Tony and I may have had a verbal disagreement, perhaps even one that came to fisticuffs. And some present may argue that I did not come out on top in this exchange. Some hysterical individuals have even suggested that I was bitch-slapped. Bitch-slapped? Come now; let us not get carried away here.

I merely suggested that a low-yield Mutual Fund would, in all likelihood, outperform Tony’s hotshot “stock of the week,” given the market’s present course and well-established seasonal trends. And this was apparently enough to send Tony into a pre-verbal tantrum. I guess I should have taken mother’s advice: if you don’t have nice financial advice to give, don’t give any at all. Touché, mother.

There was a row, I’ll admit. And regrettable words were exchanged. I’m sure Tony also regrets some of his physical actions as well, like when he struck me about the head and neck with that radiator. Oh, the foolish things we do whilst in the grips of a spirited debate!

I’ve certainly been guilty of the same a time or two. Remember the time you were trying to convince me that ascots were still in style, mother? And in the heat of the moment I suggested that you were very occasionally mistaken in your conclusions? Oh, how many long nights did I wish I could have those words back! So I could certainly understand where Tony was coming from when he was attacking me with that rubber hose.

You know how those sorts are over at the Faberge Room, mother. They’ll invent stories in their entirety just to have something to gossip about. And yes, they do indeed often involve bitch-slapping. It’s a favorite subject in certain unsavory circles, I assure you.

Please mother, you must know without asking that your son more than held his own. I got in my licks as well, you can be sure. While Tony was closing the piano lid on my skull I fired off some particularly tart remarks regarding his breeding and manner of dress. As they say mother, fireplace pokers and piano lids may break my bones, but smart words hurt the worst.

Yes, I’m sure I can imagine what your friend Deidre would have had to say about the affair. “Who’s your daddy?” Really mother, that’s far too rich. I don’t care if she was seated at the next table over; your bridge partner’s debauched imagination is no proof that I announced to a room of socialites that Tony was my real father. I don’t care if he’d had my arm twisted behind my back, I still wouldn’t have said such a thing. You know father was my real “daddy,” rest his soul, and I’ve got the switch marks to prove it.

I know father didn’t raise me to be a “sissy,” mother, that’s why I saved my most cutting retort for last. While Tony was rolling the dessert cart back and forth over my neck, I let loose with a withering appraisal of his character that few in the room will likely ever forget, if they heard it over the crashing sounds and the shocked gasps of the many patrons present who had a weak stomach for blood.

Yes, mother, I did use the word “uncouth.” I’m sorry. If Tony didn’t want to hear that kind of language, he never should have stomped those broken shards of tableware into my privates. And yes, mother, I know you raised me better than that. I guess I just inherited father’s ugly temper.

You Really Think That Girl Was a Hooker?
Seriously man, you’re not messing with me? Why you think that girl was a hooker? She was nice, dog. Hey, just because she was nice to me doesn’t mean she was a hooker! Damn. Girl even gave me her phone number. What kind of hooker does that, huh? You tell me that.

Love: Soft as a Beanbag Chair
Would that I had the power—that I were a man with all the powers of the universe, or at least handy at carpentry and masonry. I would build us a temple to represent all the things our love is to us. Pillars, twenty-feet high!

Mickey Does Vegas
It took about two seconds to decide that the best setting onto which to unleash my bad self was America’s Playground. No, not the multi-colored play area I’ve been living in at the McDonalds down the street, because last week those bitches took my land and slapped me with a restraining order, just to put the In’jun in injury.

Virtues of the Modern Pop Star
Yes, for those who would denounce Hilary Duff as a second-tier Taylor Dane, let me, for one, confess my enthusiastic glee for today’s pop star. They are more engaging, more attractive, and I dare say, even more enduring than the pop stars of days gone by.