WikiMsting/Episode 2

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The Film

Instead of just picking the movie myself, now that we see the system can work (sort of), I'm going to let the group pick. Feel free to add your own choices. Unless a fair number of people are having trouble previewing the movies at their current locations, I'm not uploading them all to youtube, just the one we end up picking. Just sign your name next to the movie you want to riff. Voting closes 1/7/7.

Note because of youtube's 10 minutes per movie limit, films over 10 minutes will either need to be (1) edited to under ten minutes, (2) split into two parts or (3) have the final msting uploaded to a site other than youtube.

YouTube copy


Comments: this is okay. It sounds like a lion tamer got loose at the beginning [or an S@M fetishist] - Pumaman2o

This one will probably tend to the smutty. Might take a little effort on our part to make a riffing that's not totally juvenile. But it does offer a lot of good opportunities. --GersonK 21:56, 3 January 2007 (EST)

I concur with "tend to the smutty." Riffs that I came up with while watching it were obvious, NC17, one-note sorts of things. I think it wouldn't be the best choice for that reason. --YibbleGuy 22:44, 3 January 2007 (EST)


Comments: too much narration for our purposes IMHO. I feel it would be hard to get riffs in edgewise. I watched part of it. - Pumamman2o

Now that I've actually watched it, I agree, way too talky. Especially the first half. --GersonK 02:15, 3 January 2007 (EST)

YouTube part 1 YouTube part 2

A lot of overblown narration about coffee and extracting that precious flavor from "the closed fist of the bean". May be tough to get a riff in edgewise at some points.

Votes: Matteus (I'm also offering my voice for the next film)

Comments: I thought the first half was pretty good, but as it continues on with variation after variation on "Here's *another* way to make coffee! Like the previous 43 ways, it involves coffee ... and water", I think the opportunities for interesting riffs will be limited.--YibbleGuy 23:00, 3 January 2007 (EST)

I'm leaning between this one and Dial, though I haven't watched Leisure Time yet. For me, the how to make coffee section was any more repetitive than the how to dial section, and we could lose one of the last two methods (probably drip) just as easily as part of the dialing instructions. Since we're auditioning riffs already:

5:20 {"To make a good cup of coffee, your coffee maker must be clean"} "As must your soul"}

7:37 {"The third element is time"} "The Fifth Element is a pretty cheesy movie." 7:58 {"The taste of coffee heightens and increases until all that is good has been extracted"} "Like my marriage" [The narrator makes two or three more statements along this line, maybe we could repeat "Like my marriage" for them all?] 9:46 [Coffee boils up] In fear and hot coffee, man is born.

--GersonK 01:38, 4 January 2007 (EST)



YouTube part 1 YouTube part 2

Kind of long, especially the explanation of how to use a giant rotary phone. But that, along with the crotchety grandpa who resists the newfangled dial phones, is part of its charm.

Votes: YibbleGuy

Comments: I *love* this one! I think it has just the right combination of "WTF?!" content to inspire great riffs, and just enought pauses to allow our riffs to easily be edited in. I think the "how to dial a phone" section could be easily trimmed down (just cut out whatever chunk we do the weakest jokes on), making it a nice crisp two-parter of 7 or 8 minutes each on YouTube. --YibbleGuy 23:07, 3 January 2007 (EST)

Okay .. just watched some of part 1 and I got a few riffs

[at the beginning] "AT&T's Wide World of Sports Presents"


[watches the dials spin psychotically] "I ... am ... under... your... power, Ma Bell"

[5:47] Man: "Friends .." [riffer] "Romans, countrymen ..."


Another suggestion:

Perhaps we can use Better Use of Leisure Time This 10:31 minute Coronet [no, not the Toilet Paper manufacturer] treatise shows Ken Michaels [a chronic moper, apparently] discussing [and NOT having a psychotic episode] work in the 1850's [ 60 hours a week at mill and the like] AND then work/ leisure time in 1950 .... with a disembodied voice and also imaginary versions of his parents .... all from the comfort of his own dreary bedroom. And what is it with that apple? [posted by Pumaman2o]


Comments: I like this one somewhat . I can see swipes at internet use being used --- Pumaman2o

I've tried another video site for this one, that allows larger files, and that lets you leave comments at a given time - whihc might be real helpful for writing. However, it uploaded ok, but viewing it is intolerably slow for me. Can everybody else view it ok? Well, it is a beta. --GersonK 17:02, 4 January 2007 (EST)

Yeah I see it fine, Gerson --Pumaman2o

  • a gag/ gags I came up with for Better use for Leisure Time

[When we see the films title card] "Yeah, get off the internet and go play outside in the sunshine"


Another couple of items that I found on google video are

Right or Wrong (Making Moral Decisions) 10:52 --Pumaman2o --- its from Coronet .. 'nuff said

I'll stop here with Courtesy For Beginners (2nd edition, 1967) 10:43 --Pumaman2o - another item from Coronet

Browse the Prelinger and AV Geeks archives for other films to suggest, or find your own source. If the movie you want to do isn't online in a borrowable form, please elaborate on how we can use it.

The People

This project is all about shared labor via the internet. Wee! Here's a rough breakdown of the jobs that need to be performed, and who's volunteered to do them:

The Voters (anybody who registers here) - The people who vote on the movie to be riffed, and pick the lines that actually go in The Writers (anybody who registers here) - The people who actually write the riffs The Script Editor (1 or 2 people with help from all) - Responsible for making sure the script is in a usable form - eg people can add lines, it's clear when and how lines are to be read, any riffs that interefere with each other are identified. GersonK will do this if nobody else will The Talent (2 to 6(?) people) - The people who actually perform the script. GersonK, Matteus. and tinaw have volunteered for this phase. Ability to record and upload your work is very helpful. The Video Editor - Squeezes the raw movie and the talent's lines into a final product. GersonK has volunteered. The Producer - Makes sure that everything happens. GersonK will do this if nobody else will

The Timeline

(All dates subject to change)

  • 1/7/7 - Voting on the film closes. Who knows what hour exactly.
  • 1/8/7 - Writing begins. Somebody (probably the producer) uploads the unriffed film to YouTube.
  • 1/21/7 - Last day to add riffs
  • 1/22/7 - After competing lines are identified (by The Script Editor, hopefully with input from the writers) voting on lines begins
  • 1/29/7 - Based on voting, The Script Editor creates a shooting script. The Producer assigns lines to the Talent, based on their input.
  • 2/4/7 - Talent should have sent all audio files to the Video Editor

Shortly thereafter, the Video Editor uploads the final product to a public site, and we start over.

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