"Big McLarge-Huge!"

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Revision as of 11:51, 20 August 2006 by RodRocket (talk | contribs)
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This is a direct carry-over from Mystery Science Theater 3000 and their presentations of "12 to the Moon" and "Space Mutiny". Their running gag was to shout out beefy names for the stars of the movies, lantern-jawed Ken Clark in "12 to the Moon", and former football player Reb Brown in "Space Mutiny", whenever they appeared on screen. The most famous one was "Big McLarge-Huge!" (which was even put on bumper stickers and sold by Best Brains). In capping, it's used for any beefcake guy, "Beef McBlockandtackle", "Box O'Hammers", and sometimes overly curvaceous females, "Busty St. Decolletage".