Invent It!by Lindsay Green September 30, 2002 I will invent it!
A mendable, bendable tube that will heal any wound and smell like the moon for only half a dubloon! A meteor catching net that plays DVDs and warms up your knees and always asks please when you forget to because you are an asshole. A robot that picks the nuts out of trail mix and the raisins and nasty bits of cereal and those dusty little pretzels that taste funny. Yeah. Fuck those, too! A robot that makes it all M&Ms would be nice. A lotion that puts out fires inside electrical wires and smells like a honeysuckle bath. An alarm for when your milk expires or when there's a nail in your tires or when you're sleeping with liars. A meter that tells you how much time you have left before the heart in your chest shoots straight out of your breast. Goddamned bacon cheeseburgers! Why do they have to make them so good? A magnifying machine that makes little nickels work like quarters and supersizes all your orders for way less than 39 cents! And finally, a man-sized pillow that pleases says "Excuse!" when it sneezes and never, not once ever (unlike another) puts the moves on your mother or your sexually confused younger brother or your collie or any other household pets after ten lousy drinks! And it's not named Steve! Quote of the Day“Na-na-na-na-ne-neh-neh-na-neh-neh-neh-neh-va-va-va-va-va-neh-na-neh-neh-va-va-va-va-va-va-va-neh-va-neh-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma—nevermind.”-Stutterin' Tom Tulane Fortune 500 CookieEight is enough: time to face the fact that you're wearing too many cock rings. Try watching where you vomit this week: it never hurts to make a nice first impression. It says here that once word gets out you ate all those locusts, you'll be beloved in Kansas, and unwelcome everywhere else. This week's lucky germs: floor-funk, spazzolycene3, urinalia-hangaroundicus, wheat, Pat Smear.Try again later. Top More Things to Do With a Severed Finger
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