by Roland McShyster June 9, 2003 Howdy-Doody, America, and welcome back for another peek up the entertainment skirt. We here at Entertainment Police, and I use the term "we" loosely since I mean only me, hope you've been enjoying the blockbuster season so far and are ready for a little more. Well, maybe not quite ready, since there's nothing but ladyfingers going off this week, but we (again: me) hope you're keeping a little in reserve for when the big bombs hit. And we mean bombs in a good way, not like the metal kind they drop on elementary schools in far-off lands or the movie kind they drop on audiences during the spring months. Speaking of which, it's nice out, so we're going to move straight to the speed round in this week's reviews:In Theaters 2 Fast 2 Furious M.C. Hammer's directorial debut follows the protective eyewear enthusiast's ascent from preppie rapping superdoof to hard-core street thug rapper, then to rapping pretend boxer or whatever he's posing as this week. There are lots of cars, which is good, and young people, which is better, but for obvious reasons and despite their best efforts they couldn't work Hammer all the way out of the script, and for that it gets a big fat 2Lame4U.
Milestones1977: Commune photographer Junior Bacon receives first camera as birthday present. Takes picture of sister in shower and promptly pawns camera to buy bag of grass.Now HiringExotic Bird and Trainer. Needed to entertain staff during deadline crunch. Ventriloquist routine a must. Off-color jokes strongly recommended.Bestselling Books
May 26, 2003 Hot fun in the cinematime, ooh-la! Yep, America, summer's all up in us and Hollywood again backs its dump truck full of big-budget money-magnets right into our collective lap! If you're wondering where all the good movies went to before May, they... (5/26/03) May 12, 2003 Time to stretch whatever you need to stretch, America, we're gearing up for the Summer Blockbuster season. Take your time, though, since nothing looks worse on a time-off request form than the term "pulled scrotum." Ouch. Once you're good and loose... (5/12/03) April 28, 2003 Leave it to Hollywood, just when you think nothing good is coming out, all of a sudden nothing good really doesn't come out. Hopefully you can find a beach ball or some dirty playing cards or something to keep you busy while you're in the theater... (4/28/03) April 14, 2003 Howdy howdy howdy America, as they used to say in the old three-man Westerns. We're here for another week of the viewin' and reviewin' good time you've come to know as Entertainment Police. Or, if you've been tuning in to our Spanish-language... (4/14/03) March 31, 2003 Holy movie overload, America! Like most of us, Hollywood is doing a little spring-cleaning this week, but instead of dragging unused exercise equipment and boxes of used pornography to the curb, they're dragging their excess cinema to the, well…... (3/31/03) |