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Sliding down the razor blade of happiness into the alcohol of joy

Rusty Klein

Wherever you stand on the Bush presidency, the White House's encouragement that Congress lift a 10-year ban on small-scale nuclear weapons must at least seem short-sighted. Coming out of a war with a comparatively low body count where nuclear weapons were unnecessary, it is logical to question the purpose of legalizing our nuclear weapons production again. Is the president insane or simply unconcerned about the potential damage to humanity and the environment? — Professor Jeremy Klein

Quote of the Day
“Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy, and in total compliance with puritan mores. All others will be stoned to death, just as soon as they wake up.”

-Dan Franklin
Fortune 500 Cookie
You are the jovial type who would gladly eat shit and ask for more, which will serve you well in the coming year, what with the shovel fork you got for Christmas. But for the sake of Buddha, remember to pack a roll of Certs. Lucky numbers 33, 57, 89, 105.

Try again later.
Least Popular Baby
Names, 2005
3.Scott Peterson
4.The King of Pop
Deceit in China
China lost even more credibility recently as a nation dedicated to the safety of its people. The rest of the world is now marking how China's attempts to hush up the outbreak of SARS not only put thousands of Chinese citizens at risk, possibly... (4/28/03)

Kerry's Flip-Flop
Democratic presidential candidate and Senator John Kerry has come out harshly critical of the Bush administration, calling for a "regime change," using the president's anti-Iraq rhetoric against him. All fair and right, but the fact that Kerry... (4/14/03)
