Robert Denby
The elusive Robert Denby was one of the main antagonists in the MST3K episode 814 "Riding With Death". In that episode, a pharmacist-type in a white smock would go around badgering people to "Leave Robert Denby ALONE!!". It is not uncommon for any screengrab featuring somebody with a white smock on to be accompanied with a cap concerning leaving Robert Denby ALONE. Another Denby-related running gag is the pondering of Robert Denby's elusiveness, which is apparently at a high enough level wherein Denby is the gold standard for elusivity, so much so that it is a total dig to refer to somebody as 'elusive as Robert Denby'. To make things even worse, there are two recurring short films on Inventing Situations that feature Ed Nelson, the actor who played Robert Denby. Tragedy or Hope and Brink of Disaster where he's some sort of time-travelling visitor to Paul Revere. Thus, the notoriety of Robert Denby exists to this very day...
On a side note, one wonders why Robert Denby's main outfit in 'Riding With Death' was a jumpsuit with the word 'DENBY' printed on it in big letters (he ran a crooked racing team). Just how elusive can one be with their name printed on their chest in huge letters? Then again, perhaps Denby is so elusive that he can totally get away with such. Man, he's so elusive!