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NATO Celebrates Record 34th Taliban Commander Killed |
Kandahar, Afghanistan Junior Bacon Secretary-General of the U.N. Kofi Annan celebrates the landmark 34th Taliban Commander killed by NATO forces with Anwar Badru, winner of M-TV’s “Shake Hands With Kofi Annan” contest. n Sunday, NATO and Afghan forces announced a new victory over rebel Taliban forces with the slaying of Taliban Commander Mullah Dadullah. More than that, NATO celebrated a personal landmark by killing the 34th consecutive Taliban Commander, the highest number of enemy forces commanders killed one after the other. “Clearly we’ve demonstrated without a doubt that we can kill as many Taliban leaders as they can throw at us,” said NATO spokesman Sgt. Buddy Means, as he and other NATO officials popped the cork on a bottle of wine at the Dead Taliban Commander impromptu party. Dadullah was killed by Afghan police and army forces in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province, with the help of NATO air support. He had been named head of the Taliban following the March 15th death of former Commander Zinzy Habullah, who himself had represented a then-record 33rd consecutive Taliban Commander killed, a blow that crippled anti-American Taliban forces well up to 72 hours, until Dadullah’s promotion. 
The Taliban, a militant Islamic group who had led Afghanistan until the U.S. invasion of 2001, as well as allegedly hid terrorist Osama Bin Laden within its borders, has since been a haven for anti-Western rebels and Democracy haters alike. Dadullah’s death was described as a strike against the Taliban that will hinder the organization, and its biggest military loss since the last time NATO forces stuck it to them. Afghan government spokesman Khaleeq Ahmad described the death of Dadullah as a military success that “will kill the morale of the [Taliban].” In a succinct summary of Afghanistan’s response to the leader’s death, Ahmad said, “We are happy he is not alive anymore. Before, when he was alive, we were distinctly unhappy. Since that had changed, there has been a net increase in our overall happiness. Previously, we in the Afghanistan were quite unhappy and we believe the Taliban was happy because we were not happy and he was still alive, which made him happy? Now? Not so much the happy for him and the Taliban. We, however, have experience a significant happiness gain.” “Killing one Taliban Commander was always a dream of mine,” said director NATO forces in Afghanistan Gen. William Flampants Sunday. “But to kill 34? It’s much more than I ever could have dreamed. And I’m keeping my fingers crossed that will get to the big 3-5 next!”U.S. general Myron Stofer described the 34th Taliban Commander killing as a “personal best,” easily trouncing his previous record of 32 heads of the Iraqi insurgency. Mullah Dadullah was preceded in death by former Taliban Commanders Zinzy Habullah, Shabba Nazuna, Rafullah Al-Badallah, Guella Transattah, Macho Kabala, Jhada Stantoplabada, Fozzy Boombozzi, Ginalla Walla, Dallah Polla Impala, Sadir Al-Funtallah, Shimi Shammy Al-Pajami, Fadabi Scradi Adi, Boomwati Al-Mahtalli, Bada Botta Bada, Grizallah Priscilla, Foolah Medulla Oblongata, Buntapa Al-Moppa, Zenyatta Mondatta, Faka Mata-Faka, Zahir Bin Lama, Tullah Donna Al-Galla, Paula Abdullah, Amir Batallah, Latka Gravas, Pinzalla Rapallah, Avatah Dudallah Dallah, Rama Bin Stattah, Allah Donbattah, Jadir Sufstata, Grallah Biz-Allah, Chad Perkins, and Famir Fallah Fallah Fallah. If you have a rhythmical name and would like to lead an anti-Western terrorist group, call the Taliban and apply immediately. the commune news applauds the frequent and violent extermination of enemies of the state, and hopes the seat has a chance to get cold before they replace this one. Foreign Correspondent Ivan Nacutchacokov also believes we are close to a victory in this War on Terror, and sure wouldn’t mind coming home to the States after years abroad covering said War, seeing as we’re so close to the end and all.
 |  Pope Swears God Will Punish Drug Dealers With Poor-Quality Shit  Vintage Dell to Grace Smithsonian's New What the Fuck Were We Thinking? Wing  Isaac Hayes Recognized on Bad Mother’s Day  'Paris Hilton Autopsy' Sculpture Signed to Three-Picture Deal |
Pope Swears God Will Punish Drug Dealers With Poor-Quality Shit Vintage Dell to Grace Smithsonian's New What the Fuck Were We Thinking? Wing Isaac Hayes Recognized on Bad Mother’s Day 'Paris Hilton Autopsy' Sculpture Signed to Three-Picture Deal |
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Return to the Bermuda Shorts TriangleOnce again, sir, I am confounded by a mystery by which I’ve already been confounded. For I have returned to the place of my last great defeat—Brunsley, Idaho, well known to all its inhabitants and supernatural buffs as the Bermuda Shorts Triangle. Before you foul-mouthed skeptics can say, “Fuck this bullshit” and return to searching for more Internet info about that movie with the Dakota Fanning rape scene, I urge you to think about this: What would you do if there were a 12-block radius in a moderate-sized town where your finest undergarments mysteriously disappeared? That’s right, such a place really exists, and it’s in Brunsley, Idaho. Seldom can a man, or especially an attractive woman, walk from the Bed, Bath and Beyond to the Citgo gas station with their underpants untouched. Even the most conservative among you will find you go from securely hammocked to freeballing in record time, with no answer as to where your Fruit of the Looms have gone. 
º Last Column: Dreams Like Butterflies º more columns
I first stumbled across this mystery in 1998, just before I founded the commune. In fact, all of my first columns were about this puzzler, though I decided to withhold my claims before I had any solid proof because I wanted to write a kick-ass bestseller about the phenomenon, and didn’t want any competition drawn to my big moneyhole by an ill-timed commune column. If only I had known how few people read the commune, despites its being available for free on the Internet, I would have thrown caution to the wind, as well as my columns, and published them as a warning to all underwear-lovers who might wander into the area. I discovered it quite by accident, when I attended Brunsley’s annual Halloween Dunk-the-Witch contest. I’ll save all the anticipation by saying it turned out to be a woman in a costume; but while my search for proof of horrible Wiccans ended up a dead-end, when I went to buy a drink at a local café they call Starbucks here, I found my BVD’s didn’t make it across the street with me. I went searching for pocket change for my $3.50 cup of coffee and found the fabric between my digits and my goodies a lot thinner than expected—only pocket stood between my finger and my boys. I knew I hadn’t taken them off, so of course, I looked to the simplest answer—an underpants pickpocket. But the locals told me of the Bermuda Shorts Triangle, a 12-block perfect circle in which all manner of undergarments mysteriously disappear. Or as my colleague Dennis at the Wendy’s in that area summarized, “Yeah, people end up losing their skivvies all the time around here.” Of course, the name is something of a misnomer, since it’s not a triangle-shaped area, and if you’re wearing Bermuda Shorts they actually make it through the area without being stolen—underwear only appear fair game. But you have to admit, it’s damn catchier than “The Circle of Panty Theft.” The first time I passed that way, I was close to launching the commune, and had to return to attend to that business after losing over $400 in underwear in my attempt to solve the riddle. But now the commune is successful, by my own narrow definitions, and I can at last return to figuring out where these shorts are going, maybe even why. Thanks to my painstaking statistics as of last time, I can tell you panties are taken more frequently than male briefs, and boxers are taken least frequently while thongs seem to disappear more than anything else. Expensive underwear and cheap underwear tend to be taken indiscriminately. I only really tested this underthing-theft on myself, but my survey of victims revealed women were targeted more frequently than men, even men wearing thongs, but it seemed to happen across gender and age lines. You’ve got to admit, outside of discovering where these undershorts are disappearing to, why they are being taken, and how to prevent it, I’ve practically got this case fully answered. Like many people that work here, I’m starting to wish I had never founded the commune. Sure, disseminating the truth to the masses is an important job, maybe the most important of them all next to the man who maintains erections on pornographic movie sets. But still, it keeps me up at nights knowing the great mysteries—like who’s stealing the underwear in Brunsley, Idaho by the Bennigan’s—are going unsolved because I chose this different path. º Last Column: Dreams Like Butterfliesº more columns
Wears the BeefHot damn said the devil, it’s time for another ass-puckeringly sweet edition of Reflections of a Goocher! I’m your host, Stu Umbrage, and that guy walking by the window has nothing whatsoever to do with this column, ignore him completely. Our first guest tonight is noted poet and man of letters, Sir Sheldon Bivouac. SU: Greetings, Sir Bivouac, how are you? SB: Few of us can answer the question of our existence, Stu, the how or the why of it anyhow. The where and when are easy, perhaps even the which. But the- SU: Riiiiiight. But have you ever considered this: What do you call a vegan that refuses to grow milk thistle? 
º Last Column: Gwar of the Worlds º more columns
SB: Huh? SU: A vetard. SB: Riiiiight. Anyway Stu, I came on today to read from my latest collection of poems, Rape Ape. This first one is called “A Confederacy of Dulcets”: “I ran Sidney Brace bandage itated Koppel grant farms race in the hole Milwaukee ping-” SU: Sorry to interrupt you, SB, but we’ve got to break for a commercial. Do you ever get that “Not so French” feeling?
-Oui oui, monsieur!
Well now there’s a French dressing that doubles as an invigorating douche, only from Hellman’s.
-Mon Dieu! SU: And we’re back! Let’s see what’s on the radio, shall we? -CLICK- I’ve got a peeeeeaceful, greasy feeeeeling…-CLICK- -eh, on second thought, fuck that. You’ll have to bear with us for a moment, ladies and gentlemen, apparently there’s a Spaniard loose in the rafters and they’re attempting to gas him out as we speak. Though I believe the gas they chose was helium, apparently that’s all we had handy, so if you come across a chipmunk-talking Spaniard please just hand over your car keys so we can get on with the show. We apologize for any inconvenience folks. I had recommended smoking the Spaniard out, but apparently he doesn’t smoke. Oh, nope, the taser got him. And hindsight being what it is, we probably should have put down some rubber gym mats or a trampoline or something, because the old wives tales you’ve heard about a Spaniard always landing on his feet apparently don’t apply to ones that have been electroshocked into drooling unconsciousness. I’m not sure the trampoline would have saved him, but at least we would have got some circus-style entertainment out of the deal, rather than this answer to the unasked question of what would happen if you took a ball bat to a meat-filled piñata. I’m sorry folks, that’s all the time we have this week, and we have to arrange for a Zamboni to come in and clean up this mess, but be sure to tune in next time when our special guest will be the guy who invented dogs. º Last Column: Gwar of the Worldsº more columns

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Quote of the Day“Love, love will tear us apart again. So quit telling those jocks we both like it in the butt.” -Joy DivinskiFortune 500 CookieYou will spend so much time with your foot in your mouth this week, people will mistake it for performance art. Beat the living shit out of the first person who calls you “buddy” today—best to nip that shit in the bud. Your only remaining shot at true happiness now is joining a cult or getting hooked on heroin: your call. This week’s lucky midgets: “Stretch” Svorsded, Suitcase Mike, Jimmy “Dogslapper” McVaughn, Upskirt Kilgore, Ross “The Toss” Ramstein.
Try again later.Top Phil Spector Trial Revelations1. | Spector threatens to shoot all his visitors in the mouth if they leave—get the fuck over it already | 2. | Middle-aged Spector traded “Wall of Sound” for “Wall of Hair” | 3. | Yes, everyone in L.A. really is as crazy as you’ve heard | 4. | Spector goes through pizza delivery guys like you wouldn’t believe | 5. | No you’re thinking of “Help Me Rhonda,” “Da Doo Ron Ron” goes “I met him on a Monday and my heart stood still, Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron” | |
|   Clinton: "Shoo, I Ayne Got No Suuthurn Assent, Y'all"   Greetings, America, Roland McShyster’s got a hola-ta love for you this week as we’ve officially crossed the threshold into blockbuster season, and I don’t mean the dying retail chain patronized by the last ten people on earth who’ve never heard of Netflix. This is the time of year that makes movie buffs go: *orgasm sound*. So strap on your homemade reverse-camelback piss-collecting device and let’s go bilk the local multiplex out of some free air conditioning! 
Live Free or Die HardReally more of a 120 minute Viagra commercial than a movie, LFDH stars America’s man Bruce Willis as a former cop who realizes “I’m potent” sounds like “impotent” when you say it too fast or in the South, and this realization, in concert with accidentally seeing costar Kathy Bates naked, renders him permanently flaccid and in search of a boner donor. Lots of action and shootouts ensue. Unfortunately, however, laws requiring the disclosure of all the drug’s side-effects mean that the entire second half of the movie is one long monologue so dense with medical terminology you’ll be shouting back at the screen “Whatchu talkin’ bout, Willis?” Pilates of the Caribbean 2: At World’s FairFinally, the Pilates workout craze has made it to the big screen at last, and not a moment too soon. Who knew it originated in the Caribbean? I did. Welcome to the party, you’re late. As if it even matters in an action-packed Pilates movie, but the plot’s no rough shakes, either: something about the World’s Fair and doing Pilates there. If that’s not enough to hook you, you hate movies. Jonny Depp is his usual ripped self as a dude drunk on the power of Pilates and eager to spread the word to new lands. And Keira Knightley is so hot she’ll give you babestroke. Shrek the TurdEvery installment in this series just gets smarter than the one before. Three Spider-Men and a BabyYou won’t believe what the Spider- Men have caught in their web this time—it’s a baby. Trust me when I say you’re not ready for the hilarity of three Spider-Men trying to take care of a snotty tyke with shitted-up diapers. Spider-Man, Evil Spider-Man and Peter Parker, or as he is more commonly known, Naked Spider-Man, get the laughs rolling early, and the film’s script does a deft job of dodging and weaving around the fact that all three are the same guy and therefore can’t appear onscreen simultaneously. Evil Spider-Man is an especially welcome addition to the troupe as the straight man who’s always the butt of the other two’s puns. And the film mines consistent laughs out of Evil Spider-Man not being served anywhere because people think he’s black on account of his costume. I for one hope they continue the franchise, because I’d love to see three Hulks dogsitting for the weekend or three Batmans going to PTA meetings. It took them a while, but Hollywood finally found a comic book movie formula that works.
And that’s all he wrote, ladies and germtlemen. I hope you’re enjoying the return of the sun after that long, slow crawl through winter and are enjoying it in style: inside with the AC on max. Join us next time when we’ll give the bloated, maggot-ridden corpse of Hollywood another kick and see if it farts. Until then, I’m Roland McShyster!   |