Let's start with the basic info, of course: The sun is
at the center of the universe. Circling around the sun are several things,
one of which is our planet, the Erth. Our Erth has a moon. Some planets
have two.
Also in our universe our other planets. These are Mercury,
Saturn, Geo, Taurus, Mars, Payday, Venus Flytrap, and Dr. Johnny Fever.
There is another planet I think is Pluto, but I don't have it in my notes,
so you can disregards that.
Sometimes you can see lots of stars in our universe. Some
are big and others less big. Other objectiles in our universe will be discussed
Commlets: These are bullet-like flying bits of
matter that have a tail and ears. Commlets come around every 20 years,
or perhaps every 100, depending on how they feel. If you're fast and you
were in space you could not catch a commlet in a jar because it is too
fast. And you'd have nothing to stand on.
White dwarves: There are seven of these. They are
star kids that want to be stars when they grow up. Until then, they are
small and meaningless, like my former manager. When white dwarves become
engorged, they become red dwarves.
Constpations: These are cliques of stars that you
can draw lines between and make pictures. It's bad when one explodes (see
Supernover) because then the pictures is ruined. Some constipations
in our universe include Tartar the Bull, OreIda, and the Big and Little
Supernover: This is a stressed-out star that has
exploded. Supernovers are very dangerous and should be ignored. If a supernover
was very close to you when it exploded, within 200 miles, it would kill
you badly. Let's hope not!
Black hoes: These are dangerous space anobalies.
Black hoes are things that were stars but are not because they went supernover
and exploded (see Supernover). Black hoes can suck chrome off a
trailer hitch. They suck up everything around them. There has never been
a black hoe because we'd all be dead since it sucks up everything. I swallowed
a lightning bug once and it probably was very much like a black hoe since
I was taking in a breath and sucked it up and the bug is now dead. A black
hoe eats everything around when it sucks up (see Black hoe) everything.
Black hoes are bad. This will be on the final.
Obversitories: These are not in space! These are
buildings down here we use to see things in space. We put them on mountains
so they can see better.
Hyperspace: I saw a movie once where people go
into hyperspace and come out in another place. This happens on earth all
the time, like when you go into a room and don't remember how you got there.
Hyperspace is a riff on the space-time condimentium. Watch out for hyperspaces.
They look like gopher holes.
Professor Bubbles Corkran is a former supermodel and instructor
at U Ignorant campus in Ignorant, Wisconsin. Her classes have a three-year
waiting list.