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Sliding down the razor blade of happiness into the alcohol of joy

Rusty Klein

Once again George Bush has proven that Democrats excel at domestic issues while the Republicans falter. Blowing the budget surplus on a minor tax break made him popular for a little while, but we've wasted our budget surplus before hitting on hard times with the current recession—which is what a budget surplus should be saved for. — Professor Jeremy Klein

1858: 26th president and idol of Red Bagel Teddy Roosevelt is born, only a month before Bagel's birth. We know technically this is impossible, but we didn't get cushy date-checking jobs by questioning the big man.
Now Hiring
Bounced Czech. Resume and references not necessary, any Czechoslovakian expatriate thrown out of a club will do. True, we don't really have any job for such a person to occupy, but wouldn't it be funny to say we have a bounced Czech on staff? Think about it.
Top 5 Worst Zen Koans
1.What is the sound of two dogs fucking?
2.If a tree falls in the woods, doesn't it kill a shitload of ants?
3.Say, what's the meaning of life?
4.Worms have no eyebrows—think about that for a minute
5.(tie) Where's the beef?/Shut the fuck up