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For the love of God, read something already

Rusty Klein

Hiding under a barrage of Iraq media coverage, the Republicans again worked to undermine gains in women's reproductive rights by passing their ban on partial-birth abortions through the Senate. Even if the war with Iraq is a dismal failure, the GOP is already succeeding in attempts to rollback Democratic policies won by the Clinton White House, with the American public none the wiser. — Professor Jeremy Klein

Quote of the Day
“If you can't stand the heat, turn down the goddamned heater.”

-Cheri S. Truman
Fortune 500 Cookie
You will find great happiness in wok. Be on the lookout for signs, they may guide you to riches or prevent you from driving on the railroad tracks. A large dog will determine your fate. Remember: Just a dab heals dry skin, but larger quantities can lube an entire baby. Lucky numbers: 0, 0, 0, 6.

Try again later.
Most Painful Music Lawsuits
1.Christopher Cross vs. Kris Kross (1992)
2.John Fogerty vs. John Fogerty (1985)
3.Warner Bros. vs. Pri.. The Ar.. That Guy Over There in the Pastel Pants (1994)
4.Michael Jackson vs. Insane Kahlil's Rhinoplasty (1987)
5.The Ghost of Nat "King" Cole vs. Natalie Cole (1991)
Cloning Science
Science has succeeded in cloning, first sheep, now possibly humans—if you limit success to the creation and not the quality of life. Dolly, the cloned sheep, was put to death at 6 years old this week, half the life of a natural-born sheep. It... (2/17/03)

Israeli Politics
President Sharon's brutal military strikes on Palestine just days before the Israeli elections has all the stink of political posturing and pandering to the base emotions of the lowest common denominator. But can such a lack of political integrity... (2/3/03)
