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A happiness enema
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2006: We Hardly Knew Ye
Flatbush, NJ.
2006, as it would have appeared to a fly on acid
’m serious, what the hell happened last year? Did we mix up our multivitamins and roofies again? Because if anything at all of note happened in 2006, we missed it here at the commune. Best to check the tape.

Ah, right. Who could forget the midterm elections, when even Republican candidates were voting to toss their own corrupt asses out of office? Never before has the term “midterm” meant anything near this good, usually it’s just a sign that the time has come to stop having sex with that pregnant girl at the office.

The Iraq War trundled on, if you can call it a war when we stand by and watch while a country tears itself to shreds like that one Superman where he tried to rip his Clark Kent suit off, but forgot he had already done so and ended up pulling off all his skin like a Halloween costume and got a superinfection. That’s basically what has happened in Iraq; only the country is infected with assholes.Read more...

Bush’s MySpace Page Traffic Way Down

Plans for Tallest Ferris Wheel Scrapped; Yao-Ming Too Busy to Turn It

Entwistle Pleads Not Guilty of Murder, Last Several Who Albums

Condi Rice Hates the Way She Smiles in Pictures

Click for Biography

Public Abscess

I am back, good people, and I am 100% as good as before. Maybe even less.

It was a ragged and wearisome climb back to right where I was before, but I made it at last. For the greater part of 2006, the commune stopped publishing, as you and the other guy who reads it might have noticed. If you did, commendations to your amazing perception. I myself continued to show up to the office even when they weren’t publishing my columns, and I kept writing them all the way through even when the paychecks stopped coming. In fact, when Red Bagel called to announce he was restarting the commune with the few staff members he had left on payroll, he was kind enough to explain that I had not been receiving any money and none of my columns had been published since early last year. My readers, let me tell you, I was outraged by what had transpired without my noticing.Read more...

º Last Column: Reunification
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Christmas: Don't Try This at Home

It’s recently been brought to my attention that the commune has not been appearing online for the last, say, nine months, give or take a full-term pregnancy. I guess the saying is true: you’re always the last to know when your stuff stops getting published for the better part of a year. Anyway, spilled milk aside, it’s clear wherein the blame for this blunder lies.

Gerbil tubes.

I’ll be the first to admit I was the one who discovered the tubes, poking out of the walls in every room of the commune offices, including the shitter. I was scanning the walls with a studfinder, looking for espionage-style bugs, rather than the usual food-stealing bugs we’ve always had, when suddenly, tubes! Had covert, turtle-fighting plumbers snuck in overnight and installed them? Nope, turns out they’d been there all along. No gold star for the commune staff’s powers of noticing.Read more...

º Last Column: The Deep Freeze
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Quote of the Day
“Don’t stop eating out tomorrow. Don’t stop, the fries will soon be here. The food’ll be better than before. Breakfast is gone, breakfast is gone.”
-Fleetwood MacDonalds
Fortune 500 Cookie
Don’t give up on your search for unconditional love this week: it’s keeping the rest of us amused. Try finding a breakfast cereal that doesn’t contain quite so much garlic. You will be arrested for taking off your pants this week, and assaulted by the stranger you take them off of. This week’s lucky way- underground dance moves: The Drunken Swordfish, The Statue, Degenerative Disc Failure, The Herpe, Clap Your Thighs Say Ouch, The Go Home Alone, The I’m Getting My Ass Kicked This Ain’t a Dance Move Please For the Love of God Help Me.

Try again later.
Least-Watched Holiday Specials
1.A Bush Family Christmas
2.I’m Dreaming of a White Krishna
3.VH1 Behind the Music: That Guy Who Sang Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
4.Christopher Walken in a Winter Wonderland
5.Gerald Ford Reads “Twas the Night Before…” Oh Shit
Last IssueLast Issue’s Lead News Story

US Vows to Regain Most-Hated Nation Status

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It’s been far too long since my sarcastic commentaries have ridden the internet nodes. So let’s have no tarrying and move right into a look at the best movies of 2006.

Ha! Ultimate sting, villains. Now let’s take a look at some movies widely regarded as having debuted in 2006.
the commune is updated whenever we damn well feel like it.
Have a nice day.