Ned Nedmiller come from a long line of popular sloganeers. Nary a time has this great nation hoofed it off to war without a snappy Nedmiller slogan a-hummin' in their brain boxes. In the big one it was "Give a Hoot, Smoke a Boot" and in the big one,... (1/21/02) Ringing in the Root Beer Twisted gas needles! It's time! 'Tis the season when a Nedmiller's happier than a hamster cut up by a coat hanger! Next Yesteryear done come and came, and Ned had hisself the biggest Next Yesteryear ever, as can be vouched by the fresh gypsies of... (1/7/02) |