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This is High-Grade Stuff
the commune's Rok Finger cannot sell cookies individually 

Friday, Mar. 16, 2001
As my readers know, I believe strongly in charity—one look at my wife will tell you that. She holds the demeanor and loving look of a woman who’s weathered many a charity event at her husband’s side. So most Rokophiles are well aware of “Rok Finger’s Kids,” a charity that helps out comatose orphans or bed-bound sons and daughters of parents who just don’t give a damn.

These are some of the sweetest kids you’ll ever meet, the ones who are awake. Many act like nothing’s wrong and are just glad to be alive, truly they wouldn’t even know they were miserable recipients of God’s wrath if Rok wasn’t there to tell them.

And Rok isn’t in this for the trendiness or ego-trip, though both are very nice; Rokwell T. Finger is here to help. In the past I’ve tried Labor Day and Memorial Day Telethons, but I really don’t stay up past 6 p.m. that often, so those haven’t been very successful. But every New Year’s Eve I hold a telethon in their honor down at the Wild Pussy Cat Club and, though it’s untelevised, all donations go to the kids, bless their bedsored little hearts.

But all that money is not enough, the kids still need new things. Like sheets, pillows, some need medicine or something, not sure of the details, I just know they’re needy. So that’s why Rok is introducing these high-grade cookies, the sale of which will benefit the kids immensely. Though Lord knows they could never eat any of them, they’d start choking or something, bless their little reclined souls.

Each box is $20, but for that price, kids will get new socks and reading lights or something. The comatose kids will get something, not sure what, but I’m willing to bet those nurses who wipe them and role them over and empty their piss jugs, they don’t work for free, you know? Twenty dollars will go a long way to help with that. If I ever find a place to buy everything cheaper than Target, maybe some corporations join in with the charity (wink, wink) we’ll be helping more and more kids faster than you can say “huge tax write-off and free publicity” (wink, wink).

But it won’t feel like charity, no sir. These are high-grade cookies, I assure you. With names like “Super Chunkolate Chip,” “Strips O’ Chocolate Heaven,” “Chocolotta Paradise,” “Pecandides,” “Raisin Canes,” “Stupendos,” “Mintos,” “Peanut Butter Jesuses,” and “ButtCookiers,” how can you think of NOT enjoying the hell out of them? They’re so scrumptious and good these bastards melt in your mouth before you open the box. I’m not kidding you, I’ve tried them, they’re good. One Pecandide nearly put me in a sugar coma, they’re rich and packed with deliciousosity.

I guarantee you one taste of any of those cookies, the next Girl Scout who comes to your door, you’ll dry heave in her face. They’re that damn good. You’ll get so addicted you’d kill your mother for a box. And it all goes to help the kids, so how can you refuse? You can’t! Don’t try it! Just give into temptation and buy a bunch!

I must stress these cookies are sold in BOXES, I cannot sell cookies individually. I suggest all you moochers out there who are too cheap to spring for a whole box all go into together and pool your money or something.

Also, if you’d like to help sell these cookies on behalf of “Rok Finger’s Kids,” I’d love your help. I’m pretty much left to sell them alone, the kids aren’t out chasing down leads or anything, I can guarantee you that. So please, come out and overindulge for charity.

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