Did I mention I had to break down and get a job? Yeah, turns out the New Mexican tit isn’t as milky as I had assumed and they actually expect me to drag my own load here. What a bummer. But the upshot is that I’m not entirely sure what it is I do at my new job. Hard to get too stressed out when you have no idea what’s going on.

I’m working for a company that makes the nameplates that go on a certain brand of walkers for the elderly. I couldn’t make that up. I’m in the office, but downstairs there’s a warehouse full of boxes of little metal tags that say “GERIATRIX” on them. I wandered down there once when I was trying to find the can and it was like remembering a Twilight Zone episode where you can’t quite remember what the twist was. But I did survive my brief foray across the white-collar/blue-collar divide, possibly because my fuchsia shirt denoted me as a neutral party.

I definitely started here on the right week, since yesterday I just got paid to attend the company picnic. The pic-a-nic (I’ve been possessed by the spirit of Yogi Bear lately) was a raging blast, before it was over the lawn was soaked with keg beer and vomit. Frumpy CEOs and buttoned-down executive-types got naked and rode the mechanical bull, which turned out to actually be the third-shift supervisor from shipping. There was a contest to see who could hit a marshmallow the furthest with a golf club, and traffic was stopped on I-25 due to an unusually heavy marshmallow coating in the right three lanes. I ate three chicken sandwiches and an orange dreamsicle, then spent the rest of the afternoon practicing stomach-stretching yoga postures to keep food from squirting out when I opened my mouth to speak. Viva la picnic!

My access card stopped working today. I feared for a second that Big Brother may have made me an unperson for my transgressions against the greater good, but it turns out there's just a server down. This seems to only effect me, so it makes me feel pretty cool to think that I have my own server. I wonder if it could bring me a club soda? *ding ding* Stewardess!

So far I've gotten in twice with other people, and once I snuck to the back door and did the secret knock and some Hispanic guy let me in. Next time, I'm going over the wall with both guns blazing. Either that or I'll just hang around by the door until someone with a working card decides to go in. Still undecided on that one.

So between the pic-a-nic thing and the access card thing, so far I’ve managed to go three days without learning what my actual job is here. I’m hoping to make it a month, but hey, you know I like to dream big. And in two hours I have my half-hour nap, which should seem like a thick, juicy, two-pound steak to an underfed Ethiopian boy. Come to think of it though, I could also go for a thick, juicy, two-pound steak, which would seem like a long nap to someone who stayed up too late bowling last night.

Tonight it’s me and the bed ‘til the cows come home. Then, it’s me, the bed, and the cows. The possibilities are needless. I mean Endless. Yeah. But seriously, the thing that gets me through the day is remembering that no matter how long the day is, I know that it will end with me naked in bed, with about a half-dozen codfish. Wait a minute.

Though Mr. Timeclock tells me that I have an extra 15 minutes from Monday (though I think this is bullshit and I have at least an extra hour, but it's not been good to argue with Mr. Timeclock since his wife left him, he can be a little rough around the edges), so I should be able to cut out of here like a pair of retarded left-handed scissors at 5:15, for an arrival time at Umbrage International Apartment of 5:35pm. And you can be sure my tray tables will be in their upright and locked position (any idea how to get the tray tables DOWN in my car?) and I most certainly won't be locked in the lavatory, smoking a blunt and leafing through a porno magazine, with my socks hung over the smoke detector, muffling its cries for help.

God, I hope that clock isn’t fast. And I hope a guy in a big fiberglass Droopy Dog suit gets elected president and his inaugural speech consists of grabbing the microphone in both oversized paws and shouting “LET'S GET LOOOOOADED!!”

We’ve all got to hope.

I Was Born to Love This Song
If I could save time in a bottle, I’d probably forget to poke holes in the lid and it would end up dying, its lifeless corpse lying there, feet up, staring accusatorily for weeks until I remembered that oh yeah, I saved time in a bottle, and went to check on how it was doing. That’s probably why you can’t do it.

To-Do List
I opened a stall in the men’s room this morning, and I almost shit prematurely because that big flaming eyeball from the Lord of the Rings was in there. Woah, dude, latch the door! I know it’s probably tough when you don’t have any arms or anything, but you don’t have any feet I can see under the stall door either, so you gotta work that out somehow.

Something Wicker This Way Comes
Hey folks, and welcome back for another episode of Reflections of a Goocher, taped live before a recently-alive studio audience. We’re here talking to celebrity housewife Susan Lutwidge, this year’s recipient of the Lutwidge Family Prize for Drama.

New Mexico Sucks
I’m not kidding, what a shithole. You think they’d post a sign at the state line or something, letting everybody know they’re wasting their time even coming inside. I should be able to sue New Mexico for false advertising since they call it a state and from my experience in other states I didn’t expect it to suck so bad.