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Blacksburg, VA Junior Bacon Va. Tech students mourn for the thousands of innocents killed during the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Just kidding, it’s another Verne Troyer fan shrine. irginia Tech officials revealed Monday that last week’s on-campus massacre, which resulted in 33 deaths and countless injuries, may have been related to a cultural exchange the university was participating in with the Iraqi city of Baghdad. “We thought it might be enlightening for students to experience a day in the life of an average Iraqi,” explained University President Charles W. Steger. “To feel the effects of U.S. foreign policy firsthand. But let me be very clear when I explain that we had no idea the exchange would be so literal. And none of us can even begin to understand how this was possible. That old gypsy woman was very vague about the details.” 
The particulars of the exchange are sketchy, but field reports indicate that Baghdad residents spent Monday attending beer-bong blowouts and date raping drunken sorority girls to the sounds of Dave Matthews Band. Va. Tech students arguably got the shittier end of the deal, spending the day coping with the kinds of heartbreaking carnage and mayhem normally reserved for everyone living in Iraq. “Bah,” dismissed Iraqi horse gelder Jassim al-Ogedi. “Thirty-three dead? That is a good day in Baghdad. After the Americans opened the Pandora’s Box of pure, unfiltered living hell in Iraq, we thank Allah for every day that the death toll stays in the double digits.” Iraqi insurgents were also displeased with the exchange and the resultant American media frenzy, which they could never hope to inspire even by killing every man, woman and child in the entire nation of Iraq. “Hey! Assholes! We just blew up a children’s hospital! What do you guys need, a videotaped manifesto?” griped an insurgent whose given name translates as “Abdul with the Yellow Dog,” we think. “Christ! We kill more people than that by lunchtime, and where are we? Page seven? Four years of this shit and we still have fewer inches of newsprint than Don Imus. Fuck you guys.” In response, Iraqi insurgents have set to work on a menacing, 30-story-tall killbot, which runs on the blood of the innocent, shoots dazzling fireworks, plays MP3s and comes preloaded with Madonna’s latest album. So far this development has only been reported in the U.S. magazine Popular Mechanics. Few can offer non-humorous theories as to how the Va. Tech shooter fits into the U.S./Iraqi cultural exchange, however. The gunman, whom the commune refuses to name out of a desire not to make the cockknocker any more undeservedly famous than he already is, plus he’s got some bullshit ching chong name so we could just make something up and you’d never know any different, was not known to have any gypsy ties or to have been politically aware beyond what he had seen on South Park. Some have gone so far as to argue that the shootings were a coincidence, based on the fact that no one has been able to connect the massacre specifically to the ineptitude of the Bush administration. Time, however, may return a different verdict. the commune news is proud of our distinction as the only U.S. news source that didn’t go berserk with exploitive coverage of the Va. Tech shootings. It must be noted, however, that our planned feature “Inside the Guns that the Dude Used,” was only scrapped because no one in this office can draw a recognizable handgun to save their lives. Ivana Folger-Balzac unfortunately arrived at the scene too late to be victim number thirty-four.
 | Lost Leaves Plotlines Half-Solved in Honor of Shooting Victims  MySpace to Offer Breaking News on What Ira Mankovics is Doing Right Now  Alec Baldwin Records Devastating Voice Mail Message for Shooter  Sony’s Poorly Timed “PS3 Price Massacre” Backfires |
Lost Leaves Plotlines Half-Solved in Honor of Shooting Victims MySpace to Offer Breaking News on What Ira Mankovics is Doing Right Now Alec Baldwin Records Devastating Voice Mail Message for Shooter Sony’s Poorly Timed “PS3 Price Massacre” Backfires |
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Kibbles 'n ShitAny of you hear about this poisoned dog food scare? I don’t know how long this shit’s been going on, I only found out when they cut into KNTZ’s rock block on Thursday night to announce that Spuds MacKenzie was dead, from an Alpo overdose. At first I was like, yeah, bullshit, that dog drank enough Budweiser to put a Kennedy in the ground, but then my neighbor Mitch said something about feeding his dogs nothing but deer meat until the epidemic blew over. He said that’s why he’d spent the whole night driving drunk in the woods, hoping to hit a Bigfoot or something he could tell his dogs was deer meat. That was after he went to the zoo to shoot a deer and they turned him away because you need some kind of permit or something to hunt at the zoo. You really do learn something new every day. 
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Anyway, Mitch may be a lot of things, but he sure as hell doesn’t follow directions, so I was pretty sure the tainted dog food noise was for real. And Foghat barfs and shits all over the place more than enough already when he’s healthy, I can’t afford however many of those shit-eating Roomba robots it would take to keep up with him if he caught Ass-Dropitis, or whatever this new dog plague is. They didn’t say on the radio which brands of dog food were tainted, but I wasn’t taking any chances, so I threw out all the Chuck Wagon in the house immediately. I’ve never been comfortable with how much that name sounds like Upchuck Wagon anyway. And Iams was right out, too, because that name sounds like somebody was writing “I am sick” but dropped dead before they could finish. Too suspicious. Science Diet was nixed as well, because I’ve never liked the idea of scientists experimenting on my dog. Leave that shit for the rabbits and half a cow or whatever they do. I mean, what if the experiment this week is to see what happens to dogs when they eat ground-up Nerf balls? I ain’t bankrolling that shit. In the end I decided Kibbles ‘n Bits was the way to go, even though I have no idea what a kibble is, but that’s all Foghat will eat anyway. But how to know if the dog food was safe? I figured there was only one way to be sure: I’d have to try it myself. This isn’t as gross as it sounds, after all, what do you think Cocoa Puffs are? You can make anything taste good if you add enough chocolate. The shit really wasn’t that bad, and the milk helped. But half an hour later I was feeling like Andre the Giant had crawled inside my nutsack and died. And Foghat wasn’t looking too hot either, just laying there on the couch, watching World’s Wildest Police Chases, barely moving. True, that’s his normal state of being, but normally he hasn’t just eaten an assload of possibly-tainted dog food. So I did the only thing a responsible dog owner could do: I rushed Foghat to the emergency room. And you know what? We waited in line for three hours at that fucked-up place, like there was going to be a roller coaster or something, before somebody told me they don’t treat dogs at the emergency room any more and I had to find a vet. Goddamn this luck. Well, guess what I found out at the VFW? Yep, those motherfuckers have sworn off curing dogs as well. Isn’t there anybody in this whole goddamned town with the balls to de-sick my dog? After that I blacked out, and woke up on my couch back home. Turns out Foghat had dragged me all the way back home because he was missing Nanny 911, so I guess he got over whatever he was dying from. True, my car was still over at the VFW, and all my clothes were ruined from being dragged all the way across town by a dog with a saliva problem, but I was mostly just happy that Foghat was okay. Then I threw up from the bottom of my balls. Don’t eat dog food, it’s bullshit for people. Bricks out. º Last Column: Driving My Life Awayº more columns
Famous Like AmosLike every other American Idol fan, I was sorry to see Sanjaya Malakar go from the blockbuster TV talent show last week. I have to believe anybody with that many A’s in his name is destined to be a star, so if it doesn’t happen here and now, it’ll happen some other time, some other place. Maybe in Bollywood. Mad props to Sanjaya for keeping it going as long as he did. All of us brothers with more looks than talent know what it’s like to coast on pre-teen chick love. I’m not a big Simon Cowell fan anyway. Simon and me go way back. I blew away the competition on American Idol back in the second season auditions, but Simon managed to rig everything against me. I didn’t even make it to the show because the prick made some argument about the video from the security camera not being “network quality.” I did a cover so ass-blasting amazing of “Hot Blooded” that Foreigner took out a court order that forbid me from ever singing it again, ‘cause it made them look like chumps. Simon kept me out of the contest by voting against me, because he was the only judge. I don’t know where Paula and Randy were, I guess they were probably in their hotel rooms. Security wasn’t understanding enough to let me climb up on their balconies and audition for them, ‘cause that dick Simon had me thrown out. 
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I’ve been destined to be huge star since I was conceived, and I’m not just talking about the porn industry. I’m talking a cross-media star of unstoppable magnetism and Q-rating power, like Jamie Foxx. You remember him, he was famous a couple of years ago. But mine is the kind of fame that is like a big cosmic secret that only I know about—right now. Soon it’s going to be busting out of every galactic orifice there is. Guys will go to see my movie because I’ll be running around shirtless in it, shooting terrorists, and girls will snuggle me under their arms on the way to school on the cover of their Trapper Keepers. I’ll be shirtless there, too. I’m assuming that anti-shirtless Alamo Cruise legislation will be overturned by then. When I’m super-famous, I’ll have to dress the part, and I’m already way ahead on that front. I have an extensive collection of baseball caps and sunglasses. Some I bought even before I did my American Idol audition, just because I liked them. Like my “Mega-Ninja” hat, or the one that says “Hard Cock Inspector”—imagine being a lady and seeing that coming at you. You know it’s a police detective and he’s got an extra-hard cock for you. But they probably don’t let you wear something like that in Scotland Yard because they make you were those stupid Sherlock Holmes hats, but I think Scotland sucks anyway and don’t want to go there when I’m famous. If I get into a fight with the Pavarottis, too, I’ll know how to handle myself. A lot of celebrities like to kick Pavarotti ass because they want to keep their pictures from being taken, but I don’t care about that. I just want to kick a lot of ass to show I’m from the streets. But after I kick all the Pavarotti ass, I’ll let them take pictures of me. I’ll even sign their tits, if they want me to. If they aren’t girls, I suppose I’ll have to sign something else, but that’s going to cost them. Shit. Why didn’t Simon just let me go on the show and let the fans choose me? This “getting famous without really doing anything” would have been so much easier. Maybe I can change my name to Alamo Hilton. º Last Column: Grand Canyonº more columns

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Quote of the Day“A little bad taste is like a dash of paprika. A lot of bad taste, like a grinder full of cayenne pepper. And doing that annoying Cajun guy impression while doing anything—well, that’s just beyond bad taste.” -Dirty ParkbenchFortune 500 CookieIn the annals of history, there has always been one man who laughs uncontrollably whenever someone says “annals”—that’s your legacy. Turn up the heat this week, ‘cause that fucking turkey has been in the oven since Saturday. If you can’t beat them, join them, and show them what real losers they are for accepting you into the group. Lucky bastards this week are Tom Monroe, Pete Gelbart, Judy Simon, and that son you’re pretty sure is living in Winnipeg now.
Try again later.John McCain’s Most Ill-Conceived Jokes1. | Trick “Good for One Free House-Cleaning” coupon he gives to homeless that looks like $100 bill | 2. | Open letter to Crocodile Hunter widow Terri Irwin inviting her to spend the night with a “real man” | 3. | “I fully and unequivocably support the rights of homosexuals. Nah, just kidding. That shit makes me throw up.” | 4. | Wearing hole-filled NASA sweatshirt to press conference Saturday | 5. | Big “I have cancer” gag in 2000 election | |
|   iMac Fired for Controversial Comments BY red bagel A Fistful of Tannen -baum, Chapter 18: The Pope WarEditor’s Note: In the last prematurely published chapter, time-traveling Fancy Dan Jed Foster stepped up his flirting with the buttonesque-cute Princess Penny. King Arthur, Jed’s host for his visit to his century, was not amused, and unfolded a plot to have Jed promoted to Supreme Knight of the King’s Army and sent to battle, where he would surely be killed. We also introduced the lovable Catpants, whose full function in this story couldn’t even be hinted at in the briefest of parts he played.
Yesterday things had been going so well. Jed Foster had at last kissed the endmost fingernail of the Princess Penny, and could probably work his way up to the back of the hand itself by the end of the month. But in one day it all changed, since the King had just promoted him in a very quick ceremony hardly worth writing about as part of the King’s “Get On With It Already” policy. And then in the blink of an eye, thirteen weeks later, he found himself on the battlefield, pitching a tent in the least comical sense, and ready to command his men against the Pope’s legion of pompous assholes. 
“The sky looks ripe for battle, Sir Uncle.” Jed sat collecting a pinch of snuff from a borrowed snuffbox, which is highly unsanitary, but he had become a fiend for the stuff. Sir Uncle agreed, because he had no personality of his own. “Are you ready for battle, my lord?” He always called Jed that because he couldn’t remember his name. Jed shrugged his shoulders, which takes a lot of muscles to do under thick chainmail and armored shoulder pads. “As ready as I ever will be. You know, Sir Uncle, I have a maiden back home.” “I’ve got a maiden, too, my lord. My mum.” “No, no, Sir Uncle. My maiden is legal to sleep with.” Jed’s mind wandered back to his fair maiden with the golden locks and luscious backside. Suddenly, a young peasant squire came running into Jed’s command tent. I mean, this guy was a real tool of the feudalistic society. Dirty face, humped posture, and eyebrows brewing their own penicillin. “Suh! Suh!” shouted the cockney git to Jed. “The Pope’s Legion of the Damned are coming over the ‘illside!” Jed slapped the young rogue and grappled him roughly about the collar. “You insipid fool, you use your G’s when you talk to me!” “Sorry, my lord,” corrected the brash idiot. “The Pope, he and his army are coming over the hillside. They look harmed to the teeth, my lord.” “Goddamn that Pope,” said Jed, picking up his sword and its attachable bayonet to ready himself for the battle. “To death and glory, I suppose, Sir Uncle. Jed and his army formed themselves into a brilliant formation widely known as Foster’s Square, and took to the battlefield. Foster heard the chilling battle cry of the Pope’s men, “ In nomine pater!” His own men trembled in fear at the sea of ridiculously large hats flocking toward them, but Foster held them fast with threats of running them out of showbusiness. Suddenly, as the battle seemed to turn, with tons of flying arrows, swinging swords, and real Peter Jackson-quality filmmaking, and Jed’s men had the advantage at last. But then, a holy staff blindsided him and sent him tumbling to the ground. His armored thighs scraped together and sent sparks flying in all directions. He opened his eyes and his little face flap on his helmet to see a sinister figure standing over him. “Pope von Hufnagel the Pious the Fucking First, at your service,” growled a familiar face. Either Professor von Hufnagel, Ostrich’s insidious leader, had traveled back in time with Jed, or this guy was tremendously, unluckily ugly. Next Chapter: World’s Worst Pope   |