My New Lifestyleby Wes Thurmon August 5, 2002 Monday, August 5, 2002
If I could ever be as free as a tree, I'd pee only Brie. My neighbors would see the beauty of me. I'd sing like a duck and have all the good luck. I'd dance for a buck and sleep in a truck I bought for a buck and I'd laugh "Nyuk nyuk nyuk." What a beautiful day! I almost wish I was gay and I lived in L.A. What more can I say? What a wonderful life that would be… Eating green spinach pie, reading about Princess Di. Pausing briefly to sigh "These sad books make me cry!" But this dark purple tie is so stylish, I could die! But I won't 'cause it's great to be me… Yes this is the life I've waited for all my life. No more fat, naggy wife! No more mis'ry or strife! New gay lifestyle I love thee… People will talk of my beautiful cock that I keep in a sock under key under lock cause he's hard as a rock and he's covered in chalk and he can take a knock. He's a tough little chicken you see… My identity? Clarified! My new lifestyle? Verified! Wait, naked men? Terrified! Terrified! Terrified! New gay lifestyle I'll miss thee… Quote of the Day“Let my nizzles go!”-Moses Harper, on 19th Street Fortune 500 CookieIron lung, shmiron lung—that guy had it coming. Don't bother with that waiting list for Oxford—Kentucky Fried Chicken College wants you now. It's fish or die again this week—same ol', same ol'. Lucky religions: Buddhism, Paganism, Mormonism, worshipping Isaac HayesTry again later. Top New Orleans Rebuilding Proposals
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