The Color of My Blade Is Chartreuseby Leslie Binkle June 9, 2003 Who can compare
the green of a sunset to the gray of a ham? Or the scarlet water that trickles down very nearly without a sound as the brown sky spans overhead… Have truer words been said? The vivid purple blood that gushes from a wound is beautiful on the crimson grass and the amber skin of an expiring lass. Striking, like a baboon's blue ass. When a black sunset burns your retinas to crust as you admire the canary yellow of a marble bust and remember all the other girls you've known and how they never call when you sit home alone. You know why the orange robin sings as you bitterly eat the magenta pudding it stings like a note from a lover penned in turquoise blood like a body hitting the floor with a thud or a heart cavity all encrusted with crud. She never calls like she said she would and she probably wouldn't even if she could even if you hadn't chopped her like a violet lemon rind after that bitch said you might be colorblind. Milestones1993: Ramon Nootles graduates from San Dimas Community College with a degree in Questionable Journalism, the first degree of its kind offered in America, and a minor in Poontang Studies.Now HiringIron Monkey. We saw the movie and thought the ancient Chinese legend might be the guy to get the ninja we hired out of our offices. Lame-ass ninja, poison-darting Lefty the mail clerk and skittering across the tops of the computer towers.Top 5 commune Features This Week
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