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Former CIA Director Doesn't Know Sports

Washington, D.C.
Snapper McGee
Former CIA Director George Tenet admits he doesn’t know dick about sports in his new book. In an old White House photo, Tenet tries to bluff his way through a description of a “goal and two assists” he saw in a televised game of checkers.
h, baby, there’s being a girl and then there’s being a girl—know what I’m saying? Take as an example former CIA Director George Tenet, the man who complains in his new book At the Center of the Storm that he became a poster boy for the fuck-up in Iraq and that his comment “It’s a Slam Dunk, Mr. President,” was used as grounds for the Iraqi invasion and taken out of context. Now it turns out that, according to Tenet’s new book, the problem is trying to use sports terminology in the workplace without knowing shit about sports.

Like a lot of women out there, this reporter only watches sports for the unspoken erotic tension between the players and the frequent male touching. But honey, at least I watch. Which leaves straight boys like George Tenet trying to fumble (another sports term) around the office to describe international situations in a language the president can understand. If he don’t know sports and the president don’t know international politics, they might as well be speaking Swahili and German to each other, sweetie.

In Tenet’s new book, the freshest alibi that testifies he’s someone else who didn’t do shit to cause the unpopular war in Iraq, the former CIA Director tells how he responded to the president’s question about the intelligence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD is so 2003 now), to which Tenet replied with the damned expression “Slam Dunk.” But Tenet says the case against him is not so clear.Read more...

MySpace Premieres in Communist China as OurSpace

Pain in the Ass Hawking Demands Handicapped- Accessible Space Shuttle

“Blond Highlights the Devil’s Work,” Says Iran, Straight Men

Dow Reaches 13,000, Tao Reaches

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Some People Call Me the Space Cowboy

Good people, the most wondrous of wonderful, funderful, magical things has happened to me! I was hit in the side by a dirty van while crossing the street and gravely injured. That’s not the good part, but I’m getting to that—let’s take the long way, shall we?

Of course, you may know that we at the commune traded our insurance benefits options for Red Bagel’s home-built soap box derby cars, so the shattered bones in my pelvis, my broken arm, multiple lacerations, bruised face, and bent pinky toe couldn’t seek professional care. It turns out the man who hit me with his filthy van had no insurance either, but he’s making it up to me in another way—again, more later. I did the only thing I could do, seek out an Indian friend to nurse me back to health, ala the legend of the Lone Ranger. So I asked Batu, a guy who works in the commune building on a different floor, to help me, and he agreed, even though he said he’s an East Indian not a Native American, which I could give two cents about. Batu loaned me his Canadian Prescriptions card for all the free Vicodin I could ever want and his home body cast kit. Needless to say, I’m doing much better now, still some internal bleeding, but that may have been there before. Let’s get on to the van-smashing wonderful thing.Read more...

º Last Column: Rain, Rain, Go Straight to Hell
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Big Bee is Dead

Hello, communes. Boris is this. Coming on you with big news of year: Big bee is dead. Yes, is so!

Every person remember big bee, is bee thing from Boris child’s hood what always give Boris time so hard. Whenever Boris is does go outsides to play with made-up friends, there is big bee waiting to chase Boris away, like Benny’s Hill show except without music. Boris has to hum music for himself when does run away from big bee. Sometimes Boris does think maybe bee does hate this music and that why chase Boris, but probably bee is just asshole.Read more...

º Last Column: Boris is Spider
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Quote of the Day
“What joyous spring, what sylvan glade, alive with growth and life anew, springing forth in buds of nature’s splendor, what miracle of- what, it’s snowing? Again? FUUUUUCK. I’ll be at the pub.”
-Roderick Youngfellow
Fortune 500 Cookie
You are so ugly, the mere sight of you makes small children give up on life. No twist to that, it just needed to be said. Instead of Band-Aids this week, use bacon. Everybody loves bacon. The only cure for breath like yours is the Hemmingway solution. This week’s lucky haiku: Luke Luck licks dykes, Luke’s dick sticks Mikes, Mike’s wife knifes like OJ.

Try again later.
Top Positive Changes Inspired by Va. Tech Massacre
1.Public now rightfully suspicious of South Koreans
2.Bush to up military spending to ensure troops aren’t outgunned by Iraqi college students
3.Handguns: two for the price of one, Big Dill’s Gun Barn, Williamsburg, VA
4.Congress to pass ban on recreational bazookas
5.Grand Theft Auto: Va. Tech to carry “It’s just a game” disclaimer
Last IssueLast Issue’s Lead News Story

Virginia Tech Regrets "Baghdad for a Day" Exchange Program

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BY howie dudat

Space Gods: The New Generation

“Captain’s blog, Stardate eleven point six point forty-three point twelve point three-thousand,” the captain typed out loud for the benefit of anyone who might be listening. “We have drifted far off course due to our Conn, walking GoBot Mister Matrix, forgetting to turn on the autopilot when he got off shift last night, so excited was he to hit the ship’s bar, The Watering Hall, before the end of Happy Hour. And so, we find ourselves deep in Romann space, desperate to find our way back to Planet Club territory without drawing the attention of our sworn enemies.”
the commune is updated every Monday.
The next edition will publish May 7th, 2007.