God Only Noseby Mortimer Wendell September 2, 2002 A nose is a nose is a nose.
Wouldn't one by any other name smell just as well? What the hell. Call it a hogglebottom and it still smells the sweets. Call it a snot locker, still a nose-shaped hunk o' meat stapled to your face right where God intended. Just think if your cheeks were where your face ended! How strange! How ugly! How inconvenient! How loathe! Why, if you had to sneeze then you'd damn near explode! And with no nose there to handle the chore of absorbing the impact of a sliding glass door, with no nose you'd smack your eyeballs right on the glass, and with a squeegeeing sound you'd fall right on your ass. I won't have it! I don't want it! I'll keep my nose please! For blowing! And scratching! And sticking in trees! I won't blow my eyes, that'd be unsatisfying and if I said I knew how, you would know I was lying. Look at Cher! Look at Jacko! No nose makes you evil! At least, with it half gone, you look like a huge weevil. You can follow your nose on to wondrous places and without it to cut off, how would we spite our faces? So say no to nose jobs, say yes to those jobs that honor your nose like a rose, and ignore those mobs of humorless, noseless, sick shallow slobs who's faces are featureless, doughy white blobs who shout "Cut it off, hack it off, give it to charity!" Say "Brother, please quit now and cease your hilarity. A nose is a wonderful, beautiful gem that some say relates to the size of your… ahem. So treasure it, unless you are sickly with sniffles and cough, then break out the band saw and please cut mine off!" Quote of the Day“I got the blues so bad. Real bad. You know what I'm talkin' about? Uh-huh. No fun. Bluesy blues. Well, that's about all I got to say about that. Song's another four minutes long though. Soooo… Any of y'all from Cleveland?”-Ugly Carmichael Fortune 500 CookieYou will get kicked in the balls for a good cause this week. Expect a telephone call from a long forgotten friend today—your split personality from Belgium. Lose the mustache, that "Hitler" look is so 1997. This week's stomach-pump jackpot: $20 in loose change, long-lost stash, grandma's favorite knitting needles, Nerds.Try again later. Top Missing Work Excuses
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