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London, England Junior Bacon The British warship HMS Cornwall, shown here surrendering to an Iranian on a bicycle. n a move that surprised few familiar with the terrible wrath of the legendary Iranian Navy, British Prime Minister Tony Blair announced today that his country would be surrendering to Iran rather than facing almost certain destruction. “A proud era in the history of Great Britain comes to an end today,” announced Blair, Prime Minister since 1997 and secret Transformers collector even longer. “We had a good run of it, I’d say,” a proudly defiant Blair mused. “But you don’t muck about when you’re dealing with the Iranian Navy. I have my kids to consider.” “There’s no use crying over spilt milk,” agreed British Secretary of State for Defence Desmond Henry Browne (BSSDDHB). “It’s been fun, I must admit, being the top dog on the international scene. Or perhaps second-to-top dog, after America… or maybe third after Germany. I don’t have recent figures in front of me. But the point is, every dog has his day, and we all knew our day had to come to an end some day. At the hands of the Iranian Navy? How else?” 
Iran’s Navy, a fearsome juggernaut of nautical supremacy, has terrorized the seas since the 1200s, when Iran began conquering coastal lands at will and making pirates eat their own hats. With coastal access to the crucial Arabian and Caspian Seas, the land mass of Iran was ideally located for maritime dominance. Even geographical limitations such as a lack of access to the Pacific Ocean were laughed at by the Iranian Navy, infamous world-wide for carrying their huge warships by hand overland when doing so would be more impressive than simply sailing around the Cape of Good Hope or even around small islands. Massive blockades of Iranian warships crippled the world economy numerous times in the 1500s, with the entire Spanish Armada going to their deaths in a futile attempt to import much-needed Spanish rice in defiance of Iran’s wishes. The Iranian people, though poorer than a record executive on land, have nevertheless lorded over the seas for generations, with an iron fist and a wooden bottom. Because an iron bottom would sink like nobody’s business. This latest development came to a head when 15 British sailors were captured by the Iranian Navy while conducting a routine search of a cargo ship carrying fuses and detonators in Iraqi territorial waters. “We had just finished inspecting and signing off on the Iraqi freighter,” explained naval officer Roger Phillip, communicating through a photograph released by the Iranian Navy via holes ripped in his sweater forming the message in Morse code. “When suddenly the very sun was blotted out by an armada of fearsome warships, and we knew our own doom had engulfed us.” Though the unconditional surrender of a world power over a small naval skirmish over 3,000 miles away is unusual, few consider Britain’s move premature, given the unbelievable hurt the Iranian Navy could rain down on the U.K. should they get their dander up. A few foolhardy souls have suggested a death-before-dishonor approach, unwilling to bow down to their Iranian masters so quickly. “I think we could take ‘em,” grumbled brave sausage peeler Roscoe Euclid of Saxby, loading supplies into an inflatable dingy moments before going to his certain death. Final plans have not been announced as to what Britain’s new Iranian overlords plan to do with the country, though early indications point to a bonanza of beheadings. the commune news wishes not to offend the magnificent Iranian Navy with our article, and hereby place full responsibility for its publication on the shoulders of foreign reporter Ivan Nacutchacokov. Ivan Nacutchacokov is currently hiding in the commune’s umbrella closet, nervously clutching a wooden tennis racquet.
 |  Lost Scout Earns Coveted “Distract the National Media” Badge  House Democrats Uneasy During Rare Trip Outside  Big Ratings Prompts ABC to Seek More Dancing Handicapped Shows  Strychnine Dog Food: Where Can You Buy It? |
Lost Scout Earns Coveted “Distract the National Media” Badge House Democrats Uneasy During Rare Trip Outside Big Ratings Prompts ABC to Seek More Dancing Handicapped Shows Strychnine Dog Food: Where Can You Buy It? |
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Is the Ocean the World's Toilet or What?Reader questions come to yours truly in all sizes and forms, from folded paper ninja throwing stars scribbled with questions about loneliness, to strange marriage proposals that wander off on a tangent like “Will you marry me and what the fuck’s up with dollar bill changers on vending machines?” But my favorite has to be messages left on the commune’s answering machine, like the following: “Yo, I was just thinkin’ about something. I flush my toilet, it goes out in the ocean, right? I mean, not my actual toilet, though that would be kinda funny if I was still sitting on it. Actually, funnier if it was my wife or my friend Ronnie and not me. Not both of them, cuz what the fuck are they doing on my toilet together? But you know what I’m talking about. The loaf. So that shit goes out in the ocean, or like if I puke on the sidewalk in front of Dairy Queen and the dude hoses it off into the drain, that goes into the ocean too, right? And if they’re flying elephants on a cargo plane over the ocean and one dies, they just shove it out the back and it falls in the ocean, right? Fast, too, no need to waste a parachute on a dead elephant, you know what I’m saying? Whoooooooo-KERSPLASH! Wow. Anyway, so if all this crap goes in the ocean, what the hell are we doin’ swimmin’ in there? I’m gonna kick somebody’s ass for not telling me the ocean was the world’s toilet.” 
º Last Column: Flinging Out the Dead º more columns
Not exactly the Maserati of reader questions, but it is the least stupid one I’ve received this month. Roll that factoid around in your head when you can’t sleep at night, and see if suicide doesn’t appeal. So before you roll your eyes too violently, remind yourself that in an alternate universe, you’re reading my latest column on why some ninjas wear red, and whether or not that’s supposed to be camouflage for fighting inside volcanoes. I’ll begin by answering one of the questions that came up later in the above caller’s ten-minute ramble: Yes, if God took a piss, he’d probably take it in the ocean. It only stands to reason. As a matter of fact, everything that has ever taken a piss, ever, eventually all that ended up in the ocean. Keep that in mind the next time you’re water skiing. How do marine animals cope? Well, they’re pissing in there too, so it’s not like they can throw stones. The ocean is basically like one gigantic hot tub, and you know nobody crawls out of a nice warm hot tub and scurries wetly into the house just to piss in the sink like a civilized person. The ocean is like one big let-it-all-hang-out party where anything goes, which is why the church has always taken a hard line anti-ocean stance. The reason all the animals in the ocean don’t get diseases from swimming in pee all the time, like you or I would from using the pool down at the YMCA, is that ocean water is jam-packed full of phytoplankton, which is nature’s answer to 2000 Flushes Blue. Phytoplankton are tiny, microscopic bugs that don’t care what they eat. Seriously, they’re so small everything looks like food to them. Try shrinking yourself down to one-tenth the size of a pinhead and see how well you can tell the difference between a turd and a Coney Island corn dog. Hell, try to tell the difference at your normal size. Phytoplankton turn the world’s shame into the basis for the oceanic food chain: themselves. Everything eats phytoplankton, usually on accident since they’re so tiny and the water’s packed with them like pedophiles at an Aaron Carter concert. Lazy fish just swim around with their mouths open all the time, receiving sustenance from the millions of phytoplankton that get stuck between their teeth. This provides a golden opportunity for marine pranksters like the sea otter, which love nothing more than floating unwrapped candy bars on the ocean’s surface just to freak out open-mouthed-swimming fish. Even phytoplankton won’t touch whale shit, however. Once they settle, these colossal loads, known as “coral,” provide shelter for thousands of other marine organisms that have no idea where coral really comes from. Everything else though, stupid phytoplankton gladly devour and ask for seconds. So, the obvious question is, could you just buy a bunch of phytoplankton to keep in your toilet, freeing you from the constant daily grind of flushing and refilling the tank with a hose from the yard because the water company cut off just the water to your toilet to spite you for an unpaid bill and it doesn’t rain enough this time of year to justify leaving the lid off and your bathroom window open? In theory, you could. In theory, you could also collect all the little broken bits from the bottoms of bags of pretzels and repackage them as a salty new breakfast cereal, but I wouldn’t count on that ship coming in any time soon. In actual practice, the problems with the phytotoilet are two fold: One, they stopped selling little packets of phytoplankton through the mail after Sea Monkeys really took off and fickle kids forgot all about the magic of microscopic pets. And two, even if you could get them, eventually your toilet would just become completely clogged with phytoplankton themselves, and then it’s back to the soul-deadening grind of flushing after each use. Unless you trained your cat or ferret or something to eat phytoplankton, but that might be messing with evolutionary forces that could have disastrous effects millions of years down the line, I don’t know. So the next time you’re swimming in the ocean, look for phytoplankton. Because if you don’t see any, you’re probably swimming in piss. I’m just kidding, they’re microscopic and you’re definitely swimming in piss. Until next time, I’m Griswald Dreck. º Last Column: Flinging Out the Deadº more columns
The National commune Enthusiasts ClubSalutations, truth-hungry nation. I’m happier than a pig in excrement that the commune has gone back to a weekly schedule, and that I’m writing a correspondence for them for the first time in more than a year! Oh, speaking of the pig/excrement thing, I also want to sincerely thank commune columnist Omar Bricks for the bag of sandwiches he sent to all his fans during the long commune hiatus. I hear most of them are already out of the hospital, and those who aren’t are well on their way to recovery. I have the same trouble remembering cooking rules—alfredo sauce is served hot, mayonnaise is cold. They can’t really expect busy adventurers like us to keep up with such trivialities. No one was more devastated than I when the commune mysteriously stopped publishing last year. I even had to mention it to most of the people I knew, then they pretended indifference, but I assure you I didn’t have to pretend—devastated I was. Our faithful favorite website did that touching Six Feet Under-themed edition around last May, then poof! No commune! Just when I was hoping they would be moving on to a Boston Legal-themed edition, since I don’t get cable and have never seen the other show. 
º Last Column: The Seventh commune Enthusiasts Club Meeting º more columns
All my queries to fearless editor Red Bagel were returned unopened, with little crudely drawn maps to pirate treasure on the envelopes. But I sought something more—the glib satisfaction I get from knowing I stayed informed with the world’s most controversial and scoop-tastic alternative news site! Hmm. I guess it does kind of warrant laughing, to read it all laid out like that instead of just yelling it at city hall. Regardless, I was not going to take the disappearance of the commune lying down. I jumped onto the phone (quite literally, since I’ve been living without furniture in my apartment after losing my job last year) to organize all the individual commune Enthusiasts Clubs into one massive coalition to raise money, threaten the Illuminati, save the world through video games—to do anything, in short, to get the commune publishing again. Well, stop me if you guessed where this is going: The Shanesly, Vermont commune Enthusiasts Club was the only club out there! I mean, I’m sure there are others, but they sure are hard to find. Not very well-organized. So I’ve taken it upon myself, as the world’s single biggest commune fan (though my friend Rudy with the crippling depression is starting to come around in a big way!) to form the world’s first National commune Enthusiasts Club. Or NcEC, for those of you who like odd acronyms. I actually did all this about 8 months ago, and I have to say the result has been really overwhelming. Or just whelming, maybe. We are getting responses, and not just from those pricks at the “Do Not Call” list headquarters. I have over 15 interested potential members already! Most of them have the same thing in common: A thirst for the undiluted truth, as only an anti-corporate website can deliver. They are also all single and live with a great number of cats, which I find curious. What is it about the commune and its many feline fanciers? Whatever I did, even if it felt unproductive at that time, it’s worked! The commune is back in business, and better than ever! Or maybe it could use some improvements, but that’s hardly my call. However, if they do want any insightful critiques from me, they’ll find me living in their very own local Flatbush, N.J. Y.M.C.A. In all honesty, though, it’s not as much fun as the song made it sound. I have to sleep very lightly to keep from getting a kidney stolen in the night. But what’s a kidney as a price to pay, really? I have two of those, despite that awful Guillermo’s insidious intentions; there’s still only one commune. º Last Column: The Seventh commune Enthusiasts Club Meetingº more columns

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Quote of the Day“Seek not greatness, but seek truth and you will find both. If, however, you find a bag that looks like oregano, it’s mine. I mean, if the cops ask you, it’s not mine, but I am totally holding it for a friend of mine.” -Ron HorsemannFortune 500 CookieAnother day, another dollar—you should really quit the migrant worker biz for a job where you can make more than a buck a day. Fans of sweaty three-ways with lesbians rejoice, they’ll have your video in stock this Thursday. I’ve been smelling beans all day. That can’t be just me. Lucky Lucianos will be Angelo, Salvatore, Emilio, and Gary.
Try again later.How Did Rat Poison Get in Food for Dogs & Cats?1. | Particularly sly British mouse known only as Nigel | 2. | Adult illiteracy: Secret shame of the pet food industry | 3. | Turned back for one minute; Islamic fundamentalists cats & dogs go shithouse on production line | 4. | Mislabeled bags were manufactured for special Ted Nugent brand of pet food | 5. | One man determined to get the fucking dog to play dead already | |
|   Democrats Call for Ousting of Gonzales BY Gridwell gray Shy StatesmenIt was late 2005 when I first met Pacman. He had been brought over for the seemingly innocuous purpose of inventory control in the headquarters of the U.S. Armory, securing paper. Lockheed brand paper. These kinds of shenanigans were hardly out of the ordinary, and caused so many thousands of death even the irony of calling them “shenanigans” tasted bitter in my mouth. So did the cheap Afghani chocolate I had been eating for the last three and a half years.
“You must be an old dog indeed,” said Pacman, shaking my hand as we first met. Just like that I had a nickname—Rummy. Apparently he had an old dog named Rummy, and calling me old dog that one time made him think of that. Though he started calling me Chim-Chim by the end of our friendship. Not sure what that was about. 
Young dog, old dog. Pacman had no idea how right he was with that description. This endless, unbeatable war cycled through dogs like a bitch in heat, only none of us got stuck to the war and had to be hosed off by disgusted neighbors. It tore through all my friends in a hell of a short time, and we were only correspondents to the U.K. and Europe. I can only guess how they shredded the solders. It makes more sense why they call them dog-faces, although cutting their hair like Johnny Unitas doesn’t help. Three-and-a-half years in Afghanistan, bleeding innocence everyday. Watching had once been a respectable strategic retaliation devolve into the violent dance of the hall monitor. No matter how many bullies you dragged back to a corner, three more were always waiting to come and vandalize what you had built back from the destruction. Like Nero I stood by helpless to witness Rome burning, as a special correspondent for The Guardian UK For Kids. Pacman, though, he was that most hated of all species among the intellectuals: A nationalist. He spoke daily on the gains made in the war, ground recaptured and thugs re-routed, paying no mind to the disintegrating good will surrounding us. Pacman read books by the barrelful—every time I saw him he carried with him another text of blind dedication to the U.S. perspective on the war. Either he really, truly believed in all of this jingoistic nonsense or he had a lot of couches missing one leg each. Either was a possibility. Despite his best attempts to socialize with me, Pacman had no lasting effect on me. Until he confessed to me he had fallen in love with my own Al-Dooby. I had known Al-Dooby for more than the past year, even before Shaleikmabadass fell. She was the one comfort I had in all the Middle East, the only thing that kept my cynical mind from going insane. She was polite and docile, like a British woman from the Victorian era, or a modern British man. She had the loveliest eyes, and the most beautiful face—I presume. Behind that burka, anything could have been going on. Might have been a man, I suppose. She smelled a bit mannish. But that hardly mattered as the rest of the world around me spun out of control. Pacman had stated his own intentions for her, and I would rather see him dead than see her get him. Her. I had no idea how much that wish would come to affect me. When I arrived home at my apartment, local police inspector Bob Souandabad was waiting for me. “Mr. Dilley,” Det. Souandabad said to me. “I have unfortunate news. Your friend Pacman is dead.” I shuddered. What if my thoughts had taken form, become ghosts of my vengeance, and pursued Pacman down a twisting and turning maze until they consumed him? Had I ended his game before it even had started?   |