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Clinton: \
Orangeburg, SC
Junior Bacon
Clinton thrills Southern audiences with her Yosemite Sam impression
acing charges of pandering to Southerners by affecting a fake drawl when speaking to audiences in the South, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton responded to reporters this week with an angry retort of “Shoo, I ayne got no suuthurn assent, y’all” before spitting on the floor and leaving the room.

This latest incident follows a strong trend for Clinton over the last few weeks, leading pundits to suggest she’s attempting to poach votes from Democratic challenger and authentic southerner John Edwards, knowing full well that a Democrat who can’t carry the South has as much of a chance at the presidency as a black man from… oh. Nevermind.Read more...

Appeals Court Rules Hilton Legitimately Too Pretty to Survive Prison

Climatologists Cross Legs Uncomfortably at Mention of Bangkok Conference

Merck: “Crazy-Ass Brazil Giving AIDS Drugs to People With No Money”

Poison Probe Reveals 90% of Packaged Foods Actually Dog Food

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Grape Nuts? Bullshit Nuts is More Like It

You ever had this “cereal”? I hope so, because I for one hate to suffer alone. I’m serious, what ever happened to Rice Krispies or Fruit Loops? Now those were some cereals. None of this roadside gravel bullshit. It doesn’t even talk when you eat it. Even my ex-wife did that. And fun fruit flavors? Don’t let the “Grape” part fool you; the only fruit this crap tastes like is Heath Ledger. Boring.

Life is like a bowl of Grape Nuts, and by that I mean it sucks. Sure, it comes in a lot of flashy packaging, and there’s a wombat on the box, but inside it’s just a bag of dirt from Nevada. Kids? Had ’em. Jobs? Did ’em. Movies? Slept through ’em. Transexual adventures? Saw a 20/20 on ’em once. Didn’t seem all that appealing.Read more...

º Last Column: Health Food is Full of Shit
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I'm Finally Coming Around to Shaved Vaginas

A lot of people look at me and they’re quite impressed to see a man my age, part of the ‘80s generation, who’s so hip and into what’s “now.” But I have to admit, there’s some things that bring out the old fart in me, and until recently, completely shaved pussy was one of ‘em. It just gave me the chills, and while it never stopped me from fucking away, it always left me a little disappointed—but not any more. I’ve had a change of heart about shaved vaginas.

Not a week went by, in the past, where I didn’t go so art gallery opening or book signing and a friend or random guy in line didn’t try to convince me hairless twat is the way to go—I don’t know what brings it out in these people. As soon as you make a gagging noise at a bare beaver in a nude photo displayed high on the museum wall, some joker thinks it’s his personal mission to sway you from your preference for fuzzy trim. “It’s more sanitary,” they’d say. “It’s nicer to the touch.” Well, if that’s true, we should all shave our heads, too. I mean, I do, but you see my meaning. Maybe I’m stuck in the past, but if you’re not spitting hairs out onto your lover’s thigh constantly, to me, it’s just not real fucking.Read more...

º Last Column: I Could Never Audit Your Heart
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Quote of the Day
“Learning without thought is labor lost; except in public schools, where it keeps most teachers employed.”
-Confused-ass Carmen
Fortune 500 Cookie
You’ll have a brush with death this week, and that fucker has some of the yellowest teeth you’ve ever seen, so make sure you go first. This time the lyrics to the song you’re pretending to know the words to actually are “Watermelon, Watermelon, Watermelon.” You’ll make the most expensive movie ever made in your kitchen this week, for ten dollars. Lucky strikes, camels, kools, and bel-airs.

Try again later.
Top 5 Other Hasselhof Home Videos
1.Whoopsh!: Outtakes From the Drinking Videos
2.5 hours straight of sucking in gut until a rib pops out
3.All-nude Batwatch starring some girls from the escort service
4.Intense argument with his car over who is the real star of Knight Rider
5.Imaginary non-German music awards show where Hasselhoff sweeps every category
Last IssueLast Issue’s Lead News Story

Former CIA Director Doesn't Know Sports

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We’re heading into the biggest blockbuster summer in the last few years like a cannonball, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let them get the jump on me just because they’re too afraid to send me screeners of their mega-hit films. I’m going to go ahead and review these highly anticipated money-munchers based on the trailers alone. Unfair, you say? Just beating the other critics to the punch, since they made up their minds before they saw the films, too. See how right I’ll be.
the commune is updated every Monday.
The next edition will publish May 14th, 2007.