I Teaching English
Instruction by Professor Chiak Tugo

Happy be here. Helo!

First is necessary you have book of text. Have you? Proceed!

Sentence structure English is simple.! Need one subject, two or more, but one need. Subject does thing to predikit. This action is verb. Verb is man of action! Ha ha ha.

What verb act on to is object direct. Object indirect receives action. Let's daigram sentence:

You ass kicked the teeth of me.

Subject is ass. You is modifier of ass. We call you adjective.

Kicked the teeth of me is predikit. Kicked is verb. the teeth is object direct. Object indirect is of me. You do good? Best!

Is necessary read much understand English. Reading much have I been. Many placemats of Dennys is good for to read as you eat. Delicuous food and fun puzzles for fun kids.

Also TV Guide source for reading good. Ah-ah! Reading well. Warning! Some shows words of TV are spelled not correct. "Hee Haw" is best "He Haw," but is funny to spell with "e" additional. Watch out so!

Paragraphs are sentences friendly to other. Paragraph must have same ideas through over. When have new idea, new paragraph. No can stress too much. End no paragraphs in prepoprosition. Understand you?

Is not too stress out you. Take easy it! Many years I have English of studied. Even sometimes trick me. Never can no much too, learn things all the time always me. You are ability!

Professor Chiak Togu is a reknowned mongol and witchdoctor teaching with U Ignorant in the Incompetent Faculty Exchange Program. You should see who we got rid of! His classes at U Ignorant campus in Ignorant, Wisconsin frequently end in blood. 

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