![]() Miracle in a Bottle![]() ![]() June 10, 2002 If there's one thing the whole world hates, it's a whiner. That's why I've got no patience for these jokers who stand on the street corner and yell in a big whiney voice about Jesus coming and the sinners had better repent now or have one hell of a long wait while operators are standing by. Blah blah blah, on and on, always whining about something. The end is near, society is in decline, and mister, you can't park your car on the sidewalk. It's always something with these guys. Dressed up in their little outfits with the "kick my ass, please" hats and their little ticket books. Everybody wants a minute of my time to hand me a bible or a violation for backing over a park bench, whatever the racket is this week.
The other day I came out of the African drum store to find a whole smorgasbord of tickets under my windshield wipers. A couple were for sex shows, but most of them were parking tickets for some bogus rap about blocking the exit to a drive-thru. Like Wendy's is going to have a big lunch rush or something. I carried a stack of them over to some guy on the corner who was yelling about accepting collect calls from Jesus, some damn thing, and demanded that he waive the tickets since there were no signs posted about not parking in the drive-thru lane. He played it off real cool like he didn't know what I was talking about and tried to give me a bible, the smug prick. But I got him back. I made like I was all excited about the bible and the big J and whatnot and started to walk away, then I turned around real fast and was like "Oh! Wait, I forgot! I can't read!" and handed it back to him just to mess with his head. Then, out of nowhere, he whips out this pop-up bible that's all pictures and no words, like he was just waiting for me to say that! Talk about a smooth operator. I hadn't planned out a comeback for that situation so I just took the pop-up bible and went back to my car. Since I already had as many tickets as would stick under my wipers, I decided I might as well leave the car there and catch a movie up the street at the Value View. Trust me, wait for it on cable. After the movie was over I went out to my car, careful to walk around the opposite side and get in the passenger-side door to avoid Mr. Bible Boyscout. And that's when I saw it. Straight along the passenger-side door like an ass-crease in a vinyl seat: that motherfucker had keyed my car! I grabbed a rolled-up newspaper I keep in the glove compartment and hopped out, ready to swat some ass. But you know how these stories go, by then he was long gone. I spent an hour or two checking out the scratch from all angles and looking for evidence around the crime scene. I thought maybe the bastard might have dropped his keys in a rush to jack up my car and get out of there, and then I could walk around town and try the keys in all the cars until I found the right one. Then I could key the shit out of it with his own keys. That's what the Greek called poetic justice. But no such luck, he didn't even drop his wallet or any telltale personal affects like a matchbook with a phone number in it or a glass eye or anything. Like I said, this cat was smooth. After a few days of brainstorming brilliant detective techniques and reading a Hardy Boys novel, I gave up on the idea of finding Mr. Bible Boyscout and decided to concentrate on getting my car back into presentable condition. Some might question what exactly counts as presentable condition for a sky-blue 1972 Dodge Dart, and to be honest I'm a little in the dark on that one myself, but whatever it is it sure as hell includes getting rid of that gigantic ugly-assed scratch running up the side of the door. I checked around at a number of reputable local auto-detailing places, but they all wanted at least 200 clams to repaint the whole damn car, and Omar Bricks isn't made of money. That's practically new car money right there. I was starting to get a little worried when one night, while I was watching TV, a commercial came on that solved the conundrum for me. I picked up the phone and dialed. Four to six weeks later my order of Miracle in a Bottle arrived, postage paid, for a cool $23.95. According to the infomercial, you could wipe this shit on any old junkyard duster and within seconds you'd be blinded by the sun glinting off the finish. Or by the fumes, something, the yokels in the infomercial were blinded by something. Even better, this stuff ate up paint scratches like dingoes on an Aussie toddler. Shit yeah. But the kicker was this: Miracle in a Bottle is so bad-assed, after you put it on you could set your car on fire and it didn't make any difference. You could drive around with your car on fire all the time, just for effect, and it wouldn't harm the paint at all. Consider me sold, you know? Five minutes later I was out in the driveway, going at the Dart with a little wax-on, wax-off action. Before long the entire car was covered in a milky white residue. I didn't remember this from the infomercial and I was worried for a second, but then I remembered that I did get up to take a leak about halfway through, so I must have missed the residue part. I decided to cut the crap and jump straight to the fire test. I figured one flick of the barbecue lighter should be enough, and I was right. The next thing I knew I was waking up in the bushes in front of my neighbor's house. Talk about a headache! The Dart was gone. Not in the sense of having disappeared, but in the sense of now being a burnt-out husk collapsed on my driveway. The firemen told me I was lucky to be alive, and that it's not safe to be driving around without a gas cap on your car. A what cap? What'll they think of next, boat cars? Anyway, it all just goes to show you can't trust guys who spend all their time yelling about Jesus and whatnot, or guys who hang out in the junkyard setting things on fire. Mark my words though, if anyone scratches my bus pass, there's going to be hell to pay. Bricks out. Quote of the Day“May those who love us, love us, and those who don't love us, may God turn their hearts, and if he doesn't turn their hearts, may he fuck them up so I'll know not to trust cripples.”-Old Irish Proverb, Jr. Fortune 500 CookieThat weird smell in the office: It's you, dude. Stay out of the sun this week at your doctor's request; he's tired of seeing you shirtless. This week's lucky prom dates: Mom's hot friend "Aunt" Chyniqua, Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig, a randomly selected pro wrestler, entire cast of Revenge of the Nerds, or six of the seven dwarves: Sneezy's got cancer.Try again later. Least Effective SARS Protective Efforts
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