Someone is to Blame for My Sofa Stain the commune's Rok Finger asks you to please not stand so, don't stand so, don't stand so close to him
Monday, Oct. 15, 2001
Who’s to blame, good people? That’s what I’ve been asking myself all week: Who’s
to blame? That and, on an unrelated note, “Why did they cancel Gunsmoke when
it was just getting good?”
The earlier question has been inspired by an incident that happened last Sunday,
friends. I was enjoying an issue of Hot Dog magazine, as I’m prone to do on
occasion, when my charming neighbor Mrs. Hardlevilch stopped by for a visit. As
you may or may not know, people who are very close to dying in their old age
make a “visit” a huge event, and Mrs. Hardlevilch is no exception. She was
dressed in her finest pantsuit and babushka.
The three of us--myself, Mrs. Hardlevilch and my long-suffering wife, Arvelyn--all
sat around talking over the state of things, or more commonly the state of
things in 1949, the last year before everything went to pot in America. Mrs.
Hardlevilch became very flustered and excited when I did my famous Louis
Armstrong-in-a-blender impression, and that’s when it happened.
Mrs. Hardlevilch wet my sofa! And floor, thanks to some unsightly dribbling,
but mostly my sofa is what I’m concerned about.
Needless to say, I was perturbed. At first Mrs. Hardlevilch apologized rapidly,
still laughing uncontrollably at my dead-on impression, and offered to build a
time machine to go back fifteen minutes and put some plastic on the sofa before
she sat down. I was intrigued, but it quickly became apparent her theories of
time travel and plans to carry it out were extremely flawed. Within another
minute, Mrs. Hardlevilch was convinced someone had entered the room and pissed
on her, completely forgetting her role in staining my couch.
I’m now at my wit’s end, and it wasn’t far to go, let me tell you. I’m left
asking, as I said before, who’s to blame? Sure, I could sue Mrs. Hardlevilch in
a court of law, but no jury is going to convict a withered old fossil of public
urination since I’m not sure it’s a crime and, truthfully, my living room isn’t
considered public domain. If I had deemed to shoot her, sure, it would have been
legal, but her pissing all over my couch left me without much recourse of action
once the moment for retaliation passed. Not that I would ever shoot the dear old
women, she’d probably think it was the Kaiser shelling her homeland or something
If Mrs. Hardlevilch is not to blame, who is? Through some late-night detective
work, I managed to find out Mrs. Hardlevilch wears Dapper Debutante brand adult
“pads,” so that offered me some hope. But so far all threatening letters have
not received any offer to settle out of court, and I’m sure signing them with my
real name wouldn’t help. This means, of course, that there is a faulty product
out there in Dapper Debutante adult “safety nets” and behind them is a company
unwilling to admit they’re responsible for the puddles of the greatest
In the end, as Arvelyn pointed out, I probably have no one to blame but myself.
There is nothing funnier in the world than my Louis Armstong-in-a-blender
impression; I knew this and carried forth with thoughtless drive to entertain,
floors and sofas be damned. More than a reasonable number of healthy young
Americans have relieved themselves all over my property in response to my
humoriffic comedy “closer.” This might seem enough reason for anyone to stop,
but I know I won’t. The world needs hilarious impressions of famous loveable
singers suffering severe torture in a comical fashion, and I think a sofa, after
all is said and done, is a small price to pay.
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