Revision as of 18:06, 24 August 2006 by AustinThreeSixteen (talk | contribs)
- Handle: AustinThreeSixteen
- Real Name: Jason
- D.O.B.: August 18, 1982
- Occupation: Video Game expert
- Marital Status: Single
- Kids: unknown
- Handle Origin: WWF
- Alternate Handle(s): AustinTheMoney, SantaAustin
- You Can Find Me Capping: I'll tell you later
Personal info
A resident video game expert with nothing to lose. Austin (aka Big C or Jason) can be found watching TV, or reading comic books. Every now and then he'll lumber out of the house and go take some pictures. Jason's favorite shows are Family Guy and Futurama and his comics of choise are Spider-Man, She Hulk, Civil War and Ms. Marvel. Thats all for now...go away.