I Teach Gun Safety
Instruction by Professor Claude Tunkle
Buck was big. Him caught the buck by tree with cleen shot. You should seen it. Tooks its head rite off.
It was me n Harry in them woods back east we had bowt ten shotgun shells a pees n we used em evry bit! Ha! should seen it.
You heart that? Thats a whitetale. You can tell by the souns they make skritchin them trees. Dyou put on that sent? That sent cover you good. Les you Boby Jo! Ha!
I got cleer shot. That sumbitch dont spect nuthin. Kwite! You scar im off. Him good size two.
Kablam! GODAM! You see that dint you? His godam head cam off. Shit if they dint want you shootin its head off god woulda put it on better. Ha!
Day you com back witha headles basterd like this you n me talk bowt a grade. You unerstan? Git!

Professor Claude Tunkle is far from being a professor. Pop quiz: What do you do when you have to fire your janitor but are afraid he'll go disgruntled on you? If you answered "Give him a gun safety class to teach!" you have the same kind of integrity and innovation it takes to run U Ignorant!

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