
Dreamin’ in Dreamland
by Ray Manatino
Monday, Jan. 7, 2002
I’m dreamin’ a dream of a dream
I once had
about a dream that I had once before
The one where the fish flip and follow
each other
diving deep in the dark down below
The one where I’m swimming
safe and secure
sailing a salt-silent sea
The one where I’m dreaming I’m
dreaming I’m dreaming
and three times I can’t wake up
The one where the waves wash
the walls all around me
or they would if I weren’t in a meeting right now.
1983: Red Bagel is thrown out of a casino for counting cards. He is not cheating, merely trying to settle a bet
with a friend on how many decks the casino uses.
Now Hiring
James Bondian Action Hero. Must be proficient in fire arms and small mechanical gadgets with
ridiculous capabilities. Responsibilities include killing unnamed lackeys and doing battle with bizarre supervillians
of non-distinct European origin. Good benefits, adventure, and pussy galore.
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Dr. Soobst
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Oprah's Book Club Can Eat Me
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I Sure Miss the Cold War
Tom Clancy

Copyright © 2002 the.commune Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is likely to piss off her dad big-time.

Oh, to be a phantom sunflake, resting on the bile. A single, golden, shining sunflake, gurgling in the Nile.
The Visitors
Snooty bugle-playing burglars, why do you bother me? Go to hell, you naked buglers, cease your melody.


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