I Have Just Seen American Booty the commune's Rok Finger gets blown. Mentally.
Monday, Oct. 1, 2001
Good people, it is not very often a movie can change your life. That a movie
can make you feel good to be alive, and can make you feel, after all, maybe
the world is not a heaping pile of dung. I have just seen such a movie.
American Booty.
Yes, you may be saying that the movie I speak of is over two years old by
now, that it was over-hyped then and why see it now? Or, like the young
smarmy film snob who checks me out at Blockbuster phrased it, "Dude, you
ain’t seen this yet? How weak."
Maybe it takes Rok Finger a little bit longer to catch on to a trend, you
always have to beware passing fads like pop music and insulin. But once the
hype had died down, I try to check out every meaningful piece of media in
our culture. I can say with positive knowledge now that American Booty is
among the most meaningful pieces of Americana produced in the past ten
For those unfamiliar with the film, I’ll describe it briefly. An American
Everyman husband, Slam Scrotum (played ably by Jock Large), is having a
midlife crisis at twenty-five. His wife, Tits Ahoy (Janet Jackoff), is
having an affair with some uncredited black guy, while his daughter (Kris
Cum Loudy), who is also blonde and looks about the same age as the mother
character, is having an affair with two midgets and their horse. Slam begins
to daydream about sleeping with six of his daughter’s friends (the Ass Girls
of the Pretty Kitty Club, Houston, Texas) in long scenarios throughout the
As touchy as the subject may be, American Booty doesn’t shy away from
graphic portrayal of male-female conjugation. It’s brutally honest,
especially the scenes with the black guy, but if you allow yourself to
experience American Booty you’ll walk away, after a few minutes, forever
Best of all, it doesn’t pamper the viewer with a clearly-linear storyline
or an explainable resolution. From what I could tell, soon after Slam mates
with all his daughter’s friends at once, the film fades out, allowing us to
draw our own conclusions about morality and what possible repercussions
await Slam in the future.
I usually don’t "get" critically-lauded movies, no sir. Therefore I seldom
recommend movies. But I have to urge you to see American Booty as soon as
you get the chance. It has amazed audiences and critics everywhere--the box
said Cream Machine magazine gave it "four stiffies"--and now I recommend you
let it amaze you.
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