Porch Swings
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Difference between a Porch Swing screengrab and a Regular Screengrab: When your panty shot doesn't include a pair of panties, it's a Porch Swing.
A euphamism for Porn, or of sexually-disturbing/explicit scenes.
It was first coined in association with Nyssa23 and DiscoBoy's online Batchelor Party on Inventing Situations back in 2001. When it was mentioned about capping nudity or porno, someone had commented on how many lady Cappers might be be interested in capping pornography, to wit AgentMoldy mentioned that some women do, indeed, like "por... ch swings," delicately and humorously avoiding using the term. It was used erratically thereafter, and finally became an official term in the Capper lexicon after the creation of the Cap-Page Board, and its monthly "Porch Swing" gallery featuring nudity.
