Category:Capping venues
While there are many places on the web to attach silly comments to pictures, these are the ones we've built and/or favored over the years:
Caption This! - The Grand-daddy, now defunct.
Caption This! imitated the style of an old puppet-show-based TV program, long since canceled (sometime last century). It was a comedy sort of show, but not a sitcom, and had been originated by Joel Hodgson and others of Best Brains Inc. in Minnesota. It was called "Mystery Science Theater 3000", commonly abbreviated MST3K.
Later actors were Mike Nelson, Mary Jo Pehl, Bill Corbett, and Bridget Jones + others, with Paul Chaplin participating as a writer of the non-werewolf variety. The program was shown most recently on SCIFI Channel, being by that august broadcasting body of great distinction first canceled, and then no-longer-run-even-in-reruns. (For more on this sequence of events, see Bonnie Hammer.)
Pages in category "Capping venues"
The following 17 pages are in this category, out of 17 total.