I feel you've gone too far to the extreme once again.
"Gun Control" is just another liberal name for
Every American is shocked and stunned by the outbreak of
violence in the workplace and our schools. Yet I have
been labeled everything from a buffoon to a bad American
for my belief that it is not gun regulation our country
needs, but a stronger moral code.
Most of the gun violence committed in this country is not
preventable by new laws or even enforcing those we've
got. It is not bad gun owners who are causing these
problems, it is those who acquire these guns through
crime or taking them from rightful gun owners without
their knowledge. Even in the cases where your glorified
"seven day waiting period" has passed, a
criminal can later steal a weapon from someone justified
to carry it and commit a crime.
Safety lock legislation is another savior built up by the
left as something the NRA opposes without justification;
the fact is, good gun owners will have safety locks or
otherwise keep their weapons out of unqualified hands.
Regulating the industry to have them is ridiculous. Once
again the only blame liberals like the commune can place
is that on faceless companies. Regulation is not the
answer, nor has it ever been. When will you learn?
Harvey Canter
Whitebury Plains, IL
Mr. Canter:
We at the commune value the freedom of speech and welcome
opposing viewpoints. Though we at the commune may not
share your opinion, we respect it and take every chance
to print your thoughts in this section.
Thank you for your letter.
the commune
I think you fart. I draw picher you fart! rusty klein age 7
Mr. Klein age 7:
We at the commune value the freedom of speech and
welcome opposing viewpoints. Though we at the commune may
not share your opinion, we respect it and take every
chance to print your thoughts in this section.
Thank you for your letter.
the commune
Dear commune:
How can you say you don't like me if you've never tried
me? That's not very adult of you.
For years I have helped kids grow in many ways. I'm good
for building bones and muscle, I make you strong. You
could use a little better than all that junk food, you
know? Starving kids would be happy to have me.
Why don't you eat me?
Sincerely, Broccoli
The editorial staff dwells very hard on all decisions it
makes. After reviewing the position of the commune, we
have to say we stand by our previous assertion:
"Broccoli? Yeecch!"
Dear commune:
Can you do this?
Huh? Can you?
Arvid Shane
Comb, Georgia
Mr. Shane:
Do what, you asshole? What is it with you people
the commune
Playboy Advisor:
The other day I dug my old Quadraphonic stereo out and
hooked it up, but one of the subwoofers seems to have
failed. This is a nightmare. I have a beautiful set up
and it's a classic. I dread the thought of trying to
replace it, the expense and hassle involved is
there any place I can get information on repairing an old
Philips Quadraphonic speaker?
Also, what's the best way to talk my girlfriend into anal
Thanks, Mitch Lumley
Phoenix, AZ
Mr. Lumley:
We think you may have mailed your letter to the wrong
location. But we would highly suggest just taking the top
and bottom off and tinkering around with a screwdriver.
Keep plugging away at it until it makes noise.
Persistence is the key.
And sorry, we don't know anything about fixing speakers.
Dear commune:
My friends at school are mean. They tell me that there is
no Santa Claus and my daddy and mommy lie about Santa. I
know there is a Santa, I just know there is. Please tell
me the truth, commune is there a Santa Claus?
Virginia Tucker
Halsbury, Pennsylvania
Dear Virginia:
Yes, Virginia, there is a Satan.
He knows when you're sleeping he knows when you've
been bad or good. And soon he'll be coming to your house!
Merry Christmas!
the commune
Note: the commune is not responsible for the content of
its editorials, replies, or for proofreading any
statements. Neither is the commune responsible for your
being overweight, repulsive, or unloved. While we're at
it, we had nothing to do with Nazi occupation of Poland
the commune's scratch 'n sniff look at last year's office potluck
Pants a Capitalist
Free Virus Baggies
Take a Kitten, Please
the commune book selections
the commune's Bear in Rearview
the commune's Big Book of Duke
Faces of the commune
the commune 100: Leaders and Revolutionaries
the commune 100: Traitors and Noodledicks
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Volume 2
We treat you like a queen and it's never good enough. Fuck this
insane bullshit. You're afraid to be loved.
Volume 1
Also, we do not manufacture TVs. We are a website. You must have purchased your
television elsewhere.